Just now, WeChat released an important update! Netizen: No need to copy Martian

Just now, WeChat released an important update! Netizen: No need to copy Martian
00:05, November 30, 2021 China Fund News

China Fund News Jiang Youyou

The platform between Internet giants has been connected, and further news has emerged. WeChat connectivity has been further upgraded, and e-commerce links can also be directly opened in group chat, which means that Taobao links can be directly opened in the group in the future.

According to the instructions released by WeChat, "under the guidance of the regulatory authorities, in order to implement the safety bottom line principle and take into account the user experience, we will try to open the e-commerce type external link direct access function under the group chat scenario". It is planned to develop the user independent selection mode in the future, so that everyone can manage the external chain function by themselves.

CCTV micro-blog In the comments, some netizens applauded the direct opening of e-commerce external links, saying that they would not need to copy Martian in the future; There are also many netizens who are worried about the fraudulent link and don't want it.

This statement is a further upgrade of WeChat's external chain specifications in the context of "connectivity". On September 17, WeChat released the Statement on the Adjustment of "WeChat External Link Content Management Specification", which opened the one-on-one chat scene to access external links. At the same time, it provides users with the function of independent selection and establishes an external chain complaint entrance.

   WeChat connectivity upgrade

   Group chat will try to open e-commerce external links

On the evening of November 29, the WeChat official account issued an update on the WeChat External Link Content Management Specification.

The update description said that in order to further implement the interconnection scheme implemented "with security as the bottom line, in stages and steps", WeChat began to update the external link management measures from now on under the guidance of the relevant regulatory authorities (see the announcement of the first phase of external chain adjustment here). The updated contents are as follows:

1. In the peer-to-peer chat scenario, you can directly access external links;

2. Under the guidance of the regulatory authority, in order to implement the safety bottom line principle and take into account the user experience, we will try to open the e-commerce type external link direct access function under the group chat scenario;

3. It is planned to develop an independent selection mode to provide users with the function of external chain management.

Under the guidance of the regulatory authorities, we will continue to work with major Internet platforms to promote connectivity programs, actively cooperate with other Internet platforms to implement connectivity, explore the technical possibilities of smooth use of WeChat services on other platforms, and provide users with a better experience.

Simply put, WeChat one-on-one chat can directly access external links; WeChat group chat has tried to open the direct access function of e-commerce external links, which means that Taobao JD.COM Pinduoduo Such e-commerce links are directly open in the group; Subsequent plans allow users to manage these external chains independently.

   It is not completely covered at present

   WeChat reply function covers the past two days

Although WeChat was released, many netizens found that the Taobao link could not be directly forwarded in the group after the announcement was released. WeChat sent a reply at the bottom of the announcement, "The function coverage will take some time, and will be completely covered today and tomorrow".

   Netizen: Some people are happy and others are worried

For the above WeChat connectivity upgrading measures, some netizens applauded, and some netizens did not want to open such functions. They were afraid that such functions would be too annoying and would make you "cut a price" every day. They were also worried that fraudulent links would take advantage of the weakness.

Some netizens said: Interesting, no need to copy Martian.


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