Luo Yonghao's "retreat", Yu Minhong's "advance", the re entrepreneurship of the two tycoons

Luo Yonghao's "retreat", Yu Minhong's "advance", the re entrepreneurship of the two tycoons

   Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, June 25 (reporter Chen Mei) In June, because of two well-known people, the live broadcast field became a public hotspot again.

This month, the two tycoons found the way to re start their own businesses. Yu Hongmin, 60 years old, with the help of "Oriental Selection", teachers brought goods live in bilingual form, allowing fans to "learn" and "place orders" at the same time; Luo Yonghao, who "made friends", simply chose to quit and join the R&D of AR Technology.

At the same track, the two big men are "in" and "out", reflecting different life circumstances and realities. So, standing on the road of re entrepreneurship, who is more practical in Luo Yonghao's "retreat" and Yu Minhong's "advance"?

  Luo Yonghao plunged into AR R&D and "failed to see the industry"?

Luo Yonghao had chosen to quit before the eastern selection became popular.

On June 13, Luo Yonghao spent the last time micro-blog Thank you to the market in this capacity. He also said that the "True Return" is coming to an end, and he wants to start his own business again, this time it is AR Technology Company.

"In the next few years, the new company will focus on product and technology research and development, and would like to take this opportunity to leave the noise of social networks and quietly do product research and development with colleagues for several years," Luo Yonghao said. At the same time, AR colleagues have opened a microblog of "@ Product Manager Luo Yonghao", on which they will do some professional exchanges on AR products in the future.

In Luo Yonghao's opinion, the reason for choosing AR to start a new business is that AR is the next generation computing platform, while the other computing platform is new energy vehicles. Luo Yonghao is determined to develop AR.

However, Zhao Lei, a senior industrial personage of the Yuan Universe, said in an interview with the Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily on June 26 that Luo Yonghao had made a mistake in his judgment. "AR is not the next billion level computing platform, and it cannot replace mobile phones."

"Compared with AR, new energy vehicles are indeed a trillion level computing platform, but it is a huge industry, which is not accessible to ordinary players. On the other hand, although the development of AR is not as huge as new energy vehicles, it has been explored for many years. So far, the technology giants have not achieved good results." Zhao Lei, a senior industry personage of the Yuan Universe, said.

For example, Microsoft After R&D of AR products, orders were only obtained in the military field of TO B, while in the military field of TO C, the sales volume of Magic Leap head display was always lower than the internal forecast. Google More than one billion dollars have been invested in AR R&D, but only a few thousand products have been sold. "Can AR be the next computing platform comparable to new energy vehicles with such input-output ratio?"

More importantly, the optics and display of AR products have always been difficult. "This is totally a problem of the buyer's show and the seller's show. AR is augmented reality, but users don't need to see the world through 'augmented reality' all the time. At the same time, 50% of people have motion sickness and wear AR glasses all the time, which will make users' eyes unbearable. Once the requirements become less urgent and convenient, AR products are fake requirements. "

Of course, in Zhao Lei's opinion, Luo Yonghao may also make good AR software and technology, and there is capital support behind it, but Luo Yonghao does not have enough industry research. "Just one sentence, 'AR software applications can be directly transferred to VR after a change', which is totally a slip of the tongue, because there is no commonality between the two."

Since this year, reporters have noticed that both AR technology and software companies have raised funds, but it is not as hot as the year when the universe broke out. Many financing companies' research and development directions are in specific fields such as automatic driving, robots, security, primary and secondary school experimental courses, etc.

For example, Ge Ruling, who completed the C round of financing in June, used VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) as applications to link physics (science) experiment courses in primary and secondary schools. With the investment of Cornerstone Capital, Fosun Fortune, etc., and the completion of 100 million yuan round B financing, Ansijiang Technology has applied its products in security monitoring, financial security and other fields, involving optical modules and depth algorithms. Moreover, Ruisi Huachuang, known as the capital lead investment and China Unicom follow investment, is also a vehicle mounted AR display product

It remains to be seen what direction Luo Yonghao's AR Technology Company will develop.

  Yu Minhong wants to set up an e-commerce college. What's the way forward?

Compared with Luo Yonghao's "retreat", Yu Minhong strode into the live broadcast circle, especially after Oriental Selection and Dong Yuhui's countless fans, and thought it was the right choice.

On the way to the second entrepreneurship, Yu Minhong said, New Oriental E-commerce schools may be opened in the future. If the School of E-Commerce is determined to be established, famous anchors such as Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui will serve as teachers to train students in person.

From live broadcast to e-Business School, it seems that this is a way to re start a successful business, but a primary market investor said to the reporter of Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, "Live broadcast, like public accounts and community platforms, is a big outbreak of UGC (user generated content), and the problem is that the industry is developing too fast."

"If Luo Yonghao has been making a lot of money in the live broadcast circle, it may not be so easy to withdraw. After the popularity of Oriental Selection, it will eventually become dull. This is like Ruhan, who was first bound to Zhang Dayi. One year after listing, the market value has shrunk by 75%, facing the embarrassment of having to delist."

Ruhan's delisting reflects the ebb tide of the first generation MCN. But before listing, Ruhan also obtained Ali , Junlian Capital and Zhongding Capital boosted the valuation of this online celebrity e-commerce by 15 times.

After Zhang Dayi, Weiya, Li Jiaqi and other related companies have also been favored by capital. For example, Junlian Capital invested in Weiya's husband's Qianxun Company, which was favored by Yunfeng Fund for strategic investment; As an online celebrity incubation platform, MeiONE, which belongs to Li Jiaqi, has received the blessing of Hupan Shannan Capital, Sina Weibo Fund, Jujiang Culture and Detong Capital.

Even Luo Yonghao, who retired from the circle, made a friend, his parent company Xingkong Yewang, and received three rounds of financing, all in 2020. However, after Luo Yonghao withdrew, capital also withdrew. According to Tianyan, Xingkong Yewang has changed its business recently. Fengrui Capital and Asahi Venture Capital have withdrawn from the list of shareholders, and the registered capital has been reduced to about 1.8776 million yuan.

Whether capital goes or stays is closely related to online celebrities. "It's just like that after Li Ziqi quit WeChat, the byte beat and did not hesitate to get back the investment." The above primary market investors told the reporter of Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily that now New Oriental is doing live broadcast online, and the content has little relevance to education and training services. On the one hand, many people watch live broadcast for entertainment, not for learning; On the other hand, live broadcast mainly focuses on "people". For example, going to the East to select and watch live broadcast is to see Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui, which has nothing to do with the platform.

To clarify this point, it is not difficult to understand the logic of the development of live broadcast e-commerce. Of course, in the face of Dong Yuhui's fire, Yu Minhong also said that he was not afraid of Dong Yuhui being dug up by other institutions. "In New Oriental, Oriental Selection will give a fair market price."

On June 26, the primary market investors interviewed by reporters said that the world's knowledge stock is too much from knowledge payment to the present. "After the outbreak of knowledge and information, it slowly became less effective. New Oriental used to make money with knowledge, but now it is making money with goods, which makes it more difficult."

"On the one hand, it can be understood that the industry is too voluminous, and the management needs to set a threshold for the industry; on the other hand, there are too many people engaged in this industry, which means that the industry is developing too fast, and any industry has a development stage and cycle. When the pause button is pressed, the next stage must be precipitation and reshuffle."

"At this stage, is there any opportunity for Dongfang Selection? Of course, there may also be opportunities, but the business volume is certainly not the same order of magnitude as the previous English training. In short, it is difficult to explore new business and transform." said the investor.

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