Is the honeymoon over? "Make a Friend" Jingdong Live Studio has been off air for nearly half a year, and its debut last year sold 150 million yuan

Is the honeymoon over? "Make a Friend" Jingdong Live Studio has been off air for nearly half a year, and its debut last year sold 150 million yuan
11:21, May 23, 2024 Times Finance

"Make a friend" to evacuate Jingdong?

 Source: Tu Chong's creativity Source: Tu Chong's creativity

Jingdong's 6 · 18 promotion is coming, but there is no sign of "making friends" in the head studio.

The reporter of the Time Weekly found that as of May 22, "Make a Friend" had not set up a June 18 related activity in JD. On the three platforms of Tiaoyin, Taobao and WeChat video account, "Make a Friend" has launched activities related to June 18, and there are preferential activities such as red envelopes and discounts.

The reporter of the Time Weekly noticed that "Make a Friend" has been off the air for many months on the JD platform. Its last live broadcast was on December 30, 2023. The update of relevant videos and articles also ended in 2023.

On May 21, the "Make a Friend" related person told the Times that this year, the company is still in talks with JD Live, and will reopen at an appropriate time. "We are conducting in-depth cooperation negotiations with JD, hoping to open the '6 · 18' live broadcast at an appropriate time." As of press release, JD did not respond positively to the suspension of "Make a Friend".

For the reason why "Make a Friend" has not joined JD on June 18, some insiders speculate that this may be related to the change of the operation strategy of making a friend, the change adjustment of their cooperation and the allocation of platform resources.

On May 22, Yuan Shuai, the executive vice president of the Agricultural Culture and Tourism Industry Revitalization Research Institute and the organizer of the "new farmers" cultivation plan for short video and live broadcast e-commerce, said in an interview with the Times Weekly reporter that "making friends" may be in the operation strategy adjustment stage to adapt to different platform characteristics and user groups. During the adjustment period, they may choose to suspend live broadcast activities on some platforms, In order to better plan and implement the new strategy.

"On the other hand, the cooperation between 'Make a Friend' and JD may be affected by the expiration of the contract, the failure of the two parties to reach an agreement through negotiation or other commercial reasons." In Yuan Shuai's opinion, the suspension of the live broadcast activity of 'Make a Friend' in JD should be only temporary, and the direct broadcast may continue in the future.

Zhang Yi, CEO and chief analyst of iMedia Consulting, told the Times that JD and "Make a Friend" did not agree on the direction of resource allocation for the June 18 event. "When 'Make a Friend' sets up live broadcast activities on Taobao, Tiaoyin, and video numbers, it often needs to weigh the resource allocation of each platform. It will consider the user activity, turnover, and other data of the platform, and weigh whether the platform can bring returns to it."

As the only head studio with four platforms, the choice of "make friends" has signal significance. "Make a Friend", which has not joined JD 6.18 for the time being, has opened its debut on the video number of 6.18.

On April 23, "Make a Friend" was broadcast live for the first time on the video number. With regard to the deployment of video number 6 · 18, "Make a Friend" said that the video number is currently in the testing stage. While conforming to the platform marketing strategy, "Make a Friend" has also created a number of "brand special" and "traceability special" promotional activities, such as "Xiaomi special" and "Natural Hall special".

According to the official public account of "Make a Friend", during the June 18 event, the video number will also launch a live broadcast session around clothing, tea, beauty appliances and other categories and brands.

Interestingly, when "Make a Friend" was first broadcasted in JD, it was the June 18 promotion node of that year.

On May 30, 2023, JD Live and "Make a Friend" reached a strategic cooperation, and "Make a Friend" officially entered JD Live. And "Make a Friend" took the June 18 live broadcast of that year as its starting point in JD.

At 8:00 p.m. on May 31, 2023, "Make a Friend" premiered in Jingdong. Luo Yonghao appeared in the studio to bring goods with "Jingdong 20th Anniversary Commemorative Wuliangye". Two hours later, the official announced that the sales of the studio exceeded 100 million yuan. At that time, in order to create momentum, "Make Friends" put an apartment on the shelves at a discount of 6.18%.

According to the official data of JD Live, the sales of "Make a Friend" premiered in JD exceeded 150 million yuan, ranking first in the popularity list of live broadcast, and the cumulative number of visitors exceeded 17 million.

The launch of Jingdong is regarded as an important milestone by "making friends". According to the 2023 annual report released by Jiaoyiyou Holding (01450. HK), in the past year, it has completed the multi platform layout of JD, Taobao and Tiaoyin, with a total of more than 50 million fans.

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