520 coincides with the opening of 618, red roses are still the favorite thing for boys in e-commerce

520 coincides with the opening of 618, red roses are still the favorite thing for boys in e-commerce
14:39, May 21, 2024 Cover News

Cover reporter Fu Wenchao

520 hit 618 and the flower industry exploded. On May 21, the reporter learned that Tmall 618 was on sale at 8:00 p.m. on May 20. "Linya Flagship Store" sold more than 30000 pots of flowers within one hour. The number of transactions of life flowers sold within four hours increased by 165% year on year. The number of transactions of Hongyue, Sirius, Qianxi Garden and other stores increased by more than 150% year on year.

Head shop broadcasters such as Heidi, Tasha and Uncle Wang prepared more than 200000 pieces of plants with a unit price of 9.9 yuan for flower friends, including rose, hydrangea, mint and sunflower. Many more consumers have ordered flowers as gifts for their sweethearts in the same city. According to the data, red roses are the most popular gift for boys.

Data shows that in the whole flower gardening industry, Taobao consumers place the most orders for nutrient soil, flower pots, fertilizers, shading nets, vegetable seeds, hydroponic bamboo and cypress, etc., and green apples are also very popular.

In addition, in 618 this year, consumers also prefer to buy in the live broadcast room. After 1995, the Northeast guys went south to Foshan, Guangdong to set up the flower shop "Love of Flowers Phalaenopsis Base", which sold nearly 7000 pots of Phalaenopsis in Taobao live broadcast room four hours after opening, and quickly gained a group of loyal fans by cost performance.

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