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How do 100 top business leaders in the world view AI

 Beautiful New World or the End of Human Civilization Beautiful New World or the End of Human Civilization

Author: Wang Yajun, Wei Linhua, Cao Yi

Source: Xuebao Finance Agency

In 1956, computer scientist John McCarthy first proposed "Artificial Intelligence" at the Dartmouth Conference. In the next 70 years, people both looked forward to it and were full of vigilance.

The optimistic view is that AI is a technological revolution comparable to printing, electricity and computers, which will bring about the fourth industrial revolution.

The vigilant view is that human beings are trapped in a cocoon. Alan Turing, the father of artificial intelligence, predicted that machines would gain control over human beings; Yuval Hera, the author of A Brief History of Human Beings, described it as a threat that may destroy human beings; Ray Kurzweil, a computer scientist, simply gave a clear time point for AI to end human civilization: 2045.

When different views meet, collision and debate cannot be avoided. The pioneers and people in power in the business world seem particularly keen to predict the future of such technology and industrial revolution.

In 2023, the CEOs of the world's 500 largest companies, whose total annual revenue of enterprises under their leadership will reach about 41 trillion dollars, will be widely distributed in the fields of Internet, retail, banking, insurance, building materials, utilities, chemicals, medicine, new energy, transportation and logistics, automobile and auto parts manufacturing.

What is the concept of $41 trillion? It is more than one third of global GDP.

What we are curious about is how the smartest minds in the global business world view AI.

Jane Fraser, CEO of Citigroup, firmly believes that AI is an important weapon to win in this era; Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, hopes that when AI intends to destroy mankind, someone can unplug it; Andrew Jasi, CEO of Amazon, admitted that there is a potential danger in AI, but also "it is unnecessary to pour out the baby and the bath water together."

What awaits us ahead is a beautiful new world, or the end of human civilization?

In combination with media information and industry reports, Snow Leopard Finance Agency combed and summarized the outlook, judgment and early warning of artificial intelligence of nearly 100 "strongest brains" in the global business world.

Please enjoy:

*The company name, ranking and revenue in the article are all derived from the Fortune Global 500 list in 2023.

C. Douglas McMillon

CEO of Wal Mart

Top 500 ranking: 1

Operating revenue: $611.289 billion

Business leaders are at a "fork in the road": one way is to maximize the use of possible technology without considering the potential impact; The other way is to consider human factors while pursuing technology, which is related to our minds and hearts.

We chose the second way, in a way that can create a better career, it creates a better customer experience and a stronger business. The company is developing a generative AI assistant for employees who can conduct supply chain forecasting and analysis. I can't wait to know what innovation our employees will have next.

Amin H. Nasser

Chief Executive Officer of Saudi Aramco

Top 500 ranking: 2

Operating revenue: 603.651 billion US dollars

Aramco Metatrain AI, the first generation AI model of Saudi Aramco, can analyze the drilling plan, geological data, historical drilling time and cost, and recommend the most ideal drilling scheme. At the same time, Aramco Metatrain AI is also capable of providing forecasts for refined petroleum products, including pricing trends, market dynamics and geopolitical insights.

Andrew R. Jassy

Amazon CEO

Top 500 ranking: 4

Operating revenue: 513.983 billion US dollars

Amazon is proud of its ability to predict what customers want to buy, and generative AI will further enhance this ability. At the same time, this technology will also make Alexa, the company's virtual assistant, more advanced. AI does have potential dangers. Enterprises should invest in safety to ensure that their large models will not "produce hallucinations", but it is unnecessary to throw out children and bath water together.

Timothy D. Cook

Apple CEO

Top 500 ranking: 8

Operating revenue: 394.328 billion US dollars

We will provide users with innovation opportunities in terms of productivity and problem solving. We will open up a new horizon for generative AI.

Wael Sawan

Chief Executive Officer of Shell

Top 500 ranking: 9

Operating revenue: 386.201 billion US dollars

The argument about AI is very similar to the view that "radioactive materials should never be found", because then there would be no nuclear bomb. But without radiation technology, there would be fewer ways to treat cancer. The development of AI is inevitable, but the whole society really needs to consider how to get along with AI and how to supervise it.

Warren E. Buffett

CEO of Berkshire Hathaway

Top 500 ranking: 14

Operating revenue: 302.089 billion US dollars

AI is something I totally don't understand. It has read every book, every legal opinion, and it can save you incredible time, which is incredible technological progress. But I'm not sure if we know what will happen next. If AI intends to destroy humans, I hope someone can unplug it.

I know nothing about AI, but that doesn't mean that this technology is not important. When we invented nuclear weapons, we had "let the genie jump out of the box", and the genie could not return to the box, which was very bad. I think AI is similar. I just hope this elf can do something good now.

Michael Lewis

Chief Executive Officer of UNIPER

Top 500 ranking: 16

Operating revenue: $288.309 billion

AI is turning the world into a global village. With the help of data-driven, managers can make intelligent, intuitive decisions supported by a large amount of high-value information to the team globally. AI can also make an organization say goodbye to endlessly screening resumes, improve employee productivity and engagement, and make performance evaluation no longer rely on intuition. AI is not to replace managers, but to make managers' leadership stronger.

Sundar Pichai

CEO of Alphabet

Top 500 ranking: 17

Operating revenue: 282.836 billion US dollars

AI progress will spread to all countries. If AI has problems in one country, it may affect other countries and make supervision difficult. In some ways, it's like climate change. This is why it is necessary to start building frameworks on a global scale.

