From security to data integration, wing payment opens a new way for digital

From security to data integration, wing payment opens a new way for digital
10:27, May 22, 2024 C114 communication network

The "2024 China Brand Marketing International Summit Forum" held by the China Advertisers Association has recently been grandly opened in Shanghai International Media Port. On the forum, the China Advertisers Association released the 2024 China Brand Development Strength Index Report, which shows that China Telecom Wing Payment ranks third among third-party payment enterprises with its outstanding performance in the mobile payment field. With technology as the background, WinPay gives full play to the business advantages of the platform link scenario, "exercises" in the actual product service, constantly increases the technical investment in big data R&D and application, continues to strengthen brand power, uses digital technology to drive operational improvement, and opens up a new digital way.

Escort financial risk control security

With the deep integration of digital economy and new network communication technology, financial business has become increasingly complex. To this end, WinPay is committed to building a strong financial security defense line with digital technology capabilities.

WinPay applies AI, big data, blockchain and other digital technologies to the specific practice of financial security, and launches a number of financial security prevention and control products. In the blockchain field, WinPay is a basic platform for data integration based on blockchain, secure multi-party computing, distributed modeling and other technologies. It creatively integrates the two self-developed technology systems of blockchain and privacy computing, and provides a credible and secure solution for the "availability and invisibility" of data in the circulation process.

In the field of anti fraud, WinPay is based on the "financial anti fraud platform" developed by key technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and biometrics to provide full process intelligent risk monitoring for financial scenarios such as online payment, realize millisecond real-time calculation of hundreds of millions of levels of massive behavioral data, build a hundred million level trusted environment, and improve the accuracy of early warning by more than 20%.

Service upgrade lights up user life

In recent years, the penetration rate of the payment industry in serving the real economy and people's livelihood needs has increased year by year, which has become one of the characteristic highlights and important signs of financial services in China. As a member of the financial ecosystem, WinPay is committed to comprehensively enabling users' daily life from financial services, transportation, e-commerce shopping, convenient life and other aspects, and building a new pattern of Internet financial ecology in the 5G era.

Starting from mobile payment, WinPay gives full play to the advantages of "flow+technology+operation", and makes more consumers feel the charm of new digital consumption in the form of regular preferential activities, consumption voucher issuance, live broadcast with goods, etc. By working with 52 central enterprises such as COFCO Group, China Resources Group, China Tourism Group, etc., WinPay opens up business scenarios and comprehensively upgrades product and consumer rights and interests, Meet the diversified quality life needs of users.

Taking the payment needs of users in terms of travel as an example, WinPay uses blockchain, cloud computing, big data, mobile payment and other Internet technologies to help more than 100 cities realize the interconnection of two-dimensional codes of rail transit. For example, users can pay for communications, water, coal and electricity, and other livelihood services through WinPay APP.

Scientific and technological innovation helps industry digitalization

While focusing on improving the convenience of mobile payment, China Telecom WinPay relies on China Telecom's achievements in digital rural infrastructure construction to provide digital solutions for rural areas, constantly promote the industrialization and branding of local agricultural products, promote rural digital transformation, and contribute to rural revitalization. For example, in Yingshan County, Hubei Province, Yipay has opened up online sales channels for Yingshan Yunwu Tea by cooperating with Hubei Telecom to build a smart tea garden and online marketing and a series of digital means, helping the "Cloud Selenium Expo" to go out of the mountain; In Anhui Province, Yipay has launched e-commerce to help farmers, and has successively created popular products such as Yangjiao Yunqing Tea and Taihu Sesame Sugar, effectively improving the popularity and influence of local agricultural and sideline products; In Ningxia, the bottles of Ningxia wine sold by Yipay Mall are pasted with a two-dimensional code for traceability. Scanning the two-dimensional code will not only display the traceability information such as the wine planting place and inspection data, but also watch the live video of the grape planting and production park

At present, WinPay has achieved initial success in terms of scale, with more than 540 million registered users and 35 million monthly live users. Future wing payment will give full play to the resource advantages of central enterprises, continue to explore new scenarios and new technologies based on its own business service chain, and continue to innovate and optimize payment products and services.

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