The annual catering cost is about 13 million dollars, and Musk plans to cancel the free lunch at Twitter headquarters

The annual catering cost is about 13 million dollars, and Musk plans to cancel the free lunch at Twitter headquarters
19:57, November 14, 2022 Sina Technology

Sina Science and Technology News On the evening of November 14, Beijing time, it was reported that Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, was considering new cost cutting measures again, and planned to cancel the free lunch at Twitter's San Francisco headquarters and instead let employees pay for it.

Last Friday, it was reported that Musk planned to let Twitter employees pay for lunch in the company's cafeteria. On Sunday local time, Musk pushed the topic to the forefront again. He said on Twitter that in the past 12 months, the cost of each lunch is expected to exceed $400, making the annual catering service cost of the headquarters in San Francisco reach about $13 million.

Musk wrote on Twitter: "Considering that few people come to the office (work at home during the epidemic), this is really strange."

Musk's comments attracted strong opposition from Tracy Hawkins, a former Twitter employee. Hawkins was formerly the vice president of Twitter in charge of "work transformation", responsible for the free lunch plan of Twitter headquarters. Hawkins said that in fact, the daily meal cost per person is about $20 to $25.

In addition, Hawkins and Musk also have differences in terms of employee occupancy (employees work in the company). Musk said that the highest occupancy rate of employees is 25%, while the average occupancy rate is less than 10%. Hawkins questioned these figures, saying that the office occupancy rate was between 20% and 50%.

At the same time, Twitter users also joined the discussion on this topic. Some people say that Musk is destroying the working culture of Twitter; Others criticized Twitter's free lunch plan, saying that these lunches were a privilege rather than a normal right.

When considering canceling the free lunch, Musk just wrote to Twitter employees a few days ago, saying that the company would cancel telecommuting. Without special circumstances, employees should work at least 40 hours a week in the office.

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