Hong Kong people buy the popular Sam, the local supermarket in Hong Kong is in a hurry

Hong Kong people buy the popular Sam, the local supermarket in Hong Kong is in a hurry
21:30, May 22, 2024 36 krypton

Source: 36 krypton

 Sam has formed a shock wave to the local supermarket in Hong Kong.

writing Wu Wenwu

Cover Source IC photo

Under the background of Hong Kong people buying and exploding Sam, Sam tried to tap into the e-commerce business of Hong Kong Station, which will inevitably stir up the Hong Kong supermarket industry. The Hong Kong supermarket is in urgent need now.

Hong Kong people buy popcorn

If you want to know which shopping centers are popular in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Sam must be among them. If you look closely, Hong Kong people who go shopping north are crowded with Shenzhen Sam.

Recently, when visiting Sam's Longhua Store in Shenzhen on weekends and weekdays, New Product Strategy Finance has met many Hong Kong people visiting Sam's in Shenzhen.

From these crowds of consumers who visit Sam, they carry backpacks or small mountaineering bags, wear casual clothes, sportswear, speak Hong Kong vernacular... At a glance, they can tell that they are Hong Kong people, who visit Sam with their family or friends.

On May 20, when visiting Sam in New Product Strategy Finance, we found that many Hong Kong people were shopping at the store to introduce and share Sam's products with their peers' family or friends "Amway".

The above is a microcosm of more and more Hong Kong people going north to Shenzhen for shopping in the past year or two.

In October last year, Hong Kong media estimated that the total amount of consumption of Hong Kong people going north that month was about 3.6 billion yuan, and Shenzhen became a shopping paradise for Hong Kong people.

On May Day this year, Hong Kong people went north to shop again. According to data from the Hong Kong Immigration Department, on May 1, for example, 195000 Hong Kong residents left the country that day, up 56% year on year.

According to the "Hong Kong People Going North Consumption Data Bulletin" released by Meituan at the end of April, in the first quarter of this year, the amount of related consumption transactions conducted by Hong Kong users in the mainland using Meituan and Dianping increased by 135% month on month. Shenzhen is the most popular destination and the first consumption stop.

At the end of last year, New Product Strategy Finance wrote an analysis article entitled "Hong Kong People Buying Shenzhen Sam", which also became popular.

The craze for Hong Kong people to visit Sam continues. Sam in Shenzhen is like a shopping attraction. Some tour groups have also launched Sam shopping groups to take the group to Sam in Shenzhen for shopping. Even Hong Kong bus groups have set up bus routes through to Sam.

Recently, Sam launched another blockbuster marketing strategy for Hong Kong consumers. According to the 21st Century Economic Report, "Sam crossed the Shenzhen River". Sam is going to open online business in Hong Kong. At present, it is in the internal testing stage, and individual Hong Kong customers have successfully purchased Sam's products through online orders.

It is reported that Sam has set up a Hong Kong station to provide direct mail service for Hong Kong shoppers, and the last mile of the distribution link provides two ways: self pickup and door-to-door delivery. According to market news, the threshold for free delivery at Sam's Hong Kong Station is 660 Hong Kong dollars.

Sam tested the e-commerce business of Hong Kong Station, but no official announcement has been made yet, which has aroused hot attention. Sam saw the popularity of Hong Kong people going north to Shenzhen to buy Sam, so he naturally wanted to earn more.

Hong Kong local supermarkets are in a hurry

Behind the Hong Kong people's shopping boom in Shenzhen Sam, it is a true portrayal of the shopping tide of Hong Kong people going north in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other cities in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area.

Especially on weekends or holidays, Hong Kong people go north to Shenzhen and other places for shopping, which will certainly have a significant impact on local catering and supermarkets in Hong Kong.

New Product Strategy Finance recently wrote on the B station that a Hong Kong food UP leader sent a story video about "the former Michelin two star chef went overseas to start a business", telling the entrepreneurial story of this Hong Kong young man. One of the words is very memorable.

The young shopkeeper had no choice but to complain in the video, (Hong Kong people) Going north has a great impact. Now, every holiday, Hong Kong people have a habit of going north to spend money. We have at least 30% fewer guests now. Before the epidemic, Hong Kong had Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, which was the best time for business. Now the reverse is true!

The above scene is a true portrayal of the direct and great impact of Hong Kong people's shopping consumption in the north on local businesses, especially small and medium-sized businesses.

However, behind Hong Kong people's purchase of Shenzhen Sam, there is a business group that is very anxious. That is the local supermarket in Hong Kong.

When many Hong Kong people are sent to Shenzhen Sam to buy daily necessities and online celebrity food, because Sam is a big package that can be used for a period of time, and the price of Sam's products in Shenzhen is much lower than that in Hong Kong, this must affect the business of local supermarkets in Hong Kong.

When these Hong Kong supermarkets saw the explosion of Sam's products in Shenzhen, they had to speed up the adjustment and response. According to many media reports, Li Ka shing's Top 100 Supermarkets, Huikang and other supermarkets have introduced Sam's popular online products. For example, thousand layer cake, cheese beef roll, etc.