Steven H. Collis

CEO of Meiyuan Bergen

Top 500 ranking: 24

Operating revenue: 238.587 billion US dollars

AI may trigger the second wave of telework, which will be more reflected in talent recruitment. Soon, AI can listen and summarize in the team, which will weaken the importance of face-to-face meetings. If AI can be activated immediately in any collaboration dialogue, and share the meeting summary on the bulletin board of the whole company, which is as easy to search as the database, the team efficiency can be improved. What is the moral impact of AI? I don't even know where to start, but Microsoft seems to have fired their AI ethics team.

Han Zhongxi

Co CEO of Samsung Electronics

Top 500 ranking: 25

Operating revenue: 234.129 billion US dollars

The super connection, super intelligence and super fusion technology based on AI technology will become the driving force for enterprises to create unlimited competitiveness.

Satya Nadella

CEO of Microsoft

Top 500 ranking: 30

Operating revenue: USD 198.27 billion

Don't be so awed by some technology that you think we can't control it and use it to improve people's lives.

Peter Herweck

CEO of Valero Energy

Top 500 ranking: 40

Operating revenue: USD 171.189 billion

With the digitalization of the earth, the power consumption of data centers will double by 2028. At that time, AI will account for about 20% of the total global power consumption, higher than the current 8%. But this will not lead to an energy crisis or increased emissions. Increasing energy efficiency and software capabilities will help meet this challenge, and the design and management of data centers will also be adjusted.

James Dimon

CEO of JPMorgan Chase

Top 500 ranking: 53

Operating revenue: 154.792 billion US dollars

Although we don't know how AI will change our business, nor how it will affect the whole society, we fully believe that AI will bring about extraordinary changes, which may be as revolutionary as some major technological inventions in the past few hundred years, such as the printing press, the steam engine, electricity, computers and the Internet.

Oliver Zipse


Top 500 ranking: 57

Operating revenue: 149.991 billion US dollars

Combining hardware and software with AI, and combining real driving experience with virtual reality technology, this is the future of automobile companies.

Wu Yongming

CEO of Alibaba

Top 500 ranking: 68

Operating revenue of the company: 126.812 billion dollars

AI has a broad application prospect. It is a historic opportunity for the digital economy to move to the next development stage and an important driving force for a new round of industrial intelligence and technological revolution. AI big model opens a new era of intelligence, which will lead to three revolutions of human-computer interaction, computing paradigm and cognitive cooperation.

Mark Zuckerberg

CEO of Meta Platforms

Top 500 ranking: 81

Operating revenue: $116.609 billion

The battle for talent in AI has never been so fierce. Every company is competing for a few researchers and engineers. Those with professional knowledge can get amazing salaries. After the talent war, the most scarce resource will be the computing power required to train and run large-scale models. We have established relevant capabilities, which may be larger than any other company.

Chen Hong

Chairman of SAIC Group

Top 500 ranking: 84

Operating revenue of the company: 110.612 billion dollars

In the next 10 years, the automobile industry will undergo disruptive changes, far beyond the traditional boundaries. AI, big data, cloud computing, etc. will become the core force of the automobile industry.

Cui Taiyuan

President of SK Group

Top 500 ranking: 92

Operating revenue: 105.959 billion US dollars

Before the birth of ChatGPT, we didn't really think about how AI would shape the world, but since these breakthroughs, it seems that everyone wants to catch up with this wave. The development of AI requires a lot of resources, but the key factor is whether the market can keep up with these efforts. In addition, we always talk about how AI is good at solving energy and environmental problems, but we should also realize that AI also needs to invest a lot of energy to use.

Masako Okada

CEO of Itochu

Top 500 ranking: 96

Operating revenue: USD 103.029 billion

It is extremely dangerous to invest heavily only on assumptions, which also applies to the "Fourth Industrial Revolution". AI and other digital technologies are developing rapidly. A revolution cannot guarantee the steady growth of all related businesses. We must avoid reckless investment.

Jane Fraser

CEO of Citigroup

Top 500 ranking: 99

Operating revenue: USD 101.08 billion

We must actively accept AI, which is an important part of winning in the digital age. In the past three years, Citi's innovation laboratory has been studying AI. In the short term, generative AI will significantly increase productivity. In the long run, it may completely change all functions of banks and industries. The risk of not accepting generative AI far outweighs the risk of participating in it.

Carol B. Tom é


Top 500 ranking: 101

Operating revenue: 100.338 billion US dollars

AI and other new technologies have led to the largest layoff in UPS's 116 year history. Machine learning enables salespeople to organize proposals without seeking guidance from pricing experts.

Albert Bourla

Chairman and CEO of Pfizer

Top 500 ranking: 102

Operating revenue: 100.33 billion US dollars

We have used AI for many years and will use more powerful AI tools every year. We can complete the molecular design that usually takes 4 years in 4 months, and then start clinical trials. The emergence of big language models and generative AI has triggered a revolution. We are at the forefront of using these tools to bring more and better drugs to patients faster.

Auttapol Rerkpiboon

CEO of Petronas

Top 500 ranking: 110

Operating revenue: 96.162 billion US dollars

The world is moving towards the AI era, or the "Age of Enlightenment". I see two possibilities: humanization of AI, and socialization of the relationship between AI and human beings. Human will coexist with AI. So far, the demand for professionals related to AI and robots has increased, and these personnel can help ASEAN's GDP increase by 13%.

