Hourly salary is close to the minimum wage standard! Remind people from many places to be cautious about entering the online car hailing industry: transport capacity is saturated

Hourly salary is close to the minimum wage standard! Remind people from many places to be cautious about entering the online car hailing industry: transport capacity is saturated
15:23, May 21, 2024 Caijing

Since this year, the transportation management departments in many places across the country have successively issued risk warnings for the online car hailing industry, reminding enterprises and individuals who intend to engage in online car hailing business to be cautious about entering. According to statistics, among the numerous online car hailing platforms, some have not yet been operated, some have access to less than 50 vehicles, and the daily average order volume is less than 1000. The daily average number of orders received by multi grid taxis does not exceed 20, and the daily average revenue of single taxis is only more than 200 yuan. The industry as a whole is under pressure.

With the rapid development of online car hailing industry, many enterprises and individuals have poured in, resulting in excess supply of transport capacity.

Taking Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province as an example, the risk warning notice issued by the local transportation bureau shows that the daily average number of orders received by online taxi hailing in the urban area of Jingdezhen is only about 15, and the daily average operating income is about 240 yuan. This data has no obvious advantage over other cities. Considering such factors as the population size of Jingdezhen urban area, the travel demand of the masses, the development level of public transport and the existing taxi operation, the online taxi hailing capacity has become saturated.

It is worth noting that the similar situation is not only in Jingdezhen, but also in Yingtan, Suzhou, Chongqing, Putian, Zhuhai, Jinan, Suining, Shangqiu and other places. The income of online car hailing drivers has decreased, and the employment risks cannot be ignored.

The income of online car hailing practitioners is also concerned by the regulators. In December last year, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport said that he would continue to consolidate the work effect of reducing the excessive proportion, promote the establishment and improvement of the consultation and coordination mechanism for the rights and interests of workers in new forms of employment, and guide enterprises in new forms of business to establish and improve the first question responsibility and compensation payment mechanism in accordance with the law to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

A month ago, the online car hailing supervision information interaction system released the basic operation situation of the online car hailing industry in March 2024. As of March 31, 2024, a total of 345 online car hailing platform companies had obtained the business license of the online car hailing platform, an increase of 4 on a month on month basis; A total of 6.791 million online taxi driver licenses and 2.847 million vehicle transport licenses were issued, up 1.2% and 0.9% month on month respectively. The online car hailing supervision information interaction system received 891 million orders in March, up 15% month on month.

Although the total order of online car hailing has increased significantly, the revenue of online car hailing drivers has generally declined according to the data released in March. Shenzhen, Qingdao, Tianjin, Zhuhai and other places have sent reminders that the online car hailing market is saturated and the revenue is lower than expected. Zhuhai clearly pointed out that the hourly salary of online car hailing is close to the minimum wage standard.

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