Zhu Jiusheng, president of Vanke, reduced his salary to 1.18 million yuan last year, but has been earning ten million yuan for three consecutive years

Zhu Jiusheng, president of Vanke, reduced his salary to 1.18 million yuan last year, but has been earning ten million yuan for three consecutive years
11:15, May 23, 2024 Operator Finance Network

Operator Caijing Chen Jing/Wen

Vanke's 2023 annual report shows that the salary of all senior executives of the company has declined significantly. President Zhu Jiusheng's annual salary last year was only 1.189 million yuan. How much annual salary did he get in previous years?

After consulting Vanke's annual reports over the years, the operator Caijing found that although Zhu Jiusheng joined Vanke in 2012, his salary was not disclosed until 2018, and there was no record before, so there was no way to know his previous annual salary.

In the three years from 2018 to 2020, Zhu Jiusheng, as the president and CEO of Vanke, has maintained his annual salary at the level of 10 million.

It was 11.278 million yuan in 2018, 11.274 million yuan in 2019 and 11.23 million yuan in 2020.

But since 2021, Zhu Jiusheng's salary has been cut to 5.927 million yuan. Why is it so much less? This must be related to the operation of the company.

Vanke's 2021 annual report made a review of the decline in net profit. In 2021, affected by changes in the external environment and the company's own factors, the company's net profit attributable to the parent company dropped from 41.5 billion yuan to 22.5 billion yuan, a 46% decline. The total gross profit of development business decreased by 18.9 billion yuan year-on-year, the company's overall gross profit margin decreased by 21.8%, 7.4 percentage points year-on-year, and the investment income decreased by 6.9 billion yuan.

In this case, the management of Vanke Group voluntarily reduced their salaries. Eight directors, supervisors and senior managers, including Yu Liang, cut their salaries by half, reducing their salaries by about 24 million yuan.

In 2022, Zhu Jiusheng's salary will be 5.829 million yuan, with little change.

Until 2023, Vanke's annual report shows that Zhu Jiusheng's annual salary will fall sharply again to 1.189 million yuan.

This time, because of the sharp decline in performance and the decrease in profits, Vanke Group's management again chose to reduce salaries collectively. Last year, the directors, supervisors and senior managers who worked full-time in Vanke Group voluntarily gave up their bonuses in 2023. Zhu Jiusheng unfrozen and voluntarily received 10000 yuan before the monthly salary tax.

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