Google search "AI summary" function makes a joke: recommend users to drink urine to quickly expel kidney stones

Google search "AI summary" function makes a joke: recommend users to drink urine to quickly expel kidney stones
08:00, May 21, 2024 IT Home

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On May 20, IT House reported that Google has been committed to using artificial intelligence to innovate the search engine field. However, before the official release of the new function, it made a joke: it recommended users to drink a large amount of 'light' urine as a way to quickly expel kidney stones.

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This AI function called "Search Generative Experience" (SGE) gave this suggestion in the test phase. Now it has been transformed into "AI Overview", which has been launched in the United States for the first time, and plans to launch in other regions in succession. However, the above suggestions still appeared a week before the launch.

IT Home noticed that unlike previous search results summaries, "AI Summary" does not only show the links of websites, but tries to summarize information with artificial intelligence and directly present answers to users. However, because the current AI technology is not yet mature, "AI summary" is more likely to make mistakes than traditional search results summary, It may take completely incorrect information as fact and present it to users confidently

Despite the adjustment in the testing phase, the "AI summary" now appears less frequently, and will also quote sources more frequently, and the length is much shorter than before. However, due to the focus on "how to do", "AI summary" still has the problem of confidently passing on wrong information.

At present, users cannot directly turn off the "AI Summary" function. Although Google can be forced to display only web search results and skip summaries generated by AI completely, this method will also block all video and image results.

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