Huawei Launches Hongmeng Developer Contest, with 5.4 million registered developers worldwide

Huawei Launches Hongmeng Developer Contest, with 5.4 million registered developers worldwide
11:55, June 26, 2022 Sina Technology

Sina Science and Technology News at noon on June 26, Huawei recently announced that the Hongmeng Developer Competition was officially opened for registration. Its Apps UP application innovation track has been held for two consecutive times since 2020, attracting nearly 10000 developers around the world to submit nearly 10000 innovative applications. It will continue the high bonus system of the previous two competitions, with an incentive bonus of $1 million.

At the launch ceremony, Wang Yue, president of Huawei Terminal Cloud Service Application Ecology BU, said that Huawei hopes to gather more innovative forces from global developers, create intelligent full scene experiences and applications, bring Huawei's intelligent device capabilities to more consumers, and jointly explore the digital future.

He revealed that Huawei HM The S mobile application ecosystem has achieved rapid growth. The number of registered developers in the world has reached 5.4 million, an increase of 135% over the previous year. The number of globally integrated HMS Core applications has also reached 203000, an increase of 52%. The cumulative number of applications distributed by Huawei's application market in the world has reached more than 400 billion. HMS mobile application ecosystem has become one of the three mobile application ecosystems in the world.

It is reported that the Apps UP track continues to set up five major competition areas in Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East Africa and China. In terms of award setting, in addition to the five previous awards, namely, the Best Application Award, the Best Game Award, the Most Social Value Award, the Full Scene Innovation Award, and the Women in Science and Technology Award, the Chinese competition area has also added the Best HMS Innovation Award and the Campus Innovation Award.

The event also set up overseas characteristic awards according to the situation of different regions, including the Best Arabic Application Award in the Middle East Africa Division, the Best Game Innovation Award in Latin America Division, the AG Tomorrow Star Award in the Asia Pacific Division and other local differentiation awards, to promote the localized application and development of HMS application ecology in the global region.

In addition, Huawei has also launched the global campus AI algorithm elite competition. Huawei's "Star Shining Plan" provides special incentive bonuses for the competition, with a total bonus pool of 210000 dollars. In order to further motivate the participants, this competition has set up an additional green channel for campus recruitment, so that outstanding campus talents have the opportunity to enter Huawei. (Zhang Jun)

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