Policy deployment speeds up the implementation of manufacturing transformation and "number" run

Policy deployment speeds up the implementation of manufacturing transformation and "number" run
08:22, May 22, 2024 Economic Information Daily

In order to accelerate the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, the central and local governments have recently accelerated the implementation of policy deployment, promoted the research of core technologies and the promotion and application of achievements, excavated typical scenarios by industries and fields, increased support for the digital transformation of SMEs, and guided the convergence of various innovative resources such as technology, capital, and talents to SMEs.

The window was bright and clean, hundreds of warp knitting equipment were running fast, and only a few workers were checking the operation of the equipment at the scene... In the weaving workshop of Huayu Zhengying Group in Jinjiang, Fujian, the white yarn turned into cloth and was transported out in a twinkling of an eye. More than 10 cameras above the warp knitting equipment monitor the production process in real time.

"Through the intelligent cloth finding system, customers can find the products they need in one second out of more than 30000 fabric styles, which is the effect of digitalization." Su Chengyu, executive president of Huayu Zhengying Group, said that since digital production, all production links in the workshop have been connected by large data, and the product development cycle has been reduced from an average of 30 days to 15 days, The defective rate of products was reduced from 25% to 5%.

With the rapid development of 5G, artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies, manufacturing enterprises are accelerating digital transformation and intelligent transformation. According to the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China has implemented the pilot demonstration action of intelligent manufacturing for three consecutive years, cultivated 421 national demonstration factories, more than 10000 provincial digital workshops and intelligent factories, and applied artificial intelligence, digital twins and other technologies in more than 90% of the demonstration factories. The scale of intelligent manufacturing equipment industry has reached more than 3.2 trillion yuan.

However, industry experts also said that there are still technical difficulties, supply and demand deviation and other difficulties to be overcome in promoting the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry. It is necessary to further overcome the weak links of key core technologies and provide differentiated and specialized path guidance for different industry scenarios.

It is noteworthy that relevant policy measures will be further strengthened. The recently held executive meeting of the State Council deliberated and adopted the Action Plan for Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Industry. The meeting specified the specific requirements of "mining typical scenarios by industries and fields according to the diversified and personalized needs of the manufacturing industry", "speeding up the research of core technologies and the promotion and application of achievements, and doing a good job in equipment networking, protocol mutual recognition, standard formulation, platform construction, etc.".

At the same time, from planning and laying out major scientific and technological innovation projects in the field of intelligent manufacturing to strengthening key chains such as core components, key electronic materials and terminal manufacturing; From deeply promoting the construction of smart factories and smart supply chains to creating "small, fast, light and accurate" digital products and solutions, ministries, commissions and local governments are actively deploying and promoting the digital and intelligent transformation, quality improvement and expansion of the manufacturing industry.

"We will carry out the special action of AI enabling new industrialization for key industries with great impact on the national economy, strong driving force and good digital foundation, strengthen the connection between supply and demand, standard promotion, application and promotion, accelerate the intelligent upgrading of key industries, and improve the intelligent level of key products and equipment such as high-end equipment, key software, intelligent terminals." The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said a few days ago.

In addition, relevant measures are also targeted at different industry scenarios. For example, Jiangxi will implement "one chain, one scene" by category, and promote "chain" digital transformation for industries with high dependence on upstream and downstream, such as electronic information, nonferrous metals, equipment manufacturing, etc; Anhui will focus on key industries such as electronic information, automobiles, home appliances, and building materials, and encourage industrial enterprises to use 5G and other new networks to implement internal and external network transformation.

Song Yingchang, deputy director of the Institute of Informatization and Software Industry of China Electronics Information Industry Development Research Institute, believes that the digital transformation of China's manufacturing industry is entering a critical stage of going deep into reality. The central and local governments have jointly issued a series of policies, which will build a policy system and accelerate industrial practice and technological innovation. At the same time, it also promotes key industries such as raw materials, equipment manufacturing, consumer goods, and electronic information, systematically combs the transformation needs, pain points, difficulties, and typical scenarios of various industries, and provides differentiated and specialized path guidance for digital transformation of various industries.

Small and medium-sized enterprises are the key and difficult points of digital transformation due to their large number and wide range. According to the Research Report on Digital Transformation of Small and Medium sized Enterprises (2024) released by the China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute, the questionnaire survey shows that more than half of small and medium-sized enterprises believe that insufficient funds is an important problem in digital transformation, and more than 60% of small and medium-sized enterprises reflect the lack of digital talents.

In the face of weak technology and limited funds and talents of SMEs, a series of policy "service packages" have been launched.

Recently, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched the pilot work of small and medium-sized enterprises' digital transformation cities in 2024. This year, about 35 cities will be selected to carry out the pilot work, accelerate the creation of a number of digital transformation "beacon" enterprises, and cultivate a number of high-quality digital service providers. In addition, Guangxi has recently issued supporting incentive funds for pilot cities of digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and Guangdong, Chongqing and other places have taken multiple measures to strengthen the training of digital skilled talents.

Song Yingchang believes that with the continuous promotion of the special action of SMEs' digital empowerment, the supply system of small, fast, lightweight and accurate digital solutions will continue to improve, and the increased investment of capital, talent and other resources will effectively reduce the cost and difficulty of SMEs' transformation, and achieve the scale transformation effect of "trial and drive".

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