618 is around the corner, but Dong Yuhui's young brother has slipped off the list

618 is around the corner, but Dong Yuhui's young brother has slipped off the list
08:05, May 22, 2024 36 krypton

Source: 36 krypton

 They are fading out of the studio.

writing Xue Yaping

edit Tan Xiaohan

Source | Box lunch Finance (ID: daxiongfan

Cover Source Pexels

As the vanguard of 618 promotion, the big anchor is an important chip in the platform 618 war.

Li Jiaqi prepared 618 early and sent 300 million red packets in the live broadcast room; Simba, who was quick to denounce, apologized on the eve of 618, and the account was finally unsealed; Jingdong also invited Zhou Hongyi to bring goods live. Just as other big anchors are preparing for a big fight, he But we all took a step back: Brother Xiao Yang was busy shooting short plays, while Dong Yuhui was busy participating in activities and doing live broadcast of cultural tourism.

According to the live broadcast forecast released by Yohui, Dong Yuhui will only appear for four days during the period from May 20 to May 26, with a total of seven hours of live broadcast. Little Yang has been broadcasting live for three days since May, with a total of 14 hours, and GMV has exceeded 200 million yuan. Before that, the number of live broadcasts of Little Yang has indeed gradually decreased. There are many rumors of "Little Yang changing his career" in the market, and the intermittent return to the live broadcast room may also be to stabilize the traffic and fan stickiness of the live broadcast room.

 Source: Screenshot of social software Source: Screenshot of social software

On the eve of 618, they took a step back in advance.

According to the list of goods carried by Douyin in April released by Bianniushi through integrating the data of Three Eye Inspection, after falling out of the top 20 in February and March, Crazy Little Yang once again failed to be in the top 20. Dong Yuhui also fell to the ninth place after breaking into the top three of the audio tape list for three consecutive months.

 Source: Screenshot of social software Source: Screenshot of social software

It is not difficult to explain that Crazy Young Brother fell out of the list. In April, Young Brother only broadcast live for three days. Among them, on April 27, the live broadcast lasted for 5 hours, with goods exceeding 100 million yuan; On April 29, the live broadcast lasted about 40 minutes, without goods; On April 30, the live broadcast lasted for one and a half hours, carrying 500000 to 700000 goods.

As for the reason why Dong Yuhui dropped from the first three to the ninth, one view is that this has something to do with Dong Yuhui's launch of Henan mobile broadcasting in late April.

This may not be the case. According to the third party data platform Feigua data, from April 25 to April 29, that is, five days of travel in Henan, the cumulative sales of the live broadcast rooms of the same industry of Yuhui at least exceeded 130 million yuan, and the daily average sales were 25 million to 50 million yuan. From April 1 to April 24, the average daily sales of Yuhui peer group was 7.5 million to 10 million yuan. Obviously, "Henan Branch" has contributed a lot of GMV to the live broadcast room of Yuhui.

In fact, it has something to do with the decline of GMV in April in Huitong's live broadcast room and Dong Yuhui's fading out of the live broadcast room.

According to the previous shift arrangement with Hui, Dong Yuhui will appear in the live broadcast room at 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm. However, in April, Dong Yuhui did not show up in the broadcast room for at least 12 days, except for the days when the broadcast room was closed. This situation seems to have become a rule. As of May 20, Dong Yuhui only appeared in the live broadcast room for six days in May.

 Source: Screenshot of social software Source: Screenshot of social software

Behind the drop out of the list is that these two big anchors who once competed for them are fading out of the live broadcast room.

The big anchor has limited time and energy. Even Dong Yuhui, the ceiling of the knowledge anchor, was once questioned about the poor quality of his explanation. After all, he is no longer just the anchor in front of the camera, but also the head of the team of Yuhui peers; Brother Yang not only needs to perform in front of the camera, but also needs to manage an enterprise with nearly 1000 people. Even if the big anchors often appear in the live broadcast room, when their energy is limited, it is sooner or later that the GMV scale in the live broadcast room encounters the ceiling. Instead, it is better to explore other businesses with greater growth space.

The deeper reason is that the live broadcast e-commerce industry has been developing for many years, and has bid farewell to exponential growth and entered a stable development period. According to iResearch, the overall scale of China's live broadcast e-commerce industry will reach 4.9 trillion yuan in 2023, up 35.2% year on year. It is estimated that the compound annual growth rate of China's live broadcast e-commerce will be 18% from 2024 to 2026. At this stage, it is better to develop multiple lines simultaneously than single line growth.

