Delivery is delayed again? Some sites of JD Logistics in Shanghai are still short of capacity for recovery, and are recruiting reinforcements

Delivery is delayed again? Some sites of JD Logistics in Shanghai are still short of capacity for recovery, and are recruiting reinforcements
11:21, April 12, 2022 Surging news

Reporter/Fan Jialai

From the original "delivery on April 12" to "delivery on April 24"... Many Shanghai citizens reported that recently JD.COM The food and daily necessities purchased in the mall are delayed in delivery.

On April 12, an insider close to JD Logistics disclosed to the surging news reporter that there are more than 100 warehouses of JD Logistics in Shanghai and Kunshan, which can support the materials needed by Shanghai to fight the epidemic, but only a part of them are now open to operation. The local government will actively assist in the overtime scheduling to unblock some links and resume the trans regional transportation of allocated materials as soon as possible.

"For example, although there is a large warehouse in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, the road passes from Kunshan to Shanghai are very tight, and the number of goods that can be transported into Shanghai is actually limited. In terms of manpower, the number of couriers who can go out of the community to deliver goods is less than 1/3 of the usual number," said the insider.

It is worth noting that the official website of JD shows that the delivery order in Shanghai is now placed and is expected to arrive on April 22. The estimated delivery time given by the official website of JD a few days ago is 3-4 days.

A Jingdong logistics courier who successfully returned to his post told the reporter that orders have soared now. In order to deliver more goods, he has also moved into the site. However, many distribution stations in Shanghai have not yet been unsealed, and JD Logistics has not yet fully resumed timely delivery.

"Yesterday, our distribution station was finally unsealed. I have been living in the station and can be on duty to deliver goods immediately, but some colleagues still can't get out of the community. I hope that other distribution stations can resume work as soon as possible." On April 12, a courier from a Jingdong logistics distribution station in Yangpu District, Shanghai, which has just resumed business, said.

Jingdong has made every effort to support Shanghai's supply guarantee work. Pengpai News has learned exclusively that JD Logistics has issued an emergency notice internally. On the one hand, it has given a relatively large incentive policy nationwide to recruit couriers to Shanghai for reinforcement this week.

On the other hand, in Shanghai, more than 2500 people were gathered by crowdsourcing express to participate in terminal distribution; In addition, it also mobilized the storage capacity of the entire East China region to replace the storage capacity of Shanghai and Kunshan, and made every effort to protect the people's livelihood of Shanghai.

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