Huawei Jiang Yafei: More than 100 5G commercial contract base stations have been obtained, and the shipment volume has exceeded 1.2 million

Huawei Jiang Yafei: More than 100 5G commercial contract base stations have been obtained, and the shipment volume has exceeded 1.2 million
11:40, May 17, 2022 Sina Technology

Sina Technology News On the morning of May 17, it was reported that Jiang Yafei, senior vice president of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the 2022 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Conference.

He pointed out that China has led the global 5G development. The world has 200 5G commercial networks, 2.2 million+5G base stations, 700 million+5G users, and the download rate is 10 times higher than that of 4G.

China has built 1.56 million+5G base stations, which is the world's largest 5G network and the country with the most 5G users in the world. 10000+5G ToB innovation project, 250+industrial modules and terminals.

In addition, Huawei 5G has won more than 100 commercial contracts, and the number of base station shipments has exceeded 1.2 million.

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