Ramon L. Laguarta

CEO of PepsiCo

Top 500 ranking: 135

Operating revenue: $86.392 billion

AI technology is of great significance to the future development of the company. First of all, AI will help the company to make decisions and transmit information more quickly, so that front-line employees play a more important role in daily work. Secondly, AI can help front-line employees better analyze data, understand market trends and consumer behavior changes, and make more accurate and efficient decisions. AI can help PepsiCo optimize supply chain management and reduce unnecessary logistics costs. At the same time, AI can also help product R&D and innovation to meet changing consumer needs, especially in nutrition, convenience and other aspects to provide better product solutions.

Yoshida Kenichiro

CEO of Sony

Top 500 ranking: 140

Operating revenue: 85.255 billion US dollars

Entertainment is a business activity related to people. Its content is produced by creators and has copyright. It can be seen that the participation of creators is crucial. Therefore, the company positions AI as supporting the technology of creators, rather than replacing them.


CEO of Tencent Holdings

Top 500 ranking: 147

Operating revenue: $82.439 billion

AI was the focus of the whole industry and even the whole world last year. Tencent has kept up with the first array, not the most advanced, but at least not too backward. Later, Tencent will refer the AI hybrid model to each scenario in combination with the scenario. In the next year or two, there will not be a pure native AI application, and it is a great opportunity to improve efficiency by combining products.

Elon Musk

CEO of Tesla

Top 500 ranking: 152

Operating revenue: 81.462 billion US dollars

We will usher in the era of AI, whose ability will reach or even surpass the level of human beings in any cognitive task. If the speed of change continues, I predict that in 2029 or 2030, digital intelligence will probably surpass the sum of all human intelligence. If AGI (General Artificial Intelligence) is defined as smarter than the smartest human, I think it may be next year, that is, within two years.

Hideo Kojima

CEO of Hitachi

Top 500 ranking: 153

Operating revenue: $80.389 billion

Generative AI will divide the history of IT use into BC and BC. It well simulates the thinking ability based on speech, effectively assists human intelligence work, and will reveal information that has been hidden and has so far been unusable.

Larry Culp

CEO of General Electric Company

Top 500 ranking: 167

Operating revenue: 76.555 billion US dollars

It is too early to judge whether AI chat robots will make people smarter or dumber. But AI clearly has the potential to replace deep thinking with immediate answers. Let AI think for us, which is very attractive to many people. If this becomes a trend, AI will become another tool that makes us lazy.

As a tool for learning and solving problems, AI may prove to be incomparable. However, while making use of it, we still need to cultivate critical thinking. Achieving a balance between the two will be a key test for thoughtful leaders in the coming years. Critical thinking is the hardest job.

David Solomon

CEO of Goldman Sachs

Top 500 ranking: 185

Operating revenue: 68.711 billion US dollars

Among the business leaders I talked to, none of them did not consider the development prospects of AI.

People's enthusiasm for generative AI will always cool down, but this has nothing to do with the effectiveness of AI itself, nor with the process we are trying to make technology progress and make it have a meaningful impact on business. In the past decades, Goldman Sachs has used different forms of AI, which plays an important role in many of our businesses.

Fu Fan

Chairman of China Pacific Insurance Group

Top 500 ranking: 192

Operating revenue: 67.696 billion US dollars

Different from the previous digital technology, the big model technology has the potential to create a batch of digital labor force and work in pairs with employees. On the one hand, it can help deal with some repetitive and simple mental work. On the other hand, it can also serve as a consultant to improve the professional breadth of employees and make everyone become a composite expert.

Jim Taiclet

Lockheed Martin CEO

Top 500 ranking: 199

Operating revenue: $65.984 billion

AI will not replace pilots or any other human operators, but is used to enhance the interactive experience between humans and the real world.

Cho Joo wan

CEO of LG Electronics

Top 500 ranking: 204

Operating revenue: 64.953 billion US dollars

At LG, we hope to redefine AI as "Affective Intelligence". We fundamentally believe that AI should bring a better customized experience, more caring, more empathetic and more realistic. We want to monitor our AI to reasonably execute commands derived from learning users, and control their access to data collected from users. As a customer, you should be in control. Only when you control can you fully enjoy your life.

Pat Gelsinger

Intel CEO

Top 500 ranking: 211

Operating revenue: US $63.054 billion

AI innovation will increase the influence of digital economy to one third of global GDP. AI is expected to create a responsible, inclusive and sustainable future. If technology cannot be proved to be good, then our work is still incomplete. Only when the application of AI is significantly and repeatedly superior to any non AI experience can it become a new standard.

Wang Chuanfu


Top 500 ranking: 212

Operating revenue: 63.041 billion US dollars

The strength of AI lies in its continuous learning and evolution, which is inseparable from a large amount of data and efficient self research. With the help of AI, there will be qualitative breakthroughs in the perception, decision-making, implementation and other aspects of intelligent vehicles.

Enrique Lores


Top 500 ranking: 213

Operating revenue: $62.983 billion

AI will make a big difference in where people spend their time. Many activities that take one day to complete today can now be completed in just a few seconds. It will really change the world, from doing things to explaining things, to actually processing output, rather than creating analysis. From the perspective of cost structure, this will indeed have a positive impact on the company. With the integration of AI, we will see one of the biggest changes in the PC industry for decades.

