Prosus, a major shareholder of Tencent, said that the news about CITIC's group acquisition of Tencent shares was untrue, and he was still confident in Tencent's long-term prospects

Prosus, a major shareholder of Tencent, said that the news about CITIC's group acquisition of Tencent shares was untrue, and he was still confident in Tencent's long-term prospects
15:51, November 1, 2022 Interface News

On November 1, Prosus, the largest shareholder of Tencent and the Dutch subsidiary of Naspers Group in South Africa, issued a statement saying that the media company "Asian Tech Press" said on October 31 that CITIC Group was organizing a group to negotiate with Naspers to acquire all its shares in Tencent. This article is speculative and does not conform to the facts. Naspers Group will continue to implement the open stock repurchase plan announced in June this year. The fund source of this plan is to regularly and orderly sell a small amount of shares held by Tencent Holdings.

The board of directors of Naspers and the board of directors of Prosus reiterated that they still have confidence in the long-term prospects of Tencent and continue to believe that the share repurchase plan is in the best interests of Prosus, Naspers and their respective shareholders.

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