Little red book reappears the bottomless "drug strategy": should the platform bear the responsibility for encouraging adults to take children's antipyretic drugs?

Little red book reappears the bottomless "drug strategy": should the platform bear the responsibility for encouraging adults to take children's antipyretic drugs?
07:56, December 21, 2022 Sina Technology

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Author/Yuan Yiming

Spreading false medical beauty, collecting user information without user consent, and planting false grass... In recent years, Xiaohongshu has become a hot search regular, and has been nicknamed "apology professional" by netizens for "apologizing for rectification" every time.

In the rhythm of "preventing and curing the yang", Xiaohongshu has been called again in a short time because of the posts of users who have published "strategies to reduce fever in other places" and "strategies for adults to use Merrill Lynch". Some experts said frankly that adult use of Merrill Lynch is indeed effective, but they urged people not to compete with children for drugs. Such remarks should not be encouraged and recommended.

In this regard, some people say that adult medicine is hard to find, while others tease that the "refined petty bourgeoisie" in the Little Red Book has become "refined selfish petty bourgeoisie".

At present, some of the "adult use of Merrill Lynch strategy" has been unable to retrieve.

   Experts say adults and children are not recommended to "grab medicine"

Recently, the user of Little Red Book named "sheep" shared his strategy that he had a high fever and fainted twice. It was effective to drink perfect wine, and he could get out of bed and walk after the fever subsided. Many users left a message under "Does Merrill Lynch adults drink effectively?" saying that they had estimated the dose, and both the husband and wife had reduced their fever, and the effect was very good.

The well-known blogger "Doctor Chen of Obstetrics and Gynecology" said that he was angry about "teaching adults how to use Merrill Lynch to reduce fever". It also said that Merrill Lynch is an ibuprofen suspension suitable for children, which is consistent with ibuprofen tablets and ibuprofen capsules for adults. Therefore, the safety of Merrill Lynch is not higher than that of ibuprofen.

"Adults can indeed take Merrill Lynch to reduce their fever. However, when there are enough drugs, this is to kill the chicken with an ox knife, which is thankless. When there are insufficient drugs, this is to compete with children for drugs. Although it may not be useful, I still want to appeal to adults to take ordinary ibuprofen tablets to relieve fever and pain, and not to compete with children for drugs."

The incident also triggered a heated debate among netizens. Some people thought that he did not want to "grab medicine" with children, but that he could not buy adult antipyretic medicine at home, so he could only take children's medicine to save himself.

Others believe that it is selfish to "grab" other people's medicine because they can't buy it. Compared with the previous rush to buy antipyretic medicine in other places, it can also be explained as "if you can buy it locally, you won't go to other places to grab it." In addition, some people call Xiaohongshu "a platform for sophisticated egotists".

   Is the platform responsible?

In this regard, a lawyer told Sina Finance that if the author of the relevant introductory content is a doctor, it is likely that it is due to the problem of market regulation and supply, and the responsibility cannot be completely shifted to Little Red Book. However, if the main body of the release is an ordinary big V or consumer, Little Red Book needs to bear joint and several liability for the various scramble effects of the information it releases.

Peng Xiaoguo, a lawyer from Guangdong Guangxin Junda Law Firm, believes that the network platform should have necessary technical identification measures and content risk compliance management mechanism for the text, pictures, voice, video and other content provided by the content publisher, so as to control the content that may cause public misunderstanding according to law.

"Little Red Book should apply the 'safe harbor principle' to balance the rights and interests of network platform participants and the public. Content publishers should strictly check the information they publish to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding and bear the corresponding consequences."

Peng Xiaoguo said that Xiao Hongshu really has the responsibility to control the speech, but it is difficult to make a real judgment from the law. Article 15 of the Measures for the Administration of Internet Information Services stipulates that spreading rumors, disrupting social order, undermining social stability, spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism or abetting crimes are all relatively serious circumstances.

"However, the incident did not rise to such a serious level that it is difficult to determine the legal consequences. Therefore, it is suggested that Little Red Book strictly check the content of the information released to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding and bear the corresponding consequences."

  Lack of self supervision of the platform is the persistent disease of Little Red Book

Little Red Book has always been a disaster area for supervision.

In November 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology found that apps, including Xiaohongshu, had violations such as exceeding the scope of the app and demanding permission frequently, collecting users' personal information not necessary for service scenarios, deceiving and misleading users to download; At the beginning of December of the same year, CCTV news exposed that there were such chaotic phenomena as minors' sexual suggestive content and pushing private videos of minors' bodies in the Little Red Book; In February this year, Xiaohongshu started the fourth round of false grass planting management due to frequent roll calls; In March this year, e-commerce platforms, including Xiaohongshu, were found to have six major problems: hidden price increase, false labeling of the original price, wrong goods, false publicity, low price and poor quality, and lack of after-sales service; In April this year, the little red book "false grass planting" was named

In addition, the number of users of Little Red Book is very high, but the transformation of business is often difficult. According to its official publicity data, the registered users of Little Red Book exceeded 50 million, 100 million, 150 million, 200 million and 300 million respectively in May 2017, June 2018, October 2018, January 2019 and July 2019, while the monthly active users of its MAU exceeded 100 million and 200 million respectively in July 2019 and December 2021.

But compared with Station B and Zhihu, both of which belong to the same Internet community, they have been listed in the United States respectively in March 2018 and March 2021, and have completed their second listing in Hong Kong. However, the Little Red Book, which has been online for more than 9 years, has neither been submitted nor listed in the US nor Hong Kong stock markets, and its valuation has been reportedly reduced from $20 billion in 2021 to $10 billion - $16 billion.

In addition, Xiaohongshu has failed to establish a complete and powerful e-commerce system including supply chain and logistics. Analysys' analysis data shows that since 2016, the competitive pattern of cross-border retail e-commerce market has formed a head effect. Tmall Global, JD Global and Netease ranked top three in the industry, with the market share adding up to more than 60%; Xiaohongshu's cross-border e-commerce business is at the waist, with a market share of about 5%, and this number has gradually decreased from 2019 to only 2.2% in the third quarter of 2022. In other words, Xiaohongshu's own e-commerce system has become silent in the industry.

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