Will real estate boom

20:36:39, May 21, 2024

Both countries and individuals need to comply with the basic rules of the market. For example, when housing prices soared a few years ago, the state promptly cooled down. As we have seen in the market in recent years, the basic logic of housing prices has been the relationship between supply and demand. There are many ways to curb demand, such as raising the interest rate of housing loans, restricting purchase policies, and increasing the proportion of down payments. These administrative measures have basically grasped the lifeblood of market mania. Of course, The country also has financial strategies, laws and regulations.

In the twinkling of an eye, until 2024, the real estate will officially bottomed out and stabilized last year. Now that the risk has been released, it will enter a new round of growth cycle of real estate. Whether it will explode or not, there is no need to guess. This is a fact, and it is over.

Now the policy is to cut interest rates and reserve requirements, lower mortgage interest rates, liberalize purchase restrictions and other measures. Do you think house prices will rise or fall. However, I do not suggest that we should continue to invest in real estate. The real estate turnover is too painful and troublesome. Pure investment is not as convenient as buying some real estate stocks, and it is also easy to realize. Of course, you need to make a decision according to your actual situation.

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