The wrong person? Musk asked dozens of fired Twitter employees to return to work

The wrong person? Musk asked dozens of fired Twitter employees to return to work
07:32, November 7, 2022 Sina Technology

Sina Science and Technology News On the morning of November 7, Beijing time, it was reported that Musk acquired Twitter for $44 billion, and then he slashed the number of employees, cutting half of them at one go. However, on Sunday, it was reported that Twitter contacted dozens of employees who had been cut off, and asked them to go back to work.

It is said that the reason why some employees are returned is because they were dismissed due to mistakes, while others are because Musk wants to develop new functions. The work and experience of these employees are absolutely necessary, so they are returned.

Among the 50% employees who were laid off, the trust security team, the team responsible for public relations, content exhibition, machine learning ethics, and some product and engineering teams were also cut.

On Saturday, Twitter updated the apps in Apple's App Store and charged $8 a month for Blue Hook certification.

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