Fully implement three major grain crops and two agricultural insurance policies

Fully implement three major grain crops and two agricultural insurance policies
02:43, May 22, 2024 Media scrolling

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, May 21 (Reporter Liu Yin) On the 21st, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the General Administration of Financial Supervision issued the Notice on Fully Implementing the Three Major Grain Crop Full Cost Insurance and Planting Income Insurance Policies Nationwide (hereinafter referred to as the Notice). From this year, rice, wheat Full cost insurance and planting income insurance policies for the three major grain crops of corn.

The Notice clearly stated that we should adhere to the principle of autonomy and voluntariness, focus on benefiting farmers, reflect high quality and efficiency, strengthen compliance management, and encourage innovation and empowerment. Encourage all regions to explore and develop innovative agricultural insurance products that meet the needs of farmers, carry out agricultural insurance innovation pilot projects, and promote the organic integration of agricultural insurance with other rural financial instruments, policies to support agriculture and benefit farmers, and disaster prevention and mitigation measures. At the same time, we will improve the digital and online level of agricultural insurance, consolidate the policy level big data management foundation, and constantly improve the accuracy, precision and reliability of agricultural insurance management.

As for the subsidy scheme, the Notice mentioned that the full cost insurance is the agricultural insurance covering the total costs of agricultural production such as materialized costs, land costs and labor costs; The planting income insurance is an agricultural insurance whose insurance amount reflects the price and output of agricultural products, and the guarantee level covers the planting income of relevant agricultural products. The objects of insurance protection include all farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations such as appropriately scaled farmers and small farmers.

It is worth noting that the proportion of premium subsidy for full cost insurance and planting income insurance of the three major grain crops is 45% for central and western regions and northeast regions, and 35% for eastern regions on the basis that the provincial financial premium subsidy is no less than 25%. On the basis that the relevant central unit bears no less than 10% of the premium, the central finance will subsidize the premium of the relevant central unit according to the subsidy proportion of the place where the planting business is located.

The Notice also pointed out that the insurance liability of full cost insurance should cover major local natural disasters, major pests, rodents, accidents, wildlife damage and other risks; The insurance liability of planting income insurance shall cover the income loss caused by the fluctuation of agricultural product price and output. The insurance rate shall be determined according to the principle of capital protection and meager profit, and the underwriting agency shall ensure that the comprehensive expense rate of agricultural insurance is not higher than 20%.

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