It is said that Yu Tao, head of mobile marketing of OnePlus, is expected to join Xiaopeng Auto as vice president of marketing

It is said that Yu Tao, head of mobile marketing of OnePlus, is expected to join Xiaopeng Auto as vice president of marketing
09:00, May 23, 2024 IT Home

Thank you for Jiayi, a netizen of IT Home, and the handwritten delivery of the past clues!

IT Home reported on May 23 that, according to Tencent News "Frontline", Yu Tao, the head of mobile phone marketing of OPPO OnePlus, may join Xiaopeng Auto as the vice president of marketing, responsible for marketing and public relations communication, and report to Wang Fengying, the president of Xiaopeng Auto.

It is reported that Xiaopeng Auto has been looking for suitable candidates since Yi Han, the former vice president of marketing, resigned in January this year. After nearly four months of vacancy, Xiaopeng Automobile It is expected to welcome a new head of marketing.

The report also pointed out that, An OPPO insider revealed that Yu Tao is still on the job, but has confirmed that he will leave soon. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of Xiaopeng Automobile said "feedback next week".

According to public data, Yu Tao was the general manager of Qihoo 360. After leaving Qihoo 360 in 2018, he was also responsible for the glorious marketing work, and later joined OPPO sub brand Yijia in 2023. Yi Han, the former vice president of marketing of Xiaopeng, joined the smart car jointly held by Mercedes Benz and Geely Automobile Group after leaving his post.

IT Home noticed that in January this year, under the leadership of Wang Fengying, the group president, Xiaopeng Automobile started a new round of organizational restructuring, involving multiple departments such as marketing, human resources, intelligent data, production and manufacturing, and product planning. In the same month, Yi Han, the former vice president of Xiaopeng Auto Marketing, resigned, and Wang Tao, the former head of visual perception of the North American team, resigned; front Great Wall Automobile Zhang Li, the general manager of manufacturing, confirmed to join Xiaopeng Auto and be responsible for manufacturing.

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