Yang Yuanqing

Lenovo CEO

Top 500 ranking: 217

Operating revenue: 61.946 billion US dollars

For Lenovo, this round of AI development is an unprecedented epic opportunity. Individuals, enterprises and organizations will inevitably be blessed or impacted. The next decade is likely to be the most innovative and disruptive decade in our career, or the decade in which we can achieve the most growth and achievements.

Julie Sweet

CEO of Accenture

Top 500 ranking: 220

Operating revenue: $61.594 billion

What we focus on is not generative AI itself (because it is just a technology), but what it can achieve. Many of our customers have 1000 ways to use AI, and they have started to take action, but (in terms of how to use AI) they have not received good education. We are at a stage where everyone is excited about this technology, but fails to connect it with value.

Arvind Krishna


Top 500 ranking: 224

Operating revenue: 60.53 billion US dollars

By 2030, AI's annual productivity in the world is expected to exceed $4 trillion.

How should we view AI? Will jobs be replaced by it? In retrospect, the most important thing is that even if not everyone will use AI in their work, they do not need to know how to invent it, but they should learn how to use it.

Back in 1990, few people thought that they would always use computers, but now every middle school student knows how to use computers and smart phones. Today, we need to upgrade our level, understand how to use AI, understand its limitations, and understand how to improve our work efficiency. So ultimately we need more people.

Take the automobile for example, the assembly line has accomplished two things: first, reduce the price so that everyone can afford it; The second is to increase Ford's production from 10000 vehicles to millions. When the production exceeds one million, more people are needed on the assembly line.

Sam Hazen

CEO, HCA Healthcare

Top 500 ranking: 226

Operating revenue: 60.233 billion US dollars

The application of AI in healthcare lags behind other industries. I think the idea of AI to simplify the management process of the entire health system is a real advantage for patients, medical staff, insurance institutions and medical providers.

Xiaolin Xiguang

President of Tokyo Electric Power

Top 500 ranking: 242

Operating revenue: 57.616 billion US dollars

Various initiatives and technology development from hardware to software are being promoted, especially generative AI, whose application fields and social impacts are also undergoing tremendous changes. In the near future, it may confront with human beings. In retrospect, the invention of steam engine, information technology and other industrial revolutions have had a significant impact on the earth, society and mankind. In this sense, we are now in a new transition period.

Herman Gref

CEO of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation

Top 500 ranking: 250

Operating revenue: 55.877 billion US dollars

AI will not replace humans, and the most likely thing is to "team up" with humans. To do this, human beings must have a deep understanding of how all this works. Routine work will disappear, but the ability to understand how the system works, continue to teach it, and create with the help of AI will remain.

The savings bank of the Russian Federation invests about $1 billion in AI technology every year, and gets about $3 billion in return. By the end of this year, the proportion of corporate loan decisions made by AI will reach 60%. By the end of 2026, this number will reach 80%.

Rolf Schumann

Co CEO of Daimler Truck Holding AG

Top 500 ranking: 264

Operating revenue: USD 53.582 billion

AI will not replace human beings, but will work together with human beings as their assistant and expansion. AI can process a large amount of data and provide insights, but it requires humans to interpret these insights and apply them to business decisions. We cannot be dominated by technology, but we should master technology.

Dave McKay

CEO of Royal Bank of Canada

Top 500 ranking: 270

Operating revenue: US $52.062 billion

AI is an incredible technology that will change our business, but is not ready for prime time. AI still has too many mistakes, "hallucinations" or meaningless answers in banking services, which can not be relied on. Like climate change, AI is creating fear and anxiety because it is beginning to change society and make people feel afraid.

Vasant Narasimhan

CEO of Novartis

Top 500 ranking: 271

Operating revenue: 51.828 billion US dollars

AI will help us to simplify the drug development process, but I don't believe it will bring about a thorough breakthrough, at least not in the current form. Over time, if we invest in teaching these systems how to understand biology, will it change everything in 10 or 15 years? Absolutely.

Chuck Robbins

CEO of Cisco Systems

Top 500 ranking: 271

Operating revenue: USD 51.557 billion

AI is still in its early stage. Think about it. When the iPhone first appeared, we didn't know that applications would eventually appear on it, or what we could do with it. I think AI is at the same stage.

Luca de Meo

Renault CEO

Top 500 ranking: 286

Operating revenue: 49.924 billion US dollars

AI is a field full of paradoxes. On the one hand, public space is full of earth shaking and doomsday predictions, either announcing the arrival of the golden age, or thinking that robots will replace humans and destroy millions of jobs. On the other hand, in actual work, there have been various AI that have changed our way of life and work. Like products, the AI revolution has begun in the design and production of the automotive industry. But let's not misunderstand that these AI tools do not come from nowhere. They are built by people, and their advantages and disadvantages are the result of people's development and use.

Sun Zhengyi

Founder, Chairman and President of Softbank Group

Top 500 ranking: 295

Operating revenue: 48.542 billion US dollars

General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) will be realized within 10 years. At that time, AGI will be ten times more intelligent than all human beings. If this becomes true, the assumption that human beings are the smartest creatures on the earth will be broken. In the next 20 years, the realization of "Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)" will be 10000 times of the total human intelligence. What does this mean? This will not be the competition between humans and monkeys, but between humans and goldfish. Goldfish's neurons are about 1/10000 of human's.

