Chengdu, a "slow" primary school, attracts parents and children in Shanghai and Beijing to "live deep" in Longquan Mountain

Chengdu, a "slow" primary school, attracts parents and children in Shanghai and Beijing to "live deep" in Longquan Mountain
14:50, May 21, 2024 Red Star News

"There are a group of teachers who are passionate about education and love children. They are exploring how to convey the true, good and beautiful quality of natural education through details and through courses." In an article on the official WeChat of Hansheng Dongli Primary School in Longquanyi District, Chengdu, the school "introduced itself" like this.

What kind of primary school is this, and what is "natural education"? Starting from Longquan Post Station of Chengdu Metro Line 2, you can drive more than 20 minutes to reach the school on Longquan Mountain.

When all the children in the village went down to the city to study, Some parents from Shanghai, Beijing, Wuxi and other places brought their children from the city to Longquan Mountain, and gave their children to this "school in the mountains", so that they could feel the four seasons in the mountains and gain confidence in "being able to feed themselves" In the words of a parent, it is to practice a new education of "slow work and meticulous work".

 ▲ Hansheng Dongli Primary School in Longquanyi District, Chengdu, on the lush Longquan Mountain Hansheng Dongli Primary School in Longquanyi District, Chengdu, on the lush Longquan Mountain

Primary schools on Longquan Mountain, one class per grade

"It is important for them to experience the wind and the birds."

It takes more than 20 minutes to drive up the mountain from the urban area of Longquanyi, Chengdu to Hansheng Dongli Primary School (hereinafter referred to as "Dongli Primary School") in Longquanyi District.

Climb over the mountain and go from the other side of the mountain Walking down the side, the mountain naturally becomes the natural division between the city and the countryside. At night, there is almost no city fireworks here. In the open mountains, there are only frogs and insects chirping.

This season, wild flowers on the mountain are blooming, and colorful flowers are picked from the mountains in classroom vases. Before class in the morning, the students ran, skipped rope, played ball games, relay runs, and swung on the playground... The children didn't leave until the bell rang. Sweat soaked their hair in front of their forehead and kept it close to their forehead.

Before queuing into the classroom, the teacher of the main class shook hands with the children one by one to say hello, "Good morning, Ruirui" and "Good morning, teacher".

Here, the classroom is more like a game. For example, in a Chinese class, the desk is placed on one side, and teachers and students sit on the ground in a circle. Everyone follows the beat and carries out word relay. During the 2 hours in the morning, the children sang, read aloud, and drew poems into pictures. All kinds of ideas were listened to by the teacher one by one.

 ▲ Teachers and students sit together ▲ Teachers and The students sit together

It is reported that Dongli Primary School is a private non-profit full-time school, formerly Dongli School, tuition More than 40000 yuan a year. The school has only one class per grade, a total of six classes. At present, there are more than 90 students, with an average of more than 10 people in each class. Unlike other private schools, Dongli Primary School has only two low buildings with simple teaching facilities.

Feng Yao, the teacher in charge of enrollment in Dongli Primary School, said that unlike traditional schools, which focus on learning culture courses, it pays more attention to the cultivation of children's self-care, self-reliance, sports and artistic perception. The school will offer art courses every week, and the canteen buckets need to be cleaned by the children themselves, the floor needs to be cleaned by themselves, and the crops in the farmland outside the school also need to be composted and planted by the students themselves.

The reporter saw that the small mud houses and wooden houses near the school playground were all completed by the students after they had a construction lesson. Although the playground is small, you can play table tennis, badminton, swing, climb trees, play seesaw, ride a unicycle, etc.

 ▲ Wooden house built by children and teachers ▲ Wooden house built by children and teachers

Feng Yao said that, Sports are children's nature, In the school's educational philosophy, they pay attention to and release children's nature. The purpose of cultivating students' ability to take care of themselves is to let students know how food comes from, get food by themselves, and let them gain a confidence that they can "feed themselves".

The students also have hiking lessons every week, which are held in the mountains.

The first grade teacher Yuxin picked up the bamboo basket and took more than ten children along the winding path. They walked past the farmer's house. The seasonal loquats fell and hit the children's forehead. The children chattered and didn't know what to do.

This lesson will take an hour and a half from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, and then back to school. The teacher will not give lectures on the way, "mainly walking." Yuxin believes that the introduction is just something in the brain, "when children see the flowers and fruits of plants on this road in the four seasons, they will have a different feeling. It is important for them to experience, feel the wind blowing and feel the birds singing. "

 ▲ Students are having a hiking class ▲ Students are having a hiking class

Back in the mountains, parents want their children to return to their original selves

"There is almost no homework, just helping parents do housework or draw a picture"

According to the relevant personnel of Longquanyi District Education Bureau, Dongli Primary School is a private school, which will carry out some other courses according to the physical and mental health of students in addition to completing the courses specified in the national compulsory education stage. Feng Yao mentioned that in terms of curriculum design, the school will also regularly participate in the teaching and research activities organized by the District Academy of Education Sciences, and experts and scholars from the Academy of Education Sciences will also come to the school to exchange ideas, learn from each other and jointly promote the healthy development of education.

