500 million yuan of reckoning subsidy is coming! The largest Alibaba Cloud 618 innovation acceleration season was launched

500 million yuan of reckoning subsidy is coming! The largest Alibaba Cloud 618 innovation acceleration season was launched
12:11, May 22, 2024 Caijing

After Alibaba Cloud's Tongyi Qianwen main model reduced the price by 97%, Shangyun offers come one after another! On May 22, the largest investment in Alibaba Cloud 618 innovation acceleration season was fully launched. For the first time, Alibaba Cloud introduced a subsidy of 500 million yuan for accelerating cloud computing. The new relocation of enterprise IT business to Alibaba Cloud can reduce huge costs, and the subsidy is not capped. At the same time, Alibaba Cloud has prepared full and reduced coupons. All users can log on to Alibaba Cloud's official website to receive them. Full and reduced coupons can be used to enjoy more than 200 popular products with a discount on top. The same applies to AI computing power and AI products such as GPU ECS.

 Screenshot of AliCloud official website Screenshot of AliCloud official website

After discount of popular products, you can add more and reduce coupons, and add AI top products to enjoy the same discount

Three months ago, the official website of more than 100 core products of Alibaba Cloud dropped the floor price by 20%. This 618 event continued the discount of major popular products and added dozens of new discount products such as computing, database, network and shadowless cloud computers.

At the same time, new and old users can also log on to Alibaba Cloud's official website to get full and reduced coupons. The full and reduced coupons will take effect from 0:00 on June 3. Users can use the existing discounts of the product together, and enjoy the discount plus discount.

Following the 97% price reduction of Tongyi Qianwen's GPT-4 main model, Alibaba Cloud's AI computing power and AI series products also participated in the 618 full load reduction activity for the first time, including GPU cloud servers, Bailian platform, large model training and reasoning services, functional computing FC, NLP basic services, character recognition, multilingual recognition and other popular AI products and solutions.

There is no ceiling on the subsidy of computing power, and the cloud ambassador rewards a new upgrade

In order to better support enterprise cloud innovation and accelerate the landing of AI applications, Alibaba Cloud set a subsidy of 500 million yuan for the first time in this 618 event to accelerate cloud computing. Enterprises can now apply on Alibaba Cloud's official website. For non AliCloud IT business expenditures, enterprises only need to provide recent bills and other relevant materials, and new AliCloud users can enjoy subsidies without capping.

Pan Liwei, general manager of Alibaba Cloud's SME Business Department, said: "Through this campaign, we hope that a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially those just starting up, can use leading public cloud services like large enterprises at affordable prices, so that cloud computing can help them achieve product and business innovation faster and better." According to the data, In the past decade, Alibaba Cloud has reduced the cost of computing by 80%, and storage costs by nearly 90%.

In addition, the "Cloud Ambassador" project, as a cloud computing evangelist, also ushered in a new upgrade. Invite friends to Alibaba Cloud and you can get up to 45% of the reward for returning commission, and you can get up to 500000 yuan of cash incentives for participating in various activities of Cloud Ambassador.

It is understood that Alibaba Cloud has implemented a number of inclusive computing plans: the "Entrepreneur Plan" provides up to 1 million yuan of cloud credit for start-ups, and has supported nearly 15000 start-ups to innovate on the cloud; The "free trial plan" provides more than 150 cloud products for users to experience for free, starting the journey to the cloud; The "99 Plan" provides Alibaba Cloud products with ultra-high cost performance for the society. ECS is as low as 99 yuan/year, and has become the most popular cloud server among developers and SMEs.

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