Those who understand AI and those who do not,

The difference in intelligence is the same as that between man and apes

Jim Rowan

CEO of Volvo Cars

Top 500 ranking: 307

Operating revenue: 46.828 billion US dollars

Auto companies are technology companies. There are so many technologies emerging that we have no choice. When it comes to AI, you need to understand how high power chips work. You must also be good at software, connectivity, data collection, data management, and data analysis. When you are good at all, and can integrate all these together in the next few years, you will be a dominant core player.

Corie Barry

CEO of Best Buy

Top 500 ranking: 311

Operating revenue: 46.298 billion US dollars

The irony of AI is that it will actually make all our technological experiences more humanistic... I don't think there will be a lack of technology in our homes and the most private parts of our lives. Therefore, our role is to truly humanize it, turn it into reality, and help the world understand how AI makes life better.

Christel Heydemann

Orange CEO

Top 500 ranking: 319

Operating revenue: 45.721 billion US dollars

We use AI to predict promotions that are most likely to be relevant and attractive to customers. This approach is driving a significant increase in our revenue in many markets, and we are actively replicating this work.

Estelle Brachlianoff

CEO of Veolia

Top 500 ranking: 324

Operating revenue: 45.105 billion US dollars

The combination of ecological transformation and AI can bring higher quality employment opportunities, and more importantly, it can create employment opportunities. AI can create up to 8 times of employment opportunities in the French recycling industry.

J. Scott Kirby

CEO of United Airlines Holdings

Top 500 ranking: 326

Operating revenue: 44.955 billion US dollars

Generative AI is very helpful to improve customer experience, and it will provide us with better suggestions when communicating with customers. For example, when air traffic control occurs, we can provide solutions through it to minimize the impact of such incidents on customers. It also allows us to communicate with customers in relatively simple terms when conveying complex information.

Marc N. Casper

CEO of Thermo Fisher Technology

Top 500 ranking: 328

Operating revenue: 44.915 billion US dollars

AI technology is revolutionary in terms of launching tools with high capabilities. It can improve the customer experience with less capacity. For example, in terms of generating marketing content, this technology will enable customer service personnel to answer complex questions raised by customers more efficiently. But what is really interesting is how consumers can get better products from it. Obviously, this will produce a huge difference, and the impact of this difference is not yet measurable.

Pascal Soriot

CEO of AstraZeneca

Top 500 ranking: 331

Operating revenue: 44.351 billion US dollars

AI can bring changes to any field, especially in R&D. The human body is like an incredibly complex machine. You need to collect and analyze all kinds of data, and AI can be used to identify new targets. We will use it when developing new products, in pharmaceutical factories, and in interactions with doctors. It can be said that AI has completely changed the way we run our company.

Zheng Guangzhi

Heshuo Co CEO

Top 500 ranking: 333

Operating revenue: 44.273 billion US dollars

This year is the first year of AI PC, but the real application will be after next year. Hardware manufacturers are still exploring, and there are many functions and applications that can be imported. In the future, each AI PC may be different, which will help the gross profit of hardware manufacturers. AI servers have grown explosively. Hokuk has invested in AI software algorithms to study how to apply them to smart manufacturing and smart factories, and hopes to transform relevant achievements into another business model to serve external customers.

Cristiano R. Amon

Qualcomm CEO

Top 500 ranking: 334

Operating revenue: 44.2 billion US dollars

Generative AI has made revolutionary progress, and we are witnessing its innovation and application develop at an unprecedented speed. As generative AI gradually becomes an indispensable part of personal and commercial applications, it will have a far-reaching impact in various industries. The launch of the next generation AI PC will become another turning point in the industry. Just like the AI mobile phone launched this year, this new PC will run AI on both the terminal side and the cloud, fundamentally changing the application experience of personal computers in communication, productivity, creativity and entertainment.

Robert B. Ford

Chairman and CEO of Abbott Company

Top 500 ranking: 338

Operating revenue: 43.653 billion US dollars

AI will play an important role in health care. In diagnosis, it enables us to determine the condition earlier and more accurately. We can help doctors provide personalized nursing advice by accessing a large amount of data. For example, Ultreon vascular imaging software uses AI technology to automatically detect the calcium level in blood vessels, thus helping doctors make more accurate decisions. In addition, AI technology can help to discover new therapeutic reagents, explore possibilities faster, verify alternatives and establish model scenarios, thus promoting innovation. In the future, Abbott will continue to explore how to integrate this technology into the company's products.

Jong Kyoo Yoon

President of KB Financial Group

Top 500 ranking: 339

Operating revenue: 43.622 billion US dollars

In a world dominated by AI, mobile and digital, KB Financial Group should create value through innovation of traditional assets. We should strive to become a "bionic company", so that humans and AI work together in harmony.

Evan G. Greenberg

Chairman and CEO of Anda Insurance Company

Top 500 ranking: 342

Operating revenue: 43.166 billion US dollars

The general model and the big language model will iterate over time. The insurance business itself and some parametric risks are also iterative in nature. We expect that relevant technologies will play a potential role in underwriting and claims work, such as replacing part of the work and making the work more accurate.

Emma Walmsley

CEO of GlaxoSmithKline

Top 500 ranking: 343

Operating revenue: $43.035 billion

AI technology has the opportunity to meet the biggest challenge of the pharmaceutical industry - productivity of R&D, because it takes an average of 10 years to develop a new drug or vaccine, costs billions of dollars, and the probability of failure is as high as 90%.

