Online car hailing becomes a transparent platform, which will face the test of driver retention

Online car hailing becomes a transparent platform, which will face the test of driver retention
08:27, February 25, 2022 Securities Daily

Our reporter Xu Jie

On February 24, the Ministry of Transport held a regular press conference in February. Wang Xiuchun, Deputy Director of the Department of Transport Services of the Ministry of Transport, said that "the implementation of new business platform enterprises in transportation will be selected into" sunshine action "as one of the practical things closer to people's livelihood in 2022.

Wang Xiuchun said that in recent years, problems such as high labor intensity, long working hours, weak sense of occupational belonging, and inadequate protection of rights and interests of employees in the new transportation industry have become increasingly prominent. However, the platform contribution is related to the labor remuneration of employees and is closely related to the immediate interests of employees.

A senior manager of an online car hailing platform told the reporter of Securities Daily: "Since last year, the company has started to carry out the sunshine work of drawing profits. From the perspective of supply and demand, the driver side is still tight. Therefore, after the public drawing proportion, how to keep the driver side is a big problem."

   Different online car hailing platforms have made different progress

According to the exclusive information of the reporter of Securities Daily, "On January 27, the first plenary meeting of 2022 was held at the inter ministerial joint meeting of coordination and supervision of the new traffic and transportation business, to carry out the" sunshine action "of the new traffic and transportation business platform enterprises to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and practitioners. Many online taxi hailing platform companies actively responded and promoted the public work of the platform."

The reporter learned that the problems and progress faced by various online car hailing platform companies are quite different. For example, sound of dripping water Due to the need to verify the authenticity and validity of each order and clarify the query of the driver and the passenger on the cost (cancellation, detour, etc.), the percentage of the previous day's draw can only be displayed at 12:00 p.m. the next day.

Ruqi Travel only displays the information payable by passengers and actually receivable by drivers, and does not display the proportion, while the basic information service fee is directly deducted from the actual receivable.

But in contrast, there are also platforms with better execution. For example, Caocao Travel clearly lists information such as passenger payment, driver income, driver income proportion, platform percentage, etc., and includes basic information service fees in order income; T3 travel displays information such as passenger payables and driver income, among which driver income includes order income, order reward and basic information fee, while order income does not include basic information fee; Meituan Travel shows the driver's income and the proportion of income in the previous day and the last seven days, as well as the information of each passenger's actual payment, driver's income and the proportion of driver's income.

From the progress of the above platform companies, there are many nouns, different rules and different display contents. Many terms include: passenger payment, passenger payable, passenger paid in, basic information fee, basic information service fee, actual receivable, labor remuneration, amount recorded, etc; The rules are different. Some are displayed in proportion to the platform, some are displayed in proportion to the driver's income, and others are calculated by deducting subsidies (or bonuses), but not by deducting subsidies (or bonuses); Different displays include the proportion of non display platforms and different information classifications.

   Where is the direction and scale of supervision?

According to the content of the press conference of the Ministry of Transport on February 24, in terms of online car hailing, Sunshine Action will urge major online car hailing platform companies to disclose pricing rules to the public, reasonably set the upper limit of the platform's proportion, and display the proportion of each order in real time on the driver's side.

"Real time display is the key, that is, after each order is completed, the amount payable by passengers, the amount receivable by drivers and the proportion of the platform, as well as the amount actually paid by passengers and the amount actually received by drivers, will be disclosed in real time on the driver's side." An insider of the online car hailing platform told Securities Daily The reporter said: "As far as I know, some platforms do not display in real time, but only push in the news, and drivers need to deliberately search."

It is reported that the regulatory authorities have put forward specific requirements for the ceiling and proportion of quota, car sharing orders, and even online car hailing aggregation platforms and free riding platforms.

For example, "proportion=(amount payable by passengers - amount receivable by drivers)/amount payable by passengers × 100%. To avoid confusion, the driver side should only display one proportion, instead of the proportion obtained by other calculation methods, or replace the public proportion with the proportion of driver's income."

In terms of the upper limit of the draw, "in principle, all platform companies should uniformly define the upper limit of the draw nationwide, inform the driver at a prominent position on the driver's side, and actively disclose it to the public. The online car hailing aggregation platform and the ride along platform shall refer to this principle, and disclose the amount and corresponding proportion of the platform's commissions, information service fees, etc. in the amount receivable from drivers on the driver side of this platform. "

In terms of actual payment amount and receivable amount, "the amount payable by the passenger is the amount actually paid by the passenger for the order after the platform company's rewards, subsidies, concessions and other fees are accumulated. After the driver's receivable amount is accumulated with the platform company's rewards, subsidies, concessions and penalties, the amount actually received by the driver to complete the order."

"Some platforms will issue coupons to passengers in order to get customers, which also has some familiar behaviors. For example, some old users do not have as many coupons as new customers." The insiders of the above online car hailing platform said.

The relevant industry insiders said: "The idea of the Ministry of Transport is that each company should be open and let the drivers choose. This is a great test of the management and service capabilities of the platform."

"In order to retain drivers, the hidden rule in the industry is to give more preferential orders to drivers who have registered earlier and have higher orders. But this is not a long-term plan. It is still necessary to go deep into the business level to deal with the coming" sunshine "." The insiders of the above online car hailing platform told reporters.

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