People's hot comment: "Online class blasting" is evil, and should have been exploded long ago!

People's hot comment: "Online class blasting" is evil, and should have been exploded long ago!
09:13, November 6, 2022 People's Network Government Affairs

Source: People's Daily Online

Recently, a reporter undercover saw a group of "online class explosion". In just three minutes, the group had continuously updated five online conference numbers, and two pieces of "successful explosion" news came from the group. It is reported that the behavior of intruding online classes to make trouble is called "online class explosion" or "online class intrusion". The intruders disturb the teaching order by forcibly dominating the screen, harassing the information and even abusing teachers and students.

Recently, a middle school teacher in Xinzheng City, Henan Province died after online classes. His daughter said that the teacher had been subjected to "online class explosion" before his death. Whether the death of the teacher is related to "online class explosion" needs to be investigated. But the indisputable fact is that "online class explosion" is extremely hateful. According to the survey, many teachers of online classes have suffered from "online class explosion". They have suffered serious physical and mental damage, but have no choice.

"Online class explosion" is not a simple prank, but a vicious act suspected of breaking the law and committing crimes. As some lawyers said, "blasters" may constitute a provocation. Obviously, in a society ruled by law, evil is not allowed to run amok. Once a person is convicted of committing a crime, he should pay his due legal price.

At the same time, it is also necessary to find out why the "online class blasting" has been repeatedly prohibited. What kind of chaos exists behind it? According to the survey, some of the blasters are students, and the purpose of blasting is "to have fun". Tule is justifiable, but the premise is to abide by discipline and law. If you despise the law for the sake of low-level happiness, your future will be destroyed, and the price will be a little high.

In addition to holding up the legal sword, we should also strengthen the prevention against "online class blasting". First, find out who divulges relevant information. The reason why some "explorers" successfully intruded into online classes is that the students of online classes provided them with information such as online class conference number, which must be condemned.

Second, relevant platforms should improve the technical means of anti network disruption. It is understood that some online course software can set "invite specific members" to join in advance, and only the members designated by the host can join after selection. During the meeting, the host has the right to limit the authority and functions of the participants. The more rigorous the system design is, the smaller the space for "blasters" to mess up.

It is worth mentioning that the Central Cyberspace Office recently issued the Notice on Strengthening the Governance of Cyber Violence, pointing out that we should strengthen the governance of cyber violence, further compact the main responsibilities of the website platform, and require the website platform to establish and improve the early warning and prevention mechanism of cyber violence. It can be seen from the comparison of online explosion and "online class explosion" that there is a certain intersection between the two, but "online class explosion" not only contains elements of online violence, but also brings about worse consequences, so it should be severely punished according to law.

"Online class blasting" is a crime. It's time to be blasted! Deal with it in accordance with the law, do not let go of any link, first throw out a few typical cases, stop this evil trend, at the same time, demand in-depth governance, and through accurate attack, eliminate the soil for the survival of "online class blasting" as soon as possible.

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