[New Quality and Energy Enabling Digital Chain Future] The 4th China Clean Electrical Industry Summit in 2024 came to a successful conclusion

[New Quality and Energy Enabling Digital Chain Future] The 4th China Clean Electrical Industry Summit in 2024 came to a successful conclusion
16:24, May 21, 2024 Sina Technology Comprehensive

On May 20, 2024, the Fourth China Clean Electrical Industry Summit 2024 hosted by AVC was successfully held in Beijing Weijing International Hotel. With the theme of "new quality and enabling the future of digital chain", the summit gathered more than 100 leading elites from associations, industry experts, brand representatives, channel merchants, brokerage institutions, upstream of the industrial chain, media representatives, etc, The development status, future trends and potential opportunities of the clean electrical appliance industry were discussed.

This summit is a gathering of celebrities and industry elites. Mr. Xu Dongsheng, Vice President of China Home Appliances Association, Mr. Guo Renjie, Executive President of Pursuit Technology China, Mr. Jun Long, Head of Tmall Premium Life Appliances Industry of Taotian Group, Ms. Qian Hui, Electronic and Electrical Product Service Expert of Germany T ü V Rhine Greater China, Mr. Qin Yichao, Chief of Huachuang Securities Appliances In the past three years, Mr. Liu Jianglai, the founder of TikTok's thousands of sellers community, the factory director of TK Big Club M, and the chairman of Langfang Hualong Commercial Co., Ltd., as well as brand representatives such as Quanzhi Technology, Ledong, Aipu, Puvoda, Xiaomi, Stone, Yunjing, Midea, Tianke, Kevos, Lake, Supor, Bisheng, Lake, Jiuyang, Neinei, and experts and media in the industry, Elites from all walks of life gathered together to discuss the development opportunities of the clean industry.

   Leader's speech

At this meeting, Mr. Xu Dongsheng, Vice President of China Household Appliances Association, was invited to deliver a speech. First of all, Vice President Xu congratulated AVC on holding the 2024 Fourth Clean Electrical Industry Summit. He said that in the past few years, the clean electrical appliance industry has performed brilliantly and is one of the most growing industries. It has made great achievements in both innovative markets and growth. At the same time, he pointed out that in the rapid development of the clean electrical industry in the past few years, the development of the industry has also brought some problems, such as product homogenization and non-standard behavior, which requires the industry to jointly maintain the healthy development of the industry. Finally, he believes that the cleaning industry still has a lot of room for development in the future, but the industry should continue to maintain its innovative vitality. By meeting the core needs to continue to improve product experience, it will still be the future development engine of the industry. He hopes that enterprises can launch more solutions to truly solve the industry's pain points, gain deep recognition from users, and bring new development space to the industry.

 Xu Dongsheng, Vice President of China Household Appliances Association Xu Dongsheng, Vice President of China Household Appliances Association

   2024 Insight into China's clean appliance industry and consumption trend

First of all, Mr. Guo Meide made a profound analysis of the current situation of the home appliance industry, pointing out that the current home appliance industry is facing tremendous pressure from the decline of population, the decline of consumer confidence and the recession of real estate. At the same time, there are opportunities for the survival of the industry, product innovation drive and the replacement of old appliances with new ones. Secondly, in this context, clean electrical appliances became the leading category this year. Mr. Guo Meide conducted in-depth data analysis and insight into the development trend of the industry. In addition, through the perspective of consumers, he gave directions for future product iterations. Finally, for the development opportunities of the industry under the current fierce competition, Mr. Guo Meide put forward four points: first, It is time to ride the wind and waves and sail out to sea; Second, the sinking market has huge space, and the consumption potential is accelerated; Third, enter the home decoration building materials channel, and aim at the new blue ocean of high-end people; Fourth, avoid the competitive edge and look for opportunities.

 Guo Meide, President of AVC Guo Meide, President of AVC

   Publication of core evaluation index results

At this summit, Ovi Cloud Network (AVC), in particular, jointly with T ü V Rhine, Germany, conducted an open test on the core indicators of more than 10 products of the latest sweeping robots and floor washers sold on the market, and the core indicators of the five high-frequency scenarios in the floor washer industry were publicly tested. Ms. Qian Hui, an expert on electronic and electrical products services in Greater China of T ü V Rhine, Germany, gave a public test on the evaluation methods The results and the problems presented through this evaluation were interpreted. According to the evaluation results, Qian Hui pointed out that most of the evaluation products performed very well, but there was still more room for improvement in some ability tests such as dry stains, rolling brush winding, mops and rolling brush self-cleaning.

