Datong Guide Fund Publicly Recruits GP

Announcement on Public Selection of Guiding Investment Fund Management Organization in Yunzhou Modern Agricultural Industry Demonstration Zone

In order to further promote the city's major strategy of "integrating into Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and building a bridgehead", deepen the "four major tracks", constantly deepen the all-round transformation, continue to promote the effective improvement of the economy in quality and reasonable growth in quantity, and accelerate the cultivation and growth of emerging industries with the goal of building a high-quality modern agricultural demonstration zone. Our company plans to set up a sub fund Yunzhou Modern Agricultural Industry Demonstration Zone Guidance Investment Fund with Datong Yunzhou District Park Economic Development Co., Ltd., which is now open to the public for fund recruitment and selection of fund management institutions. Specific matters are announced as follows:

1、 Fund overview

Yunzhou Modern Agricultural Industry Demonstration Zone Guiding Investment Fund is an industrial guiding fund set up in the form of limited partnership, jointly funded by Datong City to undertake the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Industrial Transfer and Transformation Development Fund and Datong Yunzhou District Park Economic Development Co., Ltd. The fund is operated in a market-oriented manner. Its registration place is required to be Yunzhou District, Datong City, with a duration of 5 years and a total scale of 100 million yuan. In order to avoid idle funds, the initial contribution is paid in accordance with the minimum paid in requirements of relevant laws and regulations. The investment direction of the fund is mainly high-quality leading enterprises such as agriculture, agricultural product processing, agricultural industrialization and integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in Yunzhou Agricultural Demonstration Zone.

2、 Application requirements of management organization

1. Registration area: the applicant should be registered in China, with a fixed business place and software and hardware facilities suitable for its business;

2. Management and operation qualification: the applicant must register the qualification of private fund management company with the China Securities Investment Fund Association for more than one year, and the registered capital of the applicant shall not be less than 10 million yuan; The applicant institution has no bad record of being punished by administrative authorities or judicial authorities;

3. Management team: the senior management and core investment personnel of the applicant should have private equity fund qualifications and have more than 3 years of equity investment or related business experience; Senior managers have no major violations in the past three years;

4. Investment ability: The applicant institution has rich experience in private equity fund management. In principle, it is required to actually manage at least 2 private equity investment funds of various types, and the cumulative fund size under management is not less than 100 million yuan. According to the background of the management company, past investment performance and team investment experience, it can be appropriately relaxed;

5. Fund raising ability: the applicant should raise funds from qualified investors as stipulated by relevant laws and regulations, and have excellent fund raising ability

6. Management mechanism: The applicant institution has a sound system and mechanism in investment management, risk control and financial management, and has established and implemented a scientific and effective incentive constraint and follow-up investment mechanism;

3、 Requirements for application materials

1. Basic materials of the applicant. Including but not limited to: copy of business license; Screenshot of registration certificate of private fund manager in China Infrastructure Association; Articles of Association of the applicant institution and relevant systems of the company's business, risk control and finance; Certificate of registration and office location; Audit report or recent financial statements of the latest year;

2. Resumes of institutional senior management team and core investors, fund practice qualification certificates, etc;

3. Proof materials of investment capacity. Including, but not limited to, past performance certificates, registration and filing certificates of the Fund Association products in the managed funds, and relevant explanatory materials of the funds; Case data of previous projects; Investment plans, reserve projects and other materials that meet the investment requirements of the sub fund, and due diligence report on the proposed investment project;

4. Proof materials of fundraising capability. Including but not limited to the raising plan of the sub fund, relevant information about the proposed investors and other materials;

5. The institution has no commitment of violating laws and disciplines;

6. The application unit must scan and send the application materials to our mailbox after affixing the official seal dtchjj@163.com The declaration and certification materials not submitted in the prescribed format and form will not be accepted.

Source: Official WeChat of Datong Financial Holding Group

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