Surplus online games played by Chinese charmed Saudi tyrants, earning 20 million yuan a month by changing skins

Surplus online games played by Chinese charmed Saudi tyrants, earning 20 million yuan a month by changing skins
22:43, April 16, 2022 Entrepreneur

An online joke said that the Chinese made a game in Saudi Arabia, and there were only 12 players, but there were nearly 40 million players every month.

Of course, jokes are only jokes. Those who believe in them become jokes. However, the ability of Krypton gold is not good for Middle Eastern people to play games.

How easy is it to get rich by playing games in the Arab countries full of local tyrants? Listen to the story of Chuangye Bang about selling a web game of "skin covering" in Arabia and earning 20 million yuan a month.

When it comes to the Middle East, everyone's first impression must be: desert, oil, wealth, and then the average local tyrant, who raises leopards, lives in palaces, and the doorknob is gold

But in the Arab region, where traditional Islamic teachings are followed, there are few KTVs, cinemas, bars and nightclubs - what about a lot of time? Play games!

The Middle East, with a population of 500 million, is one of the top 30 countries in the world's GDP. There is a market for money and leisure. Many players should rush in.

After all, Arabs are famous for their willingness to play krypton gold.

For example, the Saudi consortium directly spent 430 million dollars to buy SNK, the parent company of King of Fists. It is said that the reason for the purchase is that the Saudi prince likes to play King of Fists.

But in fact, due to cultural and linguistic barriers, except for a few at the top, the Arab people did not go through the initial baptism of video games. Therefore, not only had there been no local game developers and publishers, but also the international game giants had "somehow" bypassed the Middle East.

So the Chinese came.

In 2015, a mobile game called Sudan's Revenge came out. Two weeks after its release, the server was crushed by the rapidly increasing number of players, and the number of downloads directly rushed to the top of the list.

Backed by the Middle East with per capita local wealth, the monthly flow of 20 million yuan is easy.

In China, mobile games have been popular for three to six months. Once "Sudan's Revenge" was launched, it was downloaded from the top five of the list in the Middle East for seven years.

What kind of game can make the Tuhao nationality so infatuated?

The post-80s and post-90s generation will surely recognize this game at a glance. This is not just the previous domestic online games: "Hello everyone, I'm Zha Zhahui, and my brothers will bite me!"

Yes, it is the most contemptible "skin changing" game in the game industry, but Zaihui has been replaced by Saladin, and unifying the Jianghu has been replaced by rebuilding the empire

So, the question is, why is this game so popular?

In a word, it is grounded, or China's best at sailing: ultimate localization.

Note that it is localization, not translation. Simply translating Chinese into Arabic will definitely not work. You need to give Middle East players a background and a story.

For example, The Revenge of the Sudan was set in the 14th century, and the story "launched an instant war with the alliance as a unit", just in line with the belligerent character of the Middle East people.

After all, they are fond of falcons, so they have to prepare special seats for their hawks on the plane.

Secondly, the cultural threshold in the Middle East is very high, and game settings can easily step on their thunder points.

The Revenge of the Sultan has made a thorough optimization. For example, women must be masked when they appear in the game, and no crosses, pigs, wine, six pointed stars, etc. can appear in the game.

There are too many details. For example, in order to meet the reading habits of the people in the Middle East, all text and visual designs are arranged from right to left. For example, the people in the Middle East are more green and yellow. The main colors of the game are these two

This has created a game with a monthly revenue of 20 million yuan.

Of course, there must be more than one Chinese game in the Middle East market. It is said that Chinese games account for half of the top 20.

When an industry is too involved in China, it will inevitably find a breakthrough, go to the sea, and go to the local market to reduce dimensions. This is the case with games, and so is the "voice transmission" of the African machine king.

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