In this case, it is inevitable for the head anchor to seek transformation. Brother Xiao Yang follows the wind to shoot a short play, and Dong Yuhui annotates the live broadcast of Wenlv.

The reason why they can temporarily put down the live broadcast room to seek transformation is that their account has a fan base. When Dong Yuhui did not appear in the live broadcast room, although the sales and traffic of the live broadcast room declined, he at least remained at the top of the list. While Brother Yang disappeared from the list, Brother Yang's apprentice seven bosses broke into the top 20 of the list for two consecutive months.

Of course, the big anchors will not completely fade out of the live broadcast room. For the sake of fans' stickiness, they cannot completely leave the live broadcast room.

Compared with January to March, the heat and GMV of Yuhui peer in April and May did decline.

In terms of traffic, in March, 360 million people poured into the live broadcast rooms of the same industry of Yohui. In April, the number dropped to 312 million, while in the half of May, the number was less than 100 million.

From the perspective of GMV, in January this year, Dong Yuhui won the first place in the monthly list of audio tape goods with 921 million yuan in 22 days of live broadcast, and on February 16, the sales reached 410 million yuan; In March, the decline in popularity of Yohui's peers has appeared. In that month, although its live broadcast room ranked first in the monthly list of audio tape goods, its sales dropped to 600 million yuan.

The decline in popularity and GMV is largely related to Dong Yuhui's absence from the live broadcast room.

From April 12 to 14, Dong Yuhui did not appear in the live broadcast room for three consecutive days. The maximum number of people online in the live broadcast room of the same industry with Yuhui did not exceed 50000, the cumulative number of viewers was 16 million, and the average daily sales were 7.5 million to 10 million yuan. Similarly, from April 18 to April 21, Dong Yuhui did not appear in the live broadcast room, the maximum number of online people did not exceed 50000, and the average daily sales were 7.5 million to 10 million yuan.

In contrast, on the evening of April 7, Dong Yuhui broadcast live for two hours. The popularity peak of the broadcast room reached 250000, the cumulative number of viewers exceeded 11 million, and the sales volume was 10 million - 25 million yuan.

 Source: Screenshot of social software Source: Screenshot of social software

Obviously, whether Dong Yuhui appears in the live broadcast room has a considerable impact on the popularity and sales of Yuhui peers.

In fact, they have already begun to retreat.

Brother Xiao Yang has already expressed his attitude. Last year, when Brother Yang's apprentice "the yellow of the traffic light" caused a dispute because of carrying YSL beauty products, there was also a discussion about his vulgar carrying of goods. Brother Yang asked the apprentice in the live broadcast room, "If I announce the withdrawal, will you support me?"

At the beginning of March this year, when Crazy Little Yang talked about the plan of three sheep in 2024 in the live broadcast room, he also mentioned that this year will reduce the number of live broadcast with freight yards, and there will be more live entertainment shows, such as focusing on syllables, concerts, film and television projects. If there is a special event, consider giving the account used by your fans directly to the apprentice.

 Source: Douyin @ Three Sheep Theater Source: Douyin @ Three Sheep Theater

Dong Yuhui was unwilling to be a "salesman" from the very beginning. After the small composition incident last year, Dong Yuhui once said to Yu Minhong,

He is lazy and likes to be artful. When he sells goods, he has a headache and a cough. "I can't take advantage of everyone's love and care for me, and then turn myself into a sales champion to gain more benefits."

Yu Minhong responded by saying, "I don't want Yuhui to sell things there every day. I think his contribution to the company is a cultural contribution, a contribution to values, and a contribution to the development of oriental philosophy." Shortly afterwards, Dong Yuhui said in an exclusive interview with China Daily, "Actually, I still don't like selling goods".

In March of this year, Dong Yuhui also said when talking about the planning of going with Huihe that it would take 1/3 of the time to carry agricultural products, 1/3 of the time to lead everyone out to enjoy the mountains and rivers of the motherland, and the rest of the time to do literature, film related things, interviews with celebrities and entrepreneurs.

The public opinion pressure from the outside world is the common trouble that Dong Yuhui and Xiao Yang are facing.

Since his popularity, Dong Yuhui has faced various disputes. According to the statistics of a third-party organization, Dong Yuhui has made 223 hot searches in 2023 alone. After the small composition disturbance, the situation is even worse. In the first two months of 2024, Dong Yuhui has made 80 popular searches. Finally, at the end of February this year, Dong Yuhui cleared his microblog in anger after he was questioned for "irresponsibility" and "discrimination against women" because he refused to speak about underwear. Dong Yuhui called his behavior "anger of a man", "nothing can be changed, but I just want to do it."