 Qian Hui, electronic and electrical product service expert of German T ü V Rheinland Greater China Qian Hui, electronic and electrical product service expert of German T ü V Rheinland Greater China

   Keynote Speech of Summit Guests

Guo Renjie, CEO of Chasing Technology China, shared the theme of "Innovation driven technology, a journey of excellence from zero to one". Mr. Guo Renjie stressed in his speech that Pursuit Technology always adheres to two clear standards when choosing to enter the industry: first, ensure that the industry entered is driven by scientific and technological innovation; second, ensure that the products can be used by thousands of households. This concept makes Pursuit Technology stand out in the competitive market and achieve rapid growth from 0 billion to 10 billion yuan. In view of the remarkable achievements of Pursuit Technology in the past few years, Mr. Guo Renjie summarized three points: globalization+localization, focusing on pain points, and technology innovation driven. When talking about the future development of the company, Mr. Guo Renjie said that Pursuit Technology would continue to adhere to the development path of scientific and technological innovation, constantly increase R&D investment, and improve the technical content and added value of products. At the same time, it will also actively expand new market areas and seek more partners and business opportunities to achieve broader market coverage and higher performance growth.

 Pursue Guo Renjie, CEO of Science and Technology China Pursue Guo Renjie, CEO of Science and Technology China

As an industry expert to help enterprises operate overseas, the founder of TK Big Club, Factory Manager M, shared the theme of "How do household appliance brands go overseas with the help of TikTok brand?". First of all, Director M shared the development of TikTok in overseas markets, especially the possible impact of the ban on the US market. Secondly, Director M also brought home appliance industry cases to share. Finally, Director M gave more pertinent suggestions from different perspectives on how domestic enterprises should go to sea.

 Founder of TK Big Club M Factory Director Founder of TK Big Club M Factory Director

   The Summit Forum, celebrities talk

During the discussion session of celebrities, Jun Long, the head of Tmall Premium Life Appliance Industry of Taotian Group, Liu Jianglai, the chairman of Langfang Hualong Commercial Co., Ltd., Ren Lei, the general manager of Ledong Robot Product Line, Wang Zhaofeng, the general manager of Suzhou Puvoda Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Kang Diandong, the general manager of the innovation marketing center of Aipu Group, and Huang Lili, the head of Midea Clean Appliance domestic sales planning were invited Yang Jie, the sales director of Quanzhi Technology, and Qin Yichao, the chief of Huachuang Securities Appliances, made a profound discussion on the scale blueprint of 100 billion yuan of clean appliances from different dimensions, such as product innovation, cost compression, efficiency improvement, and channel exploration, from the perspective of experts in different industries such as the upstream of the industrial chain, channels, brands, and factories.  

   The 2024 White Paper on China's Clean Electrical Industry and Consumption Insight was released

At this summit, Ovi Cloud (AVC) released the 2024 White Paper on China's Clean Appliance Industry and Consumption Insight, which has carried out in-depth analysis and interpretation from technological innovation to market changes, from consumer demand to industry trends. First, the white paper interprets the current situation and trend of China's clean electrical industry, and deeply interprets the two important market segments of sweeping robots and floor washers from multiple dimensions such as scale, competition, price, and product. Second, from the perspective of users, from the perspective of users, from the perspective of users, users' purchase portraits, purchase behavior, user use scenarios User satisfaction and other dimensions were deeply observed. Finally, the future development trend of the industry was judged, and the direction of product iteration and market segmentation opportunities were analyzed. As soon as the white paper was released, it received wide attention in the industry. Through the interpretation of the industry, we can have a deeper understanding of the clean electrical industry and play a certain reference value for enterprise decision-making.

   Appraise excellent products

At this summit, Ovi Cloud (AV), together with T ∨ V Rhine of Germany, evaluated the new products of the floor sweeping robot and the floor washing machine in 2024 and commended the outstanding products in the evaluation process. This is not only a recognition of the outstanding products evaluated, but also an encouragement for enterprises to innovate constantly, export more and better products to the industry, and constantly promote the high-quality and healthy development of the floor washing machine industry.

This summit not only provides a platform for colleagues in the clean electrical industry to exchange ideas and share experiences, but also points out the direction for the future development of the industry. Through high-quality discussions and exchanges with guests, we have jointly explored new trends, new technologies and new models in the clean electrical industry. We believe that these innovative ideas and strategies will bring broader development prospects for the industry. Looking forward to the future, we look forward to China's clean electrical industry to continue to carry forward the spirit of innovation, let us work together to create a better tomorrow for the clean electrical industry!

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