Google announced an additional cash bonus of 1600 dollars to all employees, including outsourced employees and interns

Google announced an additional cash bonus of 1600 dollars to all employees, including outsourced employees and interns
08:19, December 9, 2021 Sina Technology

Sina Science and Technology News On the morning of December 9, Beijing time, it is reported that, Google It was announced today that additional bonuses will be paid to employees around the world this year. Google had previously postponed plans to end telecommuting and return employees to the office.

Google spokesman said that this month, Google will pay a one-time cash bonus of 1600 dollars or equivalent to all employees in countries around the world, including additional employees and interns. This is the further support provided to employees during the epidemic period in addition to the home office allowance and welfare bonus. However, the spokesman did not say how much money Google would allocate for the project.

At the beginning of March this year, Google's internal survey showed that employees' happiness had declined in the past year. Subsequently, the company announced a series of benefits, including a cash bonus of $500.

Last week, Google announced that it would postpone the return of employees to the office indefinitely, because of concerns about the new coronavirus, the Omicron variant, and employees' opposition to the company's mandatory vaccination. Google had planned to require employees to return to the office from January 10 next year.

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