Talents from large technology companies such as Google, Facebook and others have switched to Web 3

Talents from large technology companies such as Google, Facebook and others have switched to Web 3
17:37, February 23, 2022 Sina Technology

Sina Science and Technology News On the afternoon of February 23, Beijing time, it is reported that the blockchain platforms such as Polygon and Circle are moving from Google and Facebook Such large technology companies hire top talents mainly through Web 3.

Earlier this month, Ryan Wyatt left YouTube to lead a new game studio owned by Polygon. Wyatt joined YouTube as early as 2014, responsible for video game content, and Amazon The Twitch platform launches more active competition.

Wyatt said in an interview with the media: "About eight years ago, when I started working in the YouTube Gaming department, I was the first person to come here. At that time, we didn't have a team, but people began to be interested in game videos."

As for Web 3, Wyatt said: "Like the original game video, my view of this opportunity (Web 3) is very similar. It is still in its early stage and exciting."

Web 3 is regarded as the "next big event" of the technology market, aiming at thoroughly reforming the current Internet and transferring popular online services to "decentralized" technologies such as blockchain. Today, it is attracting some of the most cutting-edge people in the scientific and technological community.

In addition to Wyatt, executives of large technology companies who have moved to the field of digital cryptocurrency (blockchain) include Sherice Torres, the former chief marketing officer (COO) of Novi, Facebook's digital cryptocurrency and payment department, who joined Circle in January this year.

In addition, Pravjit Tiwana, an executive of Amazon Cloud, has also resigned and joined Gemini, a digital cryptocurrency exchange, as the chief technology officer (CTO).

David Marcus, the former head of Facebook's digital currency encryption business, resigned late last year. Although he has not announced the next step, he has been full of praise for Web 3.

Industry experts said that technology executives were attracted to this emerging industry partly because of its rapid development.

Alex Bouaziz, CEO and co-founder of Deel, a software company, said: "It is easy to understand that everyone wants to get involved in the most exciting and innovative trends in technology. At present, digital cryptocurrency and Web 3 are trends. Many people see it as the future of the technology industry, just as Facebook and Amazon used to be very attractive. "

In addition, there is another factor that can make Web 3 attract talents from large technology companies, that is, funds. According to data, Coinbase, a Bitcoin exchange, provides software engineers with salaries of up to 900000 dollars every year.

The surge in investment in digital cryptocurrency companies also means that they have more cash to pay their employees. CB Insight data shows that blockchain start-ups raised a record $25 billion in venture capital last year.

In addition, there is equity. With the soaring valuation of digital cryptocurrency companies, if these companies are acquired or IPO (initial public offering) in the future, early employees may get huge returns.

Of course, there are some doubts about Web 3. At present, it is still a loosely defined term, widely including some initial actions, aiming to build a decentralized version of the Internet around the digital cryptocurrency network.

   Twitter Jack Dorsey, the co-founder, believes that Web 3 is too centralized and controlled by a few venture capitalists. and Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that it is more like a "marketing buzzword" than a reality.

But Wyatt said that when he started working on YouTube, people were also suspicious of the idea of watching others play video games (live games). But today, games are the second largest vertical market on YouTube. Wyatt believes that with the introduction of richer experiences, people's doubts about digital cryptocurrency and Web 3 will fade.

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