Taobao's webpage version can finally watch the live broadcast of netizens: big screen, cool!

Taobao's webpage version is finally available for live broadcast. Netizens: big screen, cool!
14:51, May 22, 2024 Caijing

On the eve of Tmall 618, Taobao's webpage version made a new round of upgrading of the live broadcast function. In 618, consumers can watch Taobao live broadcast on PC and place orders.

After this revision, all live booths on Taobao APP have been launched on the web version. The list of live broadcast rooms is clearly arranged, and the related ranking lists can also be seen on the right.

In a single live studio, live pictures, baby pockets, and chat interactions are arranged side by side in three columns. Compared with the mobile terminal, the screen is magnified several times, and you can view the products and comments as well as watch the live screen content completely. The three columns do not interfere with each other, making full use of the large screen and horizontal screen features of the PC terminal.

In early May, Taobao announced its optimization and upgrading, and launched the biggest revision in seven years. At the same time, it re launched the early forum "Taojiang Lake", hoping to hear user feedback here as one of the bases for future improvement. According to media reports, in the past few years, the mobile Internet has gradually become the mainstream, but there are still nearly 10 million users using the web page to visit Taobao every day, of which the proportion of post 95 users is about 30%.

Kong Wu, the person in charge of Taobao's website business, said that Taobao and Taobao APP are not substitutes but complements each other, serving the goal of improving user experience together.

Taking live broadcast as an example, the demand for watching live broadcast on a large screen has always existed. "Taojiang River" has just been launched, and some users complain that the live broadcast on Taobao is not smooth. The official reply of "Taojiang River" is that the webcast is coming.

In the last two months, Taobao has been launched and optimized more than 60 functions. In addition to the live broadcast function, it has made comprehensive optimization in product experience, commodity supply, content supply and other aspects. The experience of login, search and other aspects has been significantly improved compared with the past, and it has also provided merchants with one click decoration templates. Since the announcement of the upgrade, the traffic of Taobao has steadily increased, among which the daily average user traffic of the webpage version of Taobao Live has increased by five times.

It is understood that 618 atmosphere design has been added to the home page of Taobao. Users of the web version can also participate in the official reduction, and the reduction of 50 from 300. At the same time, they can use 88VIP large coupons. The web version has enriched many products, and many businesses have carefully designed product pictures and store pages. Xiao Hu, the manager of HUPPO Amber Fragrance, recently renovated the website of the store. The store, which has just opened on Taobao for one year, hopes to use 618 to test the website and find new business growth space here in the future.

It is understood that in the future, including the live channel, Taobao will continue to revise and optimize the version according to the feedback from consumers and businesses.

Since this year, Taobao has taken frequent actions to improve the user experience, taking the lead in launching Xinjiang package mail, shortening the delivery cycle of merchants and other measures. This year, Tmall 618 cancelled the official pre-sale, and the spot sale was launched at 8:00 p.m. on May 20, and the whole price was guaranteed from payment to July 5.

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