Chairman Tesla responded to Musk's high salary: he needs huge funds to implement interstellar travel

Chairman Tesla responded to Musk's high salary: he needs huge funds to implement interstellar travel
08:21, November 16, 2022 Sina Technology

Sina Science and Technology News On the morning of November 16, Beijing time, it was reported that on Tuesday local time, the chairman of Tesla's board of directors, Robyn Denholm, testified that Elon Musk said that he needed to get the largest salary in history, so that he could speed up the implementation of the goal of "Star Travel".

Dan Hall delivered the above testimony in the one week trial of the Delaware Chancery Court. This lawsuit focuses on whether Tesla's salary package for Musk in 2018 is reasonable. It is reported that the current net value of these salaries has reached 50.9 billion US dollars. Musk himself will testify in court on Wednesday morning local time.

At the end of his testimony, Dan Hall said that the ultimate goal of this salary is to encourage Musk to focus on Tesla, rather than his final plan for this fund.

In addition, Musk has always claimed that he will use his huge wealth to pursue space travel and space colonization. In 2020, Musk said in an interview with the media that he would hardly retain any monetary assets, but would use these capital to develop cities on Mars.

Musk said last year that SpaceX will surely send humans to Mars before March 2026. But up to now, the company's manned flight has not reached the space beyond Earth orbit.

"To be honest, I don't know how much it costs to travel between stars. Personally, I'm not interested in it," she said.

The reason why Tesla offered Musk such a high salary is to let him focus on Tesla rather than other companies under his control.

Because in addition to Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter, Musk also leads Boreing Company, an underground tunneling company, and is also the founder of Neuralink, which plans to implant computer chips into human brains.

Dan Hall also said that Musk's salary package before 2018 was not enough to attract him to focus on Tesla.

"This is to encourage him to achieve his fearless goal and let him devote his time and energy here instead of his other interests," she said.

Dan Hall said that it is not important how long Musk has devoted to Tesla, but the board of directors just needs his "attention and concentration".

It is doubtful whether Musk's salary plan is enough for him to keep an eye on Tesla. His recent main energy seems to be focused on an attractive investment after he became the richest man in the world with this salary plan, although this has nothing to do with Star Travel.

This investment is the acquisition of the social media platform Twitter for up to $44 billion.

After joining Twitter, Mask dismissed about half of the company's employees, hoping to help the company recover its profits through transformation measures.

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