James R. Quincey

CEO of Coca Cola Company

Top 500 ranking: 344

Operating revenue of the company: $43004 million

AI will change the way companies analyze data, produce advertisements and interact with consumers. We hope to stand at the forefront of this change, because it has far-reaching significance. If we can combine it with employees' creative skills, we can do better in effectiveness and efficiency, and this is just the beginning. We are making use of AI to strengthen our ties with consumers, such as launching the "Create Real Magic" platform, which allows consumers to generate original works of art on Coca Cola cans through AI technology.

Michael Sen

CEO of Fresenius Group

Top 500 ranking: 346

Operating revenue: 42.954 billion US dollars

I believe AI will never replace human beings in the medical field. For example, when we deal with patients, it is often their most vulnerable moment. Although it is impossible to know whether people want to have a machine that can provide suggestions, human interaction cannot be replaced. Technological innovation does play an important role, but what is more interesting is how it is applied and whether it can be accepted.

Sergio P. Ermotti

CEO of UBS Group

Top 500 ranking: 347

Operating revenue: 42.95 billion US dollars

AI may change the world faster than any innovation in history, but the change it brings may be slower than the most optimistic prediction. And this change is an evolution, not a revolution. We always talk about that AI will lead to the elimination of many jobs, but many countries are also facing the problem of labor shortage caused by population decline. AI can replace some jobs vacated due to lack of labor, which is beneficial to the whole society.

Larry Ellison

Founder of Oracle

Top 500 ranking: 352

Operating revenue: 42.44 billion US dollars

Generative AI has changed everything, just like a revolution. Everyone wants to know what will happen next. It will be a global competition aimed at building the future and better AI. Like all new technologies, generative AI will also bring about major risks associated with it - like fire and spear, which may be abused. But on the whole, technology and technological progress will make life better.

Generative AI has fundamentally changed the way Oracle works. For example, we will no longer build new applications by handwritten Java code. The company has greatly improved the application generator APEX in the past few years. Now almost all new applications are generated by APEX, and the code written by AI has no security vulnerabilities.

Christian Sewing

CEO of Deutsche Bank

Top 500 ranking: 354

Operating revenue: 42.285 billion US dollars

In the face of emergencies, our customers also expect to have more flexibility to understand and control risks more effectively. This is why artificial intelligence, machine learning and data are expected to rewrite the rules of the banking game. We are exploring how to apply the new generation technology to all businesses, and combine the application of professional knowledge with the customer value chain layout to better help customers develop new products and business models.

Jose Maria Alvarez Callete Lopez

CEO of Telefonica

Top 500 ranking: 355

Operating revenue of the company: USD 42.063 billion

We can't let AI technology get out of control. Not everything that technology can do is necessarily good or acceptable. For example, AI will generate a large number of systematic and undetectable false information.


President of KDDI Telecom

Top 500 ranking: 357

Operating revenue: 41.902 billion US dollars

Although there are many books about deep learning and data science, practical contact is the shortcut to learning AI. In May 2023, KDDI started to let employees use the AI chat service KDDI AI Chat, aiming to promote the use of AI tools by the whole department and create a safe and reliable environment. However, the content created by generative SI may cause infringement, and the accuracy also has problems, such as not providing the latest information. To this end, the company uses existing knowledge to formulate internal use rules as the operation guide of generative AI tools.

Mario Greco

CEO of Zurich Insurance Group

Top 500 ranking: 358

Operating revenue: 41.75 billion US dollars

Investment is becoming a project aimed at improving customer satisfaction. AI can enable us to better understand risks and improve customer service. Using AI to participate in risk assessment will subdivide risks more accurately, so that we can better understand risks and better match risks with the price of insurance products.

Lei Jun

Chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group

Top 500 ranking: 360

Operating revenue: 41.631 billion US dollars

Artificial intelligence is currently the most popular topic of scientific and technological innovation. When most people can't use AI tools, you can use them. This is an opportunity for you. From the long-term trend, the demand for human resources to master the basic skills of AI in all walks of life is growing rapidly. In terms of the actual technical level of domestic generative AI, there is still a significant shortage of top AI talent reserves, and there is even more shortage of compound talents. Therefore, strengthening talent training in the field of artificial intelligence will become a key factor in the continuous upgrading of China's industry.

Gilles Mabire

Chief Technology Officer, Continental

Top 500 ranking: 362

Operating revenue: $41.449 billion

AI is absolutely necessary for the development of Continental. With AI driven tools, we can simulate real scenes and use its power to shorten the time required to solve complex tasks. For example, when it comes to manufacturing or predictive maintenance, AI can predict and determine the possibility of quality problems by monitoring key parameters in the machine, and transmit data to the factory so that the company can deal with this situation. AI can also predict market changes and let the company determine how to maximize production and optimize production plans.

Liu Yonghao

Chairman of New Hope Holding Group Co., Ltd

Top 500 ranking: 363

Operating revenue of the company: $41.426 billion

Many people say that AI will subvert many industries and make many private enterprises, especially traditional manufacturing enterprises, anxious. In order to avoid anxiety, New Hope organized a six-month digital transformation training, which made everyone deeply realize that we must embrace big data and intelligent manufacturing. At the same time, the company has established relevant working groups to adjust and change from personnel, management, finance and other aspects to adapt to the intelligent use of big data. As for AI, we should invest in it, understand it, and become familiar with it. Through organizational transformation, investment behavior, and learning behavior, we gradually wake up. We should not be anxious, and we should bravely stand up to embrace this great change.

