Hot search first! WeChat will have new functions, and online celebrities may be exposed!

Hot search first! WeChat will have new functions, and online celebrities may be exposed!
07:57, April 30, 2022 Media scrolling

Source: China Economic Network

On the 29th, according to the WeChat "WeChat Coral Security" announcement, in order to maintain the order of network communication and further crack down on counterfeiting, carrying, rumor mongering and other acts, the WeChat public platform will display the IP territory of the user when publishing the content, the domestic account will be displayed to the province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government), and the overseas account will be displayed to the country (region). The IP territory of the account is subject to the information provided by the operator, The user cannot actively open or close the relevant display for the time being.

This function will be tested in the near future, and will be opened to users in the future according to the test results.

That night, the # WeChat public platform was about to display the user's IP address #, which was the first hot search.

On April 28, micro-blog Fully open the small tail function of IP territory, which will display the IP territory on the user's comment content, personal homepage and other pages. Launch the function of "personal homepage first level page showing IP territory". According to reports, this is mainly to reduce bad behaviors such as impersonating the parties to hot events, malicious rumor making, and scraping traffic, so as to ensure the authenticity and transparency of the communication content.

In fact, apart from Sina Weibo, according to incomplete statistics, in April, today's headlines, Diaoyin, Xiaohongshu, Fasthand Zhihu Such platforms have also announced that they will gradually open the function of "personal homepage showing account IP territory". Some platforms also display the small tail of the user's IP address in some comments or answers, and users cannot actively turn this function on or off.

After the IP territory function was launched, a large number of online celebrities "took shape".

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