4 failed, and Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Department announced the rectification and acceptance results of key laboratories

4 failed, and Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Department announced the rectification and acceptance results of key laboratories
14:59, May 22, 2024 Media scrolling

Notice of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology on Matters Related to the Rectification and Acceptance Results of Provincial Key Laboratories in 2022

YKHSZ [2024] No. 409

All relevant units:

In the assessment of provincial key laboratories in 2022, a total of 16 provincial key laboratories were assessed as basically qualified and entered the rectification period. At the end of the one-year restructuring period, after re evaluation by the expert team, the relevant results are notified as follows:

1、 12 provincial key laboratories, including the "Guangdong Key Laboratory of Metal Forming and Forging Equipment Technology", have passed the rectification and acceptance, and continue to remain in the provincial key laboratory sequence; Four provincial key laboratories, such as the "Key Laboratory of Energy saving Functional Ceramics and Its Application Technology Enterprises in Guangdong Province", failed to pass the rectification acceptance and were revoked (see the annex).

2、 Please continue to increase the investment in innovation resources, strengthen the construction of talent team and scientific research capacity, improve the operation management mechanism, strive to produce more high-level scientific and technological achievements, and strive to achieve good results in the next batch of assessment and evaluation.

3、 The supporting units of the four provincial key laboratories that have been cancelled are requested to carefully analyze the existing shortcomings, adjust the development ideas according to the expert evaluation opinions, and strive to strengthen the scientific research ability; At the same time, follow-up work should be properly done. Plaques of provincial key laboratories should be removed and destroyed to prevent loss out of control from causing negative social impact. In the future, it is not allowed to organize and carry out various activities in the name of the revoked provincial key laboratory.

4、 Two provincial key laboratories of Sun Yat sen University, "Guangdong Key Laboratory of Public Opinion Big Data Analysis and Simulation" and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, "Guangdong Key Laboratory of Industrial Design Creativity and Application Research", also withdrew from the provincial key laboratory sequence.

It is hereby notified.

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