Dong Yuhui, who quit microblog, still cannot avoid being subjected to the trial of encirclement and suppression by microblog users. Since March this year, Dong Yuhui has been listed on microblog hot search for many times, such as Hubei travel has a big show, the quality of explanation is too poor, the live broadcast of the museum has delayed tourists' visit, and speaking English with Huo Qigang has been questioned too much.

Dong Yuhui once mentioned that he was afraid at the sight of hot search, "endless, strange hot search, afraid, really afraid."

Brother Xiao Yang is also scared. In December last year, Yang said when talking about the studio becoming more and more boring, "There are too many people staring at me. If I play the same game again, I will have no more. If the studio still plays like that, it will be a long time ago."

Not long ago, Brother Yang was the first in the hot search because he was questioned about the "outrageous price" of the electric syllable he hosted. Some netizens complained that at the event site, a glass of pure water sold for 20 yuan, while Red Bull and Pulsatile sold for 28 yuan and 30 yuan respectively.

Brother Xiao Yang came forward to explain that all food and drinks on the spot were clearly priced and there was no fraud. The price of a bottle of water is 10 yuan, which is the lowest price of all previous electronic syllables. According to the surging news report, the staff of Wuhan Tieshu Culture Media Co., Ltd., one of the sponsors, also said that the sales prices of on-site items were open and checked by the Market Supervision Administration.

Of course, the reason why Dong Yuhui and Xiao Yang reduced the number of live broadcast goods is not limited to this. The risks and challenges faced by live broadcast goods are getting higher and higher. In the last five years, the scale of live delivery in China has increased by 10.5 times, but the number of complaints has increased by 47.1 times. On this year's Consumer Rights Day, Dong Yuhui and Xiao Yang both fell into a storm of public opinion because of the alleged problems with the meat products they sold.

The Public Opinion Analysis Report on the Protection of the Rights of the Live Video with Goods Consumption (2023) also shows that Crazy Young Brother Yang's protection of the rights of the live video with goods consumption [Download Black Cat Complaint Client] The proportion is second only to Li Jiaqi, up to 31.3%, of which false propaganda and uncivilized carrying of goods are prominent; Dong Yuhui ranked sixth with 4.4%.

 Source: Screenshot of social software chart Source: social contact Software screenshot

The public statement that entrepreneurs retreat from the second tier to do the backstage is to focus more on corporate strategy, while the big anchor retreats from the backstage is to spend more time on corporate management and seek new development routes.

As the legal representative and person in charge of the company, Dong Yuhui has to focus more on the operation and management of the company. He once said in the live broadcast room that "when you open your eyes, it is the rent and the salary of so many people".

Some time ago, when Dong Yuhui was questioned about the poor quality of explanations, he also said frankly, "Now the energy is greatly dispersed. Maybe our company must have such a period of time when it is going to be on the right track quickly at the beginning. Please allow me a period of time. Of course, I will try my best to reduce some of them and leave more time for myself to prepare. But after the company is relatively on the right track, I may be more relaxed."

Dong Yuhui is only responsible for a team of dozens of people, while Xiao Yang needs to be responsible for a large enterprise with nearly 1000 people. According to New Fortune, Xiao Yang has 54 enterprises under his name, with a total registered capital of 330 million yuan, of which more than 40 are holding companies, whose business involves all aspects of live broadcast e-commerce, such as online celebrity brokerage, content distribution, supply chain management, etc.

When Brother Xiao Yang disappeared into the broadcast room, the five disciples started the fight. For example, the seven bosses who broke into the top 20 of the list of goods with customers for two consecutive months only have more than six million fans in Diaoyin. Last November, the sales of goods with customers of seven bosses exceeded 100 million yuan, becoming the first anchor among the disciples of Xiao Yang who broke the 100 million yuan mark; Brother Zui, an apprentice, also had a monthly sales volume of more than 50 million yuan. In addition to the family live broadcast room brought by the apprentice, Brother Yang has incubated a matrix live broadcast room with sales of more than 10 million yuan for at least 4 months in Diaoyin.

Not only Dong Yuhui and Little Yang, but also Li Jiaqi's live broadcast duration is gradually decreasing. A year ago, Li Jiaqi's live broadcast duration was reduced from 5 to 6 hours to 3 to 4 hours, and the rest of the time was introduced by the broadcast assistant. Since this year, the duration of Li Jiaqi's live broadcast has been further reduced. For example, from April 25 to May 5, Li Jiaqi's personal live broadcast rooms were broadcast live by the broadcast assistant, and Li Jiaqi disappeared from the live broadcast room for 10 days.

