The female car owner installed a "foot recorder" for Tesla to attract attention. The client responded that it was indeed installed. The account window was selling cameras

The female car owner installed a "foot recorder" for Tesla to attract attention. The client responded that it was indeed installed. The account window was selling cameras
21:12, November 14, 2022 Red Star News

On November 13, an accident "Tesla led to two deaths and three injuries" attracted wide attention. It happened at about 6:00 a.m. on November 5, when a man in Raoping County, Chaozhou, Guangdong said that he was driving a Tesla to stop, the vehicle suddenly lost control and ran at a high speed for 2 kilometers, hitting two motorcycles and two bicycles in succession, causing two deaths and three injuries.

After the accident, the son of the driver concerned told the media that his father's drinking and drug driving were ruled out after the traffic police detection, and that he would test the vehicle. At present, the identification results have not yet come out.

So, whether Tesla's brake failed or was there another reason for the accident caused strong concern and discussion among netizens.

Recently, the video of a Guangdong female car owner installing a mini camera to capture the brake position at the bottom of her newly bought Tesla cab attracted attention and was forwarded by many media. On November 14, the Red Star News reporter contacted the female owner, who said that she had indeed installed a camera in Tesla's cab, and that the camera was sold in the window of her video account.

   Monitor brake:

   Female car owners install "foot recorder" for Tesla

"The price of the car I just bought was reduced, and the brake failed. I installed a camera here, and you will help me testify when the time comes." At 18:01 on November 13, after the exposure of the Tesla accident in Chaozhou, Guangdong, a video platform user (@ BECKY Yao) released a video showing that a black cylindrical camera was installed under the right side of the seat in Tesla's cab, The above text has been distributed.

 ↑ Video capture of female owner installing camera for Tesla ↑ Video capture of female owner installing camera for Tesla

As of 19:00 on November 14, (@ BECKY Yaoyao) had released this video with more than 45000 hits, making it the most popular work of all videos released.

The owner told Red Star News that she did install a mini camera in the newly bought Tesla cab. In the video work, she said that she trusted Tesla very much, but the trust was worthless, so she installed a camera. "In front of the evidence, it seems that trust is cheap."

 ↑ The female owner took a group photo with her car after collecting the car ↑ The female owner took a group photo with her car after collecting the car

   Netizens worry:

   Will such installation affect driving safety?

Some netizens also questioned the installation of cameras at the bottom of Tesla's cab, fearing that her disorderly route change would affect driving safety. In this regard, (@ BECKY Yaoyao) updated the video on November 14, saying that the camera she installed did not need to change the line at all. It could be directly connected to the power interface in the storage box in the cab, and the camera could be connected to the mobile phone, which was very convenient.

"(My account number) window is available (sold), and (other cars except Tesla) can be used."

 ↑ Female car owners responded to netizens' query on their disorderly route change ↑ Female car owners responded to netizens' query on their disorderly route change

The Red Star News reporter found the same brand of mini camera in the video account window, with a price of 169 yuan. The data shows that 1123 pieces of this product have been sold.

 ↑ Female car owner's video account window has cameras for sale ↑ Female car owner's video account window has cameras for sale

At the same time, the Red Star News reporter found that there were already people who installed cameras in Tesla's cab, and there were many similar videos online.

Red Star News Reporter Luo Min's picture is from the screenshot of the owner's video account work

Edited by Deng Biaoguang Edited by Peng Jiang

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