Although these Sammy products on the local supermarket in Hong Kong are still popular with local consumers, they are still expensive on the whole. For example, the local supermarket in Hong Kong sells cheese and beef rolls for more than 100 Hong Kong dollars, while Sam only sells them for 65.9 yuan.

The Hong Kong Supermarket not only introduced Sam's popular online products, but also set up a special area for online products, such as snail noodles, rice noodles, and ramen noodles.

It can be seen that these local supermarkets in Hong Kong are actively responding to and changing the price of Hong Kong people's shopping in the north, although they do not have an advantage in terms of price.

In the view of New Product Strategy Finance, Sam is now testing the direct mail business of Hong Kong Station, which will definitely further and directly increase the impact on local supermarkets in Hong Kong.

According to Hong Kong local reports, Sam tested the e-commerce business of Hong Kong Station. When the news came out, the whole Hong Kong supermarket industry was frightened.

Li Zhaobo, an economist and honorary researcher of the Asian Pacific Business School of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said, "Sam's attack on Hong Kong" is bound to bring heavy damage to the local supermarket and online shopping platform, just like the tired retail market, "insert a knife", Hong Kong's retail operation under high costs has gone.

There is no doubt that Sam will launch e-commerce and instant delivery services in Hong Kong in the future, which is bound to have a greater impact on the local supermarket in Hong Kong. In addition, Hong Kong people's offline consumption in the north will certainly make the operators of the supermarket in Hong Kong more and more anxious.

Hong Kong needs not only Sam, but also the Hong Kong version of "Sam"

A few years ago, or seven or eight years ago, when Hong Kong was a shopping paradise, mainland people flocked to Hong Kong, which also gave birth to the purchasing industry.

Now, there are many shopping centers in the mainland, and there are more choices for eating, drinking and having fun than in Hong Kong. The key is that the price is much cheaper than in Hong Kong.

Now Hong Kong people can get to the shopping centers in Futian, Nanshan, Qianhai and Bao'an within half an hour after passing the port, whether by car or by public transport. The transportation is extremely convenient.

The price of shopping in the mainland is cheaper than that in Hong Kong, and there are more goods in large packages. Even if you drag a portable shopping cart and suitcase to the mainland on a regular basis, it is also cost-effective.

When Hong Kong people went north to consume, they also gave birth to reverse purchasing business. According to media reports, the "reverse purchasing" team in Hong Kong earns 200000 yuan a month.

More importantly, in mainland cities, such as Shenzhen, you can enjoy "God like" services for less money. After all, the service quality in many mainland cities is much higher than that in Hong Kong.

Sam has attracted many Hong Kong people to spend in the north, which has a direct impact on the local supermarket brand in Hong Kong. But from another perspective, Sam's attraction to Hong Kong people's consumption, as well as Sam's water test and the upcoming launch of e-commerce business in Hong Kong, has also injected new vitality into the local supermarket industry in Hong Kong, which will certainly accelerate the change of the local supermarket brand in Hong Kong.

In the era of traditional supermarket, Hong Kong supermarket brand Baijia also opened stores in the mainland, with good quality. However, the supermarket business is relatively traditional, especially Hong Kong supermarket business.

Over the years, the rapid development of e-commerce in the mainland has had a revolutionary impact on the traditional supermarket business. From time to time, there are many new species of supermarket business. Not to mention that the local supermarket business in Hong Kong is not easy to do, the mainland's hypermarkets and traditional supermarket business are closing.

Many topics, such as Hong Kong people buying explosive Sam and Hong Kong people going north to shop, have not only caused hot discussions in the mainland, but also in Hong Kong. The most hot topics are: Will Sam hit Hong Kong supermarkets?

There is no doubt that many Hong Kong people go north to spend money and buy Sam. The Hong Kong Supermarket must be hurt. Of course, they are also jealous and greedy. Therefore, the operators of the Hong Kong Supermarket can only follow the trend, actively respond, actively change and innovate.

Of course, it can't be said that a Sam can completely subvert or change the local supermarket in Hong Kong, at least it can give a lot of pressure.

Of course, Hong Kong Supermarket also has its own geographical attributes. For example, a person from a Hong Kong supermarket told the 21st Century Business Herald that Hong Kong restaurants will be more expensive. Sam's popular products have advantages in this respect, but there are also many kinds of daily necessities in Hong Kong. Hong Kong's daily necessities are often discounted, often at half price, which shows that: Hong Kong Supermarket also has its own advantages and will not be abandoned.

Sam tested the e-commerce business in Hong Kong, which shows that Sam is optimistic about the Hong Kong market and wants to target more Hong Kong people's wallets. In addition, there are many rumors in the market that Sam will open a store in Hong Kong, which is not impossible in the future.

In the long run, Hong Kong needs not only Sam, but also the Hong Kong Supermarket.

As the economist Li Zhaobo put it, Hong Kong has the ability to operate warehouse supermarkets, but it needs the support of developers. Otherwise, it is difficult to achieve the same scale by the retail industry itself.

I don't know when Hong Kong will have its own "Sam" in the future?

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