2023 "Ten Major Advances in Chinese Science" Release

2023 "Ten Major Advances in Chinese Science" Release
11:12, February 29, 2024 Media scrolling

This morning (February 29), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) released the 2023 "Ten Major Advances in Science in China", which are mainly distributed in life science and medicine, artificial intelligence, quantum, astronomy, chemical energy and other scientific fields. They are:

The selection activity of "Ten Major Advances in Science in China" has been successfully held for 19 times since it was launched in 2005. This activity was hosted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, with 4 links: recommendation, primary selection, final selection and review. More than 2100 high-level experts in the field of basic research, including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, voted to select 10 major scientific research achievements. After deliberation by the Advisory Committee of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the list of achievements selected in the 2023 "Ten Major Advances in Chinese Science" was finally determined.

(CCTV reporter Li Zheng)

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