Capital empowering industry and new quality driving development - 2024 Qingdao Venture Capital Conference is about to be held

Capital empowering industry and new quality driving development - 2024 Qingdao Venture Capital Conference is about to be held
11:13, May 23, 2024 Touzhong

This conference will gather nearly 100 guests, including famous experts and scholars, economists, leading VC/PE institutions, industrial capital partners, and outstanding entrepreneurs.

Since 2019, Qingdao Venture Capital and Venture Capital Conference has been held for five consecutive times, becoming an annual event in the field of private equity investment nationwide. The conference not only built a broad platform for Qingdao and even the whole country's "double recruitment and double introduction", but also provided strong support for financial services to the real economy, significantly improved the scale and service level of Qingdao's equity investment industry, and injected strong impetus into the high-quality economic and social development of Qingdao. The year 2024 is the key year of the 14th Five Year Plan and the critical period of writing a "new chapter of Qingdao" for Chinese style modernization. Qingdao's financial industry is taking the goal of "leading the way and opening up a new situation", comprehensively strengthening the leadership of the Party and building the Party in the financial system, taking the promotion of high-quality financial development as the theme, adhering to the fundamental purpose of financial services for the real economy, and doing a good job in the "five major articles" of finance, Provide strong financial support for building a modern socialist international metropolis in the new era. On this occasion, the "2024 · Qingdao Venture Capital Conference", sponsored by the Qingdao Municipal People's Government, organized by the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee Finance Office, Qingdao Municipal Finance Bureau, and co organized by China International Finance Corporation, Qingdao Radio and Television Station, and Shanghai Investment Information Consulting Co., Ltd., will open in Qingdao from May 28 to 29. The core theme of the conference will be "venture capital to create an era, innovation and entrepreneurship to create a future - capital enabled industries, new quality driven development", aiming to further promote capital investment and industry investment in Qingdao, accelerate the construction of "venture capital venture capital center" in Qingdao, and strengthen the brand influence of Qingdao as a "venture capital venture capital center". The conference will show Qingdao's high-quality investment and financing ecological environment and business environment to the whole industry, and inject surging momentum into the high-quality development of Qingdao's economy and society. To discuss the new direction of industry development This conference will gather nearly 100 guests, including famous experts and scholars, economists, leading VC/PE institutions, industrial capital partners, and outstanding entrepreneurs. At present, Tu Guangshao, Executive Director of the Senior School of Finance of Shanghai Jiaotong University and the former Executive Vice Mayor of Shanghai, Chen Wenling, Chief Economist of China International Economic Exchange Center, Du Pengfei, member of the Party Committee of CICC, Yang Xiaolei, CEO of CICC Information, Wu Shichun, founding partner of Meihua Venture Capital, She Libin, partner of Yuanhe Hope Growth Fund, and many others have been working in the economic, financial Influential guests in the field of venture capital and venture capital have confirmed their participation and made speeches. Let's jointly expect these industry leaders to share their profound insights and unique analysis on the trend of the equity investment industry. Diversified links to promote efficient connection between capital and industry The conference is composed of the main forum and several sub forums. The main forum will focus on the theme of the ecological construction of Qingdao venture capital and venture capital, the development of science and innovation emerging industries, and the special session of guiding funds - "2024 Qingdao Municipal Government Guiding Fund Ecological Conference", as well as the sub forums of Shinan District and West Coast New Area industries will also deeply discuss the frontier fields such as intelligent manufacturing, new energy, integrated circuits, commercial aerospace, life sciences, etc. At the same time, the conference also specially set up industry and capital investment promotion, fund cooperation project signing ceremony and high-quality project financing roadshow links to comprehensively demonstrate Qingdao's remarkable achievements and great potential in investment promotion and industrial development. In the future, with the injection of more scientific and technological enterprises and innovative resources, Qingdao is accelerating the optimization of its economic structure and high-quality development. Heavy release to accelerate high-quality capital gathering in Qingdao Under the call of the central government to promote high-quality development of the financial system, The conference will launch two key policies and an innovative initiative to inject new impetus into Qingdao's financial industry and promote sustained economic prosperity. Among them, the release of the "two major policies" - "Policies and Measures of Qingdao to Further Support the High Quality Development of the Financial Industry" and "Several Policies of Qingdao on Strengthening Financial Linkage to Support the High Quality Development of the Financial Industry to Serve the Real Economy" will provide solid policy support for the development of the financial industry and ensure that Qingdao is steadily moving forward on the road to building a strong financial city; As the pioneer in the field of venture capital and venture capital in China, Qingdao has released the Initiative for the Construction of Equity Investment Culture with Chinese Characteristics, which will lead the field of equity investment to deeply practice the financial culture concept with Chinese characteristics and become a pioneer and benchmark in the development of the industry. In addition, In order to further cultivate the brand influence of Qingdao "Venture Capital Venture Capital Center", the conference will release the "Annual White Paper of Venture Capital Venture Capital Industry (2024)" and the "Investing List · 2023 Top 20 Organizations of Qingdao Investment Partners". It is reported that the list of "Investment Winning List" released by the conference for the first time will be based on the achievements of investment institutions in setting up funds, investment projects and exiting projects in Qingdao in the past three years, show the outstanding investment partners emerging in the construction of Qingdao Venture Capital Venture Capital Center, highlight the industrial innovation opportunities of Qingdao with fruitful results, and attract more high-quality venture capital institutions to gather in Qingdao, Improve the service brand of Qingdao venture capital and venture capital, and contribute to the "building circle and strong chain" of venture capital and venture capital. The 2024 Qingdao Venture Capital Conference is about to open. On May 28-29, let's meet this island of youth to witness the deep integration of urban development and capital power, and start a brilliant journey of innovation and investment. Information of the conference is attached:

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