Combine "hosting" with "city camp", and sports events add momentum to economic development

Combine "hosting" with "city camp", and sports events add momentum to economic development
16:42, May 21, 2024 Cover News

Cover reporter Yi Yili

The Central Economic Work Conference proposed to actively cultivate new consumption growth points such as sports events. Recently, various sports events have been held intensively in many cities to promote the integrated development of "sports+culture+tourism".

On May 19, the China Sports Lottery Cup, 2024 Sichuan Grand Slam and Sichuan Guanpai Open (Pengzhou Station) of "Hundred Miles Gallery, More Than 100 Miles" kicked off. A total of 520 Guanpai players from 260 teams across the country launched four rounds of competition, and the top 20 winners were selected.

In response to the joint issuance of the Notice on Carrying out the Activity of "Sports Events into Scenic Spots, Blocks and Business Circles" by the General Administration of Sport, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Organizing Committee set the venue at Baoshan Tourist Attraction, an important node of Pengzhou's "Baili Gallery", and the supporting activity "Guanjun Music Market" In addition to offering the contestants a big gift package full of sincerity, it also integrates local cultural creativity and intangible cultural heritage food, such as Pengzhou Sugar Painting, Jiuchi Salted Duck, Shuzhong Tangmen, Wangongyan Cured Meat, into the pre match picking process, creating a relaxed and comfortable outdoor "Guandan" fun, allowing the contestants to enjoy the charm of the three-dimensional landscape Pengpai city while focusing on the competition, Deeply feel the cultural heritage of Pengzhou.

The relevant person in charge of Pengzhou said that the successful holding of this competition not only demonstrated the new style and new atmosphere of Pengzhou, improved the popularity and reputation of the city of Pengpai with three-dimensional landscape, but also showed the high-quality business environment of Pengzhou with full sincerity to the elite participants of business enterprises, and promoted the industrial prospects of Pengzhou on the day of steaming.

Hot events will help to stimulate economic development and enhance the vitality of the city. A set of data can strongly illustrate the driving effect of the event. During the Chengdu Universiade, the sales revenue of Chengdu's accommodation industry and catering industry increased by 57% and 42.3% respectively; Driven by "Village BA" and other events, the comprehensive tourism income of Guizhou Taijiang will reach 8.464 billion yuan in 2023, with a year-on-year growth of 94.66%. For the economic and social development of a region, the driving role of large-scale sports events is multifaceted and multi-dimensional, which can bring huge economic and social benefits to the host. The driving effect of the event will be brought into play from multiple links before, during and after the game, which will open wider development space for the city.

Experts said that in the face of huge "traffic", how to make the event release greater efficiency and effectively transform the "traffic" of the event into "incremental" development is a problem that every city needs to think about. Let the city serve the needs of the event and let the event help the development of the city. More vigorous development momentum will be accumulated in the "two-way rush" between the city and the event.

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