Chengdu Hi tech Zone Releases the Fourth List of Angel Funds

Chengdu Hi tech Zone Releases the Fourth List of Angel Funds
02:38, May 23, 2024 Media scrolling

On May 20, the reporter of Science and Technology Daily (Liu Guiyuan, an intern reporter, Liu Xia) learned that in order to speed up the cultivation of new quality productivity and build an industrial science and technology innovation center, Chengdu High tech Zone recently held the "Golden Panda" Venture Capital Day · the fourth batch of list conference of Chengdu High tech Zone Angel Mother Fund. Representatives of more than 100 angel sub funds, local active investment institutions, science and innovation enterprises, angel investors and various angel investment ecological partners attended the conference.

At this press conference, Chengdu High tech Zone released the fourth list of angel mother funds. The list focuses on seven key industries, namely microwave radio frequency, innovative drugs, new energy storage, hydrogen energy, humanoid robots, low altitude economy and electronic information, and openly solicits high-quality early institutional cooperation. The High tech Zone hopes to achieve full coverage of key industry funds through cooperation and promote the deep integration of science and technology, industry and finance.

The reporter learned that in 2022, Chengdu High tech Zone will launch an industrial fund of 300 billion yuan and an angel fund of 10 billion yuan. In 2023, 176 (secondary) sci-tech innovation enterprises in the park will obtain nearly 10 billion yuan of various equity financing.

The relevant person in charge of Chengdu High tech Zone said that at present, the park is further strengthening the construction of early policy funds, building a full life cycle fund system of "support seed angel venture capital industry investment merger", and strengthening the support of financial capital for scientific and technological innovation and transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Up to now, the scale of Chengdu Hi tech Zone's angel mother fund has exceeded 10 billion yuan, achieving full coverage of the cooperation of the top 20 early venture capital institutions in China, and becoming the largest district (county) level angel mother fund in China.

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