But even though Li Jiaqi disappeared in the live broadcast room, the view of the live broadcast room can reach more than ten million; The live broadcast rooms of "All Girls" and "All Girls' Wardrobes", which are broadcast by other anchors, can also stabilize at about 2 million and 5 million views.

The deeper reason why the big anchor left the live broadcast room is that the live broadcast industry has entered a slow development track and needs to open up new businesses.

Brother Xiao Yang takes aim at the short play. In February, after falling out of the top 20 in the list of goods with goods, Young Brother replied in the live broadcast room that he was concentrating on filming films and TV programs. In April this year, the Three Sheep Group opened its account "Three Sheep Theater" in Douyin. At present, there are 43000 fans. The introduction is that the home-made boutique short plays will be updated in succession, and it announced that the first short play, "Master Fu, Your Bride in Lieu is the Big Brother", was officially shot.

Young brother Yang has a group photo with Stephen Chow in the top video of his Diaoyin account, with more than 14 million likes. Brother Xiao Yang also publicly said that he dreamed of becoming a comedian and wanted to make a comedy movie of Stephen Chow.

Dong Yuhui also looks for new ways for the growth and realization of the live broadcast room. In April this year, Dong Yuhui's live broadcast room won advertising sponsorship for the first time. Jihu Auto and OPPO mobile phones became the exclusive cars and mobile phones for the program of "Reading Mountains and Rivers with Hui".

At present, there are also three columns in the live broadcast form incubated by the live broadcast room of Yuhui Tongxing. In addition to the "love life" for daily live broadcast with goods, there is also the "reading mountains and rivers" for the live broadcast of culture and tourism, and the "breaking thousands of volumes" for guest interviews and reading sessions. Obviously, there is more business space to explore in the live broadcast room of Yuhui Tongxing.

They have reasons to go out of the live broadcast room, retire from the Jianghu or transform, but the reality is not so easy.

The current Young Brother is the benchmark anchor being cultivated in Hefei and the traffic signboard for the development of local e-commerce industry in Hefei. Hefei's e-commerce layout around Young Brother has also started. Crazy Young Brother Yang has been on duty for the live broadcast of key enterprises in Hefei for two consecutive years. Brother Yang has also had some influence on the introduction of MCN institutions in Hefei. China Entrepreneur reported that the famous game MCN institution, Elephant and Goose, will settle down in Hefei High tech Zone in 2023, which is related to the influence of Brother Yang Crazy.

 Source: Screenshot of social software Source: Screenshot of social software

Dong Yuhui is also like this. He once said in the live broadcast room that the colleague of Yuhui should have enough money to pay employees' salaries, plus the cost of daily normal operation, which is maintained by selling goods.

And Dongfang Selection, even Tiao Yin, needs a head anchor like Dong Yuhui. On March 13 this year, Dong Yuhui revealed in the live broadcast room that Douyin had put forward a lot of development ideas and expectations to its peers, especially the hope that it would develop faster. "The requirements of Douyin are too high, and there is a gap between the expectations of its peers and Douyin."

Before the 79 yuan eyebrow pencil incident, Li Jiaqi said to the camera in the live broadcast room, "I don't have to work anymore" "Really, I have a headache to death every day, and I sit here every day". Li Jiaqi's voice was hoarse and very tired. However, although Wang Wang and other anchors have gained popularity, they cannot replace Li Jiaqi.

Luo Yonghao brought goods live at the beginning to repay debts. After the debt repayment, Luo Yonghao chose to start his own business again. However, despite the announcement of withdrawal from the network, Luo Yonghao had to rebroadcast many times to carry the banner of making friends in the face of the pressure of making friends and the decline of traffic.

The flow of live broadcast e-commerce is so large that the anchor wants to withdraw but cannot. Not only the audience who fell into consumerism in front of the live broadcast room, but also the big anchor who was illuminated by the spotlight in the live broadcast room were threatened by the live broadcast e-commerce.

reference material:

"Escape from the live broadcast and bring goods, Brother Xiao Yang changes careers" Yan Caijing

Dong Yuhui Responds to the Poor Quality of Present Explanations Caijing. com

Crazy Young Brother, Made in Hefei Chinese entrepreneur

"It's not easy to carry goods on live broadcast? Li Jiaqi, Dong Yuhui and others are named, Simba and Xiao Yang intend to become invisible" China Business Daily

The "Crazy Young Brother" hosted the electronic syllable, which was questioned. Why is the water so expensive for the music festival

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