Smoother song cutting: It is reported that Apple iOS 18/macOS 15 will improve Apple Music application and introduce "smart song transition" function

Smoother song cutting: It is reported that Apple iOS 18/macOS 15 will improve Apple Music application and introduce "smart song transition" function
08:00, May 22, 2024 IT Home

On May 22, IT Home reported that Apple Insider, a foreign media, was adding a new function called "Smart Song Transition" to the Apple Music player applications of iOS 18 and macOS 15, claiming to be able to achieve a smooth transition between songs and obtain a "more intelligent song cutting experience".

At present, Apple Music mainly creates a smooth song cutting effect through a "cross gradually in and out songs" function. Related functions mainly bridge the gap between songs by reducing the volume of the ending songs, while increasing the volume of new songs, creating a transition without the music ending.

For the macOS platform, users can freely configure the duration of the crossover transition (from 1 second to 12 seconds), but for the iOS platform, users cannot adjust it at present. It is expected that the "Smart Song Transition" function introduced by iOS18/macOS 15 is mainly to intelligentize the "crossover transition in and out songs", Using algorithms When a song is about to play to the next song, it can intelligently judge the time between this song and the next song.

At the same time, foreign media said that Apple is still developing a new function called "Passthrough" for Apple Music and QuickTime Player. The related function is said to be related to Dolby Panorama/Space Audio, but the details are still unknown. The IT Home will continue to track and report the possible changes of iOS 18/macOS 15.

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