Google released Android 15 Beta 2 update: introducing privacy space, saving app pairing, etc

Google released Android 15 Beta 2 update: introducing privacy space, saving app pairing, etc
09:00, May 16, 2024 IT Home

Thanks to the IT home netizen Wuai 317, South China Daniel Wu, and Strawberry Carp Cake for their clues!

IT Home reported on May 16 that the I/O 2024 developer conference entered the second day, Google released Android 15 Beta 2 updates for Pixel phones as promised On the whole, the update range is not large. It is an incremental update of Android 15 Beta last month.

The main new functions/features of Android 15 Beta 2 update attached to IT Home are as follows:

Private space

This function allows users to select Android applications to create independent areas. Google likens it to "applications that you don't want others to access or see easily". These applications can only be accessed from the bottom of the application drawer after using fingerprint, password, etc. for identity authentication.

For example, you can hide health or banking applications in your private space so that your personal information can only be viewed by yourself.

Save app pairing

At tablet and folding screen device manufacturers, users can select "Save App Pairing". Similar to regular fixed applications, create a split screen, and then click the new button in the "Standard" menu to add it to the main screen.

Forecast Return

In Android 15, prediction return (used to return to the origin, cross task and cross activity) will no longer be behind the "developer" option.

Download address:

  • Pixel 8a: factory image OTA

  • Pixel 8 Pro: factory image OTA

  • Pixel 8: factory image OTA

  • Pixel Tablet: factory image OTA

  • Pixel Fold: factory image OTA

  • Pixel 7a: factory image OTA

  • Pixel 7 Pro: factory image OTA

  • Pixel 7: Factory image OTA

  • Pixel 6a: factory image OTA

  • Pixel 6 Pro: factory image OTA

  • Pixel 6: factory image OTA

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