Commentary | Vocational high school students use AI to build doctoral theses. "Cyber jokes" are laughable and cannot be "effective"

Commentary | Vocational high school students use AI to build doctoral theses. "Cyber jokes" are laughable and cannot be "effective"
17:35, May 22, 2024 Red Star News

The Internet has traces and memories. Even if it escapes sanctions for a while, it may be hit by the "boomerang" many years later

At present, on many e-commerce and social platforms, there are ghostwriters of papers. Intermediaries post propaganda, solicit customers to negotiate prices, and writers take orders, forming a complete gray industry chain. It is reported that some intermediaries claim that "teachers write on behalf of others" and graduates consider "professional writers", but they are paper plagiarists who know how to reduce weight, or laymen who fake AI. There are even writers with vocational high education who write doctoral theses on behalf. This "cyber" joke really makes people laugh.

 ↑ A business needs to write the paper information published in the writer group, and indicate the price. Photo according to Beijing News ↑ A business needs to write the paper information published in the writer group, and indicate the price. Photo according to Beijing News

As graduation season approaches every year, the phenomenon of "gunmen ghostwriting" papers will rise. Last year, "Half Moon Talk" reported that the publicity network of "thesis package" and "one-stop service for opening and defending" can be seen everywhere, and the "word of mouth" of some intermediaries has even been passed on by word of mouth among the first class students, directly becoming "time-honored brands". Who ever thought that with the progress of the times and the development of the society, the essay writing has also had a new style: The iteration of artificial intelligence not only makes ghostwriting easier and cheaper, but also directly reduces the access threshold for ghostwriters. Maybe the "gunmen" of last year were masters and doctoral students of the same major, and this year they became "just leave it to AI" regardless of their academic qualifications.

In such a "cost reduction and efficiency increase", the changes brought by AI have indeed appeared in unexpected places.

It is self-evident that the harmfulness of paper ghostwriting. This shameless fraud not only seriously violates the principle of good faith, pollutes the rigorous and standardized academic atmosphere, tramples on the fair academic environment, discredits the academic dignity, but also challenges the law and breeds a deformed business model. The consequences of proxy writing are also quite serious. As early as 2018, the Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Strictly Investigating and Dealing with the Business and Proxy Writing of Academic Dissertations in Colleges and Universities, which required that students who participated in purchasing and writing academic dissertations should be expelled from school. Instructors who fail to perform their duties and who sell or write on behalf of their students' dissertations shall also be investigated for their dereliction of duty.

The reason for the increasingly rampant proxy writing is nothing more than "two pairs of contradictions" and "one match": first, the contradiction between the number of university enrollment and the quality of teaching. In 2023, the gross enrollment rate of higher education will reach 60.2%, which was 34.5% 10 years ago and only 17% 20 years ago. This development speed puts forward high requirements for the quality of university education, Otherwise, high-quality teaching resources will be diluted, and the phenomenon of students paddling will be serious.

The second is the contradiction between the requirements of colleges and universities for students' papers and the ability of teachers and students to control papers. Thesis has become an important indicator to assess whether students can graduate. Once students lack self-management and self-discipline, and teachers lack ability, time and energy, or because of weak sense of responsibility, they fail to fulfill the corresponding responsibility of guidance and supervision, the "temporary cramming" artificial hand becomes an easier option.

Third, the exuberant improper demand and the upgrading of gray industrial chain technology hit it off. AI's ability to collect, sort, refine and summarize information provides great convenience for entry-level academic research, and this ability may be relatively consistent with the requirements of current university graduation papers. This is an inevitable challenge to academic ethics brought by the objective stage of technological development.

Thesis is not only a "pass", but also a proof of the academic training of students. The graduation certificate obtained by skipping the intermediate link has no gold content at all. Young people who are willing to be "caught" by AI, to be threatened by "gunmen" and intermediaries, and to end their college life with fraud must understand that the Internet has traces and memories. Even if they escape sanctions for a while, they may be hit by "boomerangs" years later.

As for the network platform where the paper ghostwriting intermediary resides, it is not difficult to use technology to supervise and rectify illegal ghostwriting. In most cases, it may be "neither do nor cannot do". The rectification of colleges and universities is also essential. Recently, many colleges and universities have announced that they will introduce paper detection tools to scrutinize the behavior of AI ghostwriting papers. However, if we want to address both the symptoms and the root causes, we must also focus on daily teaching, education and soul shaping. The "greatness" of a university lies in the gathering of university students, the study of university knowledge, and the cultivation of "capital people".

Special Commentator of Red Star News Su Yuezhao

Editor Zhao Yu

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