Zeng Yi

Chairman of China Electronics Industry Group Co., Ltd

Top 500 ranking: 368

Operating revenue: 40.326 billion US dollars

The new round of reform represented by ChatGPT may be an important direction, but I don't think it represents everything in the future. This may be an important or even main direction of exploration, but it should not be regarded as too "divine". There are still many unsolved problems. In the final analysis, AI development, whether represented by ChatGPT or other schemes, is inseparable from three foundations, namely, computing power, algorithms and models.

Nicolas Hieronimus

CEO of L'Oreal

Top 500 ranking: 370

Operating revenue: 40.241 billion US dollars

What really enables L'Oreal to withstand the challenges in the future is our transformation around beauty technology and sustainability. For example, the AI Recipe tool can save several months of time on recipes. AI also helps us collect all product reviews published online in real time, and we will upload the feedback to the research database.

Hak Cheol Shin

CEO of LG Chemical

Top 500 ranking: 371

Operating revenue: 40.241 billion US dollars

AI technology is one of the most outstanding technologies to improve business efficiency in today's era. We will improve the efficiency of commercialization through AI based digital technology. LG Chem has been actively promoting AI based digital transformation in all business fields. Especially in the manufacturing field, AI technology has been widely used in production, quality, research and development, environmental safety and other businesses.

Wang Wei

Chairman of SF Holdings Co., Ltd

Top 500 ranking: 377

Operating revenue: 39.765 billion US dollars

If the answer given by GPT is consistent with the vision of its strategic department, what is the next step? It is the ability to respond in real time. In the process of rapid development of science and technology, Shunfeng should not be lazy, let alone careless. It should use new things to update its concept, use new tools to serve customers, and use new markets to make its products more competitive. A new era is coming. Whether your understanding and judgment of things can accurately let you borrow its advantages and decide where you go. The efficiency and quality of others will be high if they use it, but you will be rejected if you run to the last one.

Simon Robert

Chief Executive Officer of Sunbury

Top 500 ranking: 390

Operating revenue: 37.91 billion US dollars

Although the integration of automated farming, warehouse robots and AI forecasting tools may lead to a reassessment of the company's labor demand, the purpose is to improve productivity and reduce waste. The old system of the company has been reducing our flexibility and efficiency in the past, and we must evolve.

John E. Schlifske

CEO of Northwest Mutual Life Insurance Company

Top 500 ranking: 408

Operating revenue: US $36.921 billion

We can use AI to respond more quickly to customer needs, thereby improving the customer experience. For example, we may spend 60 days, 70 days or even 80 days to apply for an insurance policy in the past, because we need to manually analyze the data. Through AI's analysis of data and decisions, it only takes two days to process more than half of the same business. AI has not eliminated jobs. As we become faster and faster, it is actually creating jobs. Enterprises should embrace this technology, because it can make enterprises faster, more efficient, and bring higher output.

Alan D. Schnitzer

CEO of Travelers

Top 500 ranking: 409

Operating revenue: 36.884 billion US dollars

For the insurance industry, a key success factor is to divide risks as carefully as possible to achieve accurate risk assessment and pricing. The deep learning model has significantly improved our ability to classify and subdivide risks.

Xu Shengxiong

Chairman of Compal Computer

Top 500 ranking: 420

Operating revenue: $36.04 billion

AI development can be divided into three levels: hardware manufacturing, software manufacturing and application. More important is the application, which can really produce value. For example, the company's ultrasonic handheld device enables doctors to send data to the data center through 5G without time lag when they come to the patient's home for diagnosis, and then let the doctors make judgments quickly through AI's rapid analysis. In the past, this was a matter that required a lot of energy to sort out, analyze and summarize.

Vimal Kapur

CEO of Honeywell International

Top 500 ranking: 425

Operating revenue: 35.466 billion US dollars

As a company engaged in industrial manufacturing, the company has recognized the great potential of AI and has used this technology extensively for product research and development, such as testing software coding, providing technical support for products, etc. In addition, since the company has experienced a shortage of skilled workers, the company hopes that AI can become a tool to help improve productivity and relieve the pressure of skilled workers.

Chen Dongsheng

Chairman and CEO of Taikang Insurance Group Co., Ltd

Top 500 ranking: 431

Operating revenue: 34.837 billion US dollars

From computers and the Internet to cloud computing, big data, and today's AI, it is an extension of human brain power. For us, the most important thing in the future is AI application. This is a profound industrial revolution, which may have a greater impact than the invention of the steam engine. Brain labor has been replaced by big models, and all enterprises can not run away. Only by embracing bravely and enthusiastically can there be a future, so we will learn and use it without saying much.

Stuart A. Miller

Executive Chairman of Lena

Top 500 ranking: 450

Operating revenue: $33.671 billion

Building a house is a highly integrated system set that depends on various feedback cycles. It is a data-driven process, and AI generation technology can participate in it.