According to Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences, the growth and development of human beings and the exploration of knowledge must be based on adequate contact with nature. Before the age of 12 or 13, it is a critical, sensitive and optimal period for children to get close to nature. More children to get close to nature will keep them curious about everything in the world, stimulate them to explore the mysteries of nature, and thus generate unique innovative thinking ability. If they miss this age, they will choose to avoid, escape, or even fear.

With the process of urbanization, many children in villages will go down to the city to receive education. Why do these parents take their children "back" to the mountains? Moreover, the school is far away from the city, and the mountain road is narrow, so the transportation of children and the work and life of parents will become "problems", right? He Qi, the executive vice principal of Dongli Primary School, said that most of the students in the school come from all over Chengdu, and there are also children from other parts of the country, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Wuxi, Qinghai, Hunan and other places.

He Qi said, "When they choose school, they actually choose a way of life. Some parents follow their children to the mountain to 'accompany' them, and they also enjoy the life in the mountain. Some parents also rent farmhouses on the mountain, open homestays, Hanfu restaurants, tea houses... gradually forming a small community on the mountain."

He Qi, Executive Vice Principal of Chengdu Longquanyi Hansheng Dongli Primary School

Wenxin's son is in the fifth grade of Dongli Primary School. She and her husband worked for many years in Shanghai and Beijing before returning to their hometown in Chengdu a few years ago. After she decided to bring her children to study here, she rented a farmhouse on the mountain to open a Hanfu restaurant. Wen Xin said that she chose to let children study here because she recognized the educational philosophy of the school. "She has more contact with nature, less learning pressure and more freedom for children." She also said that children can acquire the ability to perceive happiness and happiness in nature, and can also actively face life in the future.

From the beginning of accompanying her to her son's graduation from primary school, she was even reluctant to leave. Wen Xin said that in addition to the natural environment of Longquan Mountain, her family can walk, chat and exercise together after the children come home from school. "The whole family enjoyed the parent-child time before the children grew up."

 ▲ Wenxin's family rented a small yard in Longquan Mountain Wenxin's family rented a small yard in Longquan Mountain

Wen Xin is sorting out Han clothes

Xuanxuan transferred from a private school in Dalian after finishing his first grade. Speaking of the reason for the school transfer, her mother Zhang Hua said that it was because of the heavy school work, "there are endless papers every day", and the children had many problems from the loose kindergarten to the primary school. Especially after the first grade, the science teacher even sent her a private letter to make up lessons for the children. "Although the teacher and the children worked hard and hard, I felt that education should not be like this."

Zhang Hua wants to choose another education model for her children, which her husband supports. She had been to Chengdu before and liked the city very much. After Dongli Primary School was determined, they moved here with their family.

She believes that the school will not rigidly indoctrinate students with knowledge, but create a relaxed environment for children to feel the world and understand knowledge in nature in an image and accessible way. "There is almost no homework, which is to help parents do housework or draw a picture." The school has no exam and no competition, so "parents have become peaceful.".

After a semester, Zhang Hua found that his son had changed from being obedient to being "self free"“ Every child in the class is' every child 'itself, not the same obedience. ”She believes that the natural education is not to make children become so excellent, but to let children return to their own self, "cry and laugh". Parents also scientifically understand the growth process of children in the "parent classroom", so as to better assist children in their growth.

Choosing a new education does not mean it is suitable for all children

"It is also risky for junior high school to adapt to traditional education without putting academic achievements first"

It is reported that the predecessor of Dongli Primary School is Dongli School located in Dongli Juyuan, Sansheng Township, Jinjiang District, Chengdu. A few years ago, when he learned that a village school in Longquan Mountain had been abandoned after being merged, the headmaster came here specially to investigate. He was soon attracted by the natural environment of the site - the school was surrounded by mountains and green everywhere. Therefore, the school soon decided to move here.

The reporter learned that most of the parents who sent their children to Dongli Primary School are self-employed, and some of them are staff of state organs and institutions, college teachers, etc. It is reported that some of the children who have graduated from Dongli Primary School choose traditional education, while others continue to choose new education or study abroad.

 ▲ Students play on swings between classes Students play on the swing between classes

Ms. Qian, from Wuxi, Jiangsu, said that she chose Dongli Primary School because she wanted her children to have a relaxed, free and friendly environment at a young age

Some parents said in an interview that choosing this new education might be an "adventure". They believe that the new education does not give priority to children's academic performance. If the traditional education is returned to junior high school, whether it can be well connected and adapted to it or not, there is also some unknown risk.

Wen Xin said that what is suitable for her children does not mean that it is suitable for all children. While schools attach importance to art and physical education, they inevitably have certain weaknesses in cultural courses. Ms. Qian also said that the new education currently chosen is not suitable for every family, because every family has different expectations for their children. In addition, they should also consider the costs of transportation, life, work, economic ability and so on. "The choice of schools for children is more a choice of parents."

Red Star Journalist Zhang Ling Photographer Wang Xiao

Edited by Yu Mange

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