Zhou Hongyi and Maybach complete the handover: will launch the "ice bucket challenge", hoping to drive more entrepreneurs to embrace new energy

Zhou Hongyi and Maybach complete the handover: will launch the "ice bucket challenge", hoping to drive more entrepreneurs to embrace new energy
10:20, May 23, 2024 Caijing

The high-profile event of Zhou Hongyi's car sale came to an end on May 22. On the same day, Zhou Hongyi officially delivered the car to President Chu, the car buyer, and disclosed that the 9.9 million car sales funds had been received in full and would be donated to the Wang Xuan Foundation after paying taxes. Zhou Hongyi tried to "redefine second-hand cars and embrace domestic new energy" through this action. It is reported that he plans to purchase 7 domestic new energy vehicles in the future, and has selected two vehicles at present. On May 24, the glorious version of Krypton 009 will be collected. In addition, Zhou Hongyi plans to launch the "Ice Bucket Challenge", @ some of his entrepreneurial friends, to drive more people to embrace domestic new energy.

At the scene, Zhou Hongyi also responded to the voices of "whether selling cars is hype" and "whether 9.9 million yuan is worth it". He said that selling cars is not a plan. Traffic is not a plan, but a joint creation of everyone. It objectively promoted everyone to pay more attention to the domestic new energy intelligent connected vehicle, and I am also very happy. In addition, 9.9 million yuan is not worth it. It cannot be counted as a small account, but as a public welfare account, industry account, industry account, and big business account.

Auction is planning? Traffic is not planned, but created together

In response to the voice that auction is speculation and planning, Zhou Hongyi frankly analyzed his own mental journey in the whole event. He said, "At the beginning, he wanted to do some publicity for Nezha Auto". Unexpectedly, after the online car exchange solicitation, the new energy car dealers responded enthusiastically, "My first experience is that people can collect firewood quickly". Realizing that the traffic was given by everyone, Zhou Hongyi said that he also wanted to give the traffic back to everyone. "Don't be too selfish in doing anything. This time, the core is not how powerful Zhou Hongyi is, but how powerful people are.". So he will experience every new energy test car he receives, and share his riding experience with short videos and live broadcast.

In his opinion, the whole event can be summarized as a performance art, initiated by him and participated by many new energy vehicle manufacturers and second-hand car dealers. As a result, people realized that the definition of traditional luxury cars had changed and paid more attention to domestic new energy vehicles. "I think that within five years, China's new energy vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles will become the first in the domestic market, accounting for more than half (share) of the international market.".

Next, Zhou Hongyi plans to launch an "ice bucket challenge", where his entrepreneur friends will play a leading role and let more entrepreneurs pay attention to domestic new energy. President Chu, who was photographed in Maybach, also announced on the spot that he was ready to embrace new energy.

nine hundred and ninety Does Wanhua lose? Chairman Chu: Neither the head nor the impulse

Chairman Chu, the car buyer, also responded to some netizens' comments about whether 9.9 million yuan would be lost on buying a second-hand car, saying, "It's neither the top nor the impulse.". In his opinion, we should account for big debts rather than small ones.

Zhou Hongyi also agreed with this view. In his opinion, we can't simply calculate according to today's investment and tomorrow's return. It should include four accounts: public welfare account, industry account, industry account and big business account. First, this auction is a charity auction. It is worthwhile to donate as much money as you can for public welfare; Second, in the industry, 9.9 million yuan has played a role in promoting the user acceptance of the new energy intelligent online vehicle, and it is also worth it; Third, it helped the second-hand car industry rebuild its reputation of strength, credit and commitment, which is very cost-effective; Finally, we should look at big business rather than small business, which may help the second-hand car industry find a new growth curve and business model embracing new energy, which is very meaningful.

At the scene, Tian Tian, Deputy Secretary General of China Automobile Circulation Association, also shared his views. She believes that at present, China has entered the stock market of automobiles, and the second-hand automobile industry can play a good role in how to revitalize the stock market.  

It is reported that on April 18, Zhou Hongyi said on his microblog that he would sell his Maybach, give up traditional luxury cars and replace them with domestic new energy intelligent connected vehicles. In ten days, nearly 20 auto companies drove their new energy vehicles to the 360 floor. Zhou Hongyi continued to test drive, release short videos, and broadcast live to share his feelings. On April 28, the Maybach auction was held, and the final price was 9.9 million yuan. Zhou Hongyi said on the spot that he would donate all the money after deducting taxes. He believes that domestic smart new energy smart connected vehicles will redefine luxury cars, and he hopes to influence more consumers and entrepreneurs to refuel and power up domestic new energy together.

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