Ding Liguo

Chairman of Shanghai Delong Steel Group Co., Ltd

Top 500 ranking: 451

Operating revenue: USD 33.534 billion

Our generation will surely see great changes in the steel industry. In the next few years, 30%, 40% or even 50% of steel enterprises will be eliminated by market competition. Today, digital intelligence is the key force to adjust production relations and form advanced productivity. The speed and impact of AI technology progress are faster and more far-reaching than we predicted.

Li Ka shing

Founder of Changjiang Heji Industry Co., Ltd

Top 500 ranking: 453

Operating revenue: 33.523 billion US dollars

The complications of cause are non thinking and non feeling ignorance, which will certainly fail in the generation of artificial intelligence; The basic skills of wave riders should be sensitive, quick to know, and bright at all times. They should have independent thinking ability, be able to use imagination, and combine reality, data, and information into a new one.

Artificial intelligence is an indispensable key technology in the future. Now it is more urgent to expand the curriculum to the executives of small and medium-sized enterprises, and train the employees to master and apply AI.

Kenneth S. Wilson

Vice President of Jabil

Top 500 ranking: 456

Operating revenue: $33.478 billion

The emerging geopolitical conflicts and labor shortages pose a series of challenges to the supply chain. A survey of 200 supply chain companies around the world shows that 66% of companies use the AI learning model when analyzing the industry. With AI tools, companies can optimize supply chain costs, find more time saving routes, and reduce payment risks caused by external events.

Wang Xing

Chairman and CEO of Meituan

Top 500 ranking: 467

Operating revenue: 32.699 billion US dollars

The AI big model makes me both excited about the huge productivity that will be created soon, and worried about its impact on the world in the future. AI applications are not limited to mobile phones or the Internet industry. AI has a variety of applications, and AIGC is only one part of them. After years of operation, Meituan has accumulated a large amount of proprietary data. Because of this, Meituan will actively invest in AI technology within the scope of its capabilities, with a view to making AI technology benefit everyone.  

Christian Klein


Top 500 ranking: 472

Operating revenue: 32.469 billion US dollars

AI is not just hype, it actually redefines the way enterprises operate.

Howard Schultz

Founder of Starbucks

Top 500 ranking: 473

Operating revenue: 32.25 billion US dollars

At present, it is in the AI "arms race", and many people are rushing forward. So much money has been invested in AI research and development. In general, social media is not a good thing for the global society. I hope AI will not repeat the mistakes made by human beings in social media. If AI makes a mistake, it may have a significant impact on human beings. What I worry about is that the speed at which governments around the world formulate regulations cannot catch up with the development of AI.

Dara Khosrowshahi

CEO of Uber Technologies

Top 500 ranking: 477

Operating revenue: 31.877 billion US dollars

We have been using machine learning and AI systems. Every time you are paired to a car or courier, there are algorithms working behind it, and machine learning is driven from time to distance. In fact, generative AI is a kind of productivity. The relevant tools provided by the company for drivers are equivalent to a copilot, which can ensure that the company is beside the driver when the driver has questions. But sometimes AI will also reduce the predictability of the system when outputting, and better technology is needed to audit it. AI is not perfect in any aspect.

Wang Laichun

Chairman of Lixun Precision Industry Co., Ltd

Top 500 ranking: 479

Operating revenue: 31.817 billion US dollars

AI must go down, so as to improve productivity and solve many challenges brought by the continuous improvement of technology. Without the assistance of AI, many technical problems cannot be solved by traditional manufacturing or even ordinary automation. So AI gives us a path, whether it is to deal with the challenges in the product development stage or some technical challenges in implementing the product landing, it can give us a better way to solve problems.

Ted Sarandos

CEO of Netflix

Top 500 ranking: 484

Operating revenue: US $31.616 billion

In Hollywood, AI is still a creative tool, not a replacement for filmmakers. AI cannot be a shortcut in creating human experience. The attempt to use AI technology to create real human experience will eventually fail, and the audience has the ability to distinguish between "unreal" movies and real movies. In the future, users may use AI technology to create content, such as combining two movies to create a new movie. Even so, users still prefer to choose the content created by real people.

Dirk Van de Put

CEO of Yizi International

Top 500 ranking: 487

Operating revenue: 31.496 billion US dollars

Our mission is to create snacks that people and the earth love in the right way. Our manufacturers in Beijing have relieved the pressure on operating costs through AI driven light off factories and optimized exhaust emission processes through machine learning training. This innovative technology helped us increase revenue by 28%, improve production efficiency by 53%, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 24%, and reduce food waste by 29%.

Marc R. Benioff

CEO of Saifushi

Top 500 ranking: 491

Operating revenue: 31.352 billion US dollars

Generative AI is like a huge vacuum cleaner, absorbing as much data as possible on the Internet. It is the ultimate plagiarist who will steal all the data and then return it to the user. Therefore, it is very important for enterprises to protect their privacy when letting employees use generative AI. Before putting private data into a big language model and allowing employees to access it, a "trust layer" needs to be added. In the past year or two, AI has made great strides, but in its rapid pace of development, this technology may make mistakes. We have seen major problems in science and technology, and do not want the AI "Hiroshima atomic bomb incident" to happen.

Robert M. Bakish

CEO of Paramount Global

Top 500 ranking: 492

Operating revenue: 31.331 billion US dollars

The company is applying AI in the process of localized content creation, and has produced very convincing economic effects. Although the writers' strike may cause some interference, we are confident in our ability to manage it. To this end, we have to pull the joystick and continue to deploy content on the platform in an effective way to cover movies and streaming media.

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

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