Off campus training industry staff reduction institutions How to transfer practitioners out of the new stage

Off campus training industry staff reduction institutions How to transfer practitioners out of the new stage
05:58, November 30, 2021 Media scrolling
 At a job fair held in Ningxia Workers' Cultural Palace, job seekers watched the recruitment information. Shen Jizhong At a job fair held in Ningxia Workers' Cultural Palace, job seekers watched the recruitment information. Shen Jizhong

Source: Guangming Daily

How to get out of the new stage

Xiao Yang, 27, graduated from a master's degree in 2019. This year, he passed the entrance examination of a public institution in Beijing and became an urban white-collar worker with a stable job. Previously, she worked in a well-known English training institution as an English teacher for children. After the institutional transformation, she successfully changed her post. In her opinion, "this is a necessary process, but the steps are advanced".

Zhao Lin, 22, left a training organization in October this year and is currently a salesperson of an Internet company. For her, "the process of finding a job is a bit difficult". Previously, Zhao Lin served as a "head teacher" in a training institution, mainly responsible for contacting parents, tracking children's learning progress, handling daily exam registration, and coordinating class promotion. "This time, I not only changed my post, but also changed my career. Fortunately, I was satisfied with the result," said Zhao Lin.

The employment season is a golden time for new graduates to find jobs. Different from previous years, this year, many teachers, technicians, administrative personnel, sales personnel, etc. who were cut off naturally in the process of transformation of training institutions were working with graduates. Most of them have high educational background and are an important force in society. The relevant departments of Beijing found that more than 90% of the employees of the off campus training institutions of disciplines in Beijing are under the age of 35, and more than 80% have bachelor's degree or above, according to the data of social security participation and payment. Is their road to re employment smooth? What support do they want? On these issues, the reporter interviewed some personnel transferred from training institutions and relevant experts.

   1. How many people are facing job transfer

The release of the "double reduction" policy is like a heavy blow to the education and training industry, especially the primary and secondary school training institutions, which are already full of "bubbles". With the continuous overflow of the "bubble", downsizing has become the price that the off campus training industry has to pay.

Xiao Yang still remembers the day when he graduated from college and just entered the Children's English Institute. "It was the summer vacation in 2017, and the training institutions can't be too overestimated by the phrase" like the sun at its zenith ". The hotline for consultation at the front desk was endless. In the first week of my first job, I suddenly received six classes of English classes. I arrived at work at 8 o'clock in the morning, and had not been off work before 8:30 p.m. Sometimes when I met students who made up lessons or answered questions, I had to be busy until 10 o'clock to go home. But the income is considerable, ranging from fifteen to twenty thousand yuan a month. "

At that time, the education and training industry was constantly financing, expanding and advancing. Advertisements are all pervasive, and recruitment information is everywhere in shopping malls' flyers, mobile push, and popular program titles. Therefore, the industry quickly gathered a group of talents. The person in charge of a well-known online training organization once said in an interview: "At present, the most important thing we need is cash flow and talent." But today, when the "bubble" bursts out and the industry returns to normal, how many talents are facing job changes?

Dong Shengzu, director of the Institute of Lifelong Education of Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences, cited two sets of data to analyze this problem. The first group is the official data released by the national education administrative department at the end of 2018 through a nationwide screening, with a total of 401000 training institutions; The first group is the relevant data in the Report on the Operating Situation and Future Development Trend of China's Off campus Training Industry from 2019 to 2025 released by Smart Research Consulting Network. The total number of various training institutions is more than 1 million. It is estimated that more than 60% of the businesses of all these institutions are concentrated or focused on compulsory education discipline training. "Regardless of whether these training institutions with a wide range of areas are legal or not, as far as jobs are concerned, if each institution is estimated based on the average size of 8 to 10 people, the total number of jobs provided by compulsory education discipline training institutions is about 5 million to 6 million," said Dong Shengzu.

Further analysis shows that according to the "double reduction" opinion, in the future, discipline training institutions outside the school in the compulsory education stage shall not organize discipline training on national statutory holidays, rest days and winter and summer vacations. In addition, all full-time compulsory education schools will launch "5+2" after-school services in an all-round way, Therefore, the time available for institutions to carry out disciplinary training activities will be greatly reduced. Dong Shengzu predicted that training institutions only have less than one-third of the teaching time before the implementation of the "double reduction" policy. "This means that in the future, about two thirds of discipline training institutions may be closed and transferred. Correspondingly, after deducting some part-time and flexible employees, there may be 3 to 4 million people who need to be transferred from their existing positions for re employment or transformation and re development." Dong Shengzu said, "This is really not an easy thing."

   2. The biggest gap comes from wages

Where is the most difficult place for the personnel of training institutions to transfer?

"The position does not match." Zhao Lin said frankly, "The resume accumulated in the past should be restarted overnight. The position of 'head teacher' is neither a teaching post nor a simple administrative post, so it is difficult to locate it. We mainly have advantages in interpersonal communication and problem solving, such as secretarial work, business negotiation work and sales work. Most of us are competent and expect more accurate employment assistance. "

Xiao Yang feels the same way. She believes that the professional development of many teachers is not necessarily limited to teacher posts. "As far as English teachers are concerned, they have a good foundation in spoken English. Most of them have the qualification certificate of simultaneous interpretation, and can fully work as translators, English proofreaders, etc. Some Chinese teachers have a high level of writing, and can work as cultural and creative workers."

What is the biggest challenge and the place that most needs psychological adjustment for teachers in training institutions? Both Xiao Yang and Zhao Lin talked about the "psychological gap". This gap comes from two aspects, one is the uncertainty about the future, the other is the "difference in wages and treatment". "Previously, the industry was full of 'bubbles', but for insiders, what we saw was more opportunities. Now the industry is in shock and transformation, psychologically speaking, we will feel very uneasy. At the same time, there is a gap in wages and treatment." Xiao Yang told reporters.

A staff member of the China Association of Private Education told the reporter: "In fact, the staff of training institutions are very popular, especially in private primary and secondary schools. At present, their job transfer directions are probably in the following categories: technical personnel enter the Internet industry; market personnel engage in the service industry; Some of the teachers have been admitted to public schools for teaching posts, some have entered private primary and secondary schools, and some are currently planning to take a break before further study. However, the annual salary of senior teachers among them could reach about 300000 to 500000 before, but now the post salary has shrunk. Therefore, there are still people who privately enter the 'tutor' industry to continue tutoring. These gray areas need further supervision. We will also further strengthen training. "

   3. "First solve practical problems, then consider career development"

Despite all kinds of difficulties, since the introduction of the "double reduction" policy, the state has formulated corresponding support policies to deal with the possible tide of job transfer. The relevant person in charge of the Department of Off campus Education and Training Supervision of the Ministry of Education sorted out the relevant policies from all over the country recently.

Beijing has reserved sufficient job resources for the staff of training institutions who need to change their jobs, defined four categories of job reserve directions: teaching and teaching assistant, technical support, operation function and marketing, targeted to strengthen the reserve of typical jobs, and held a special job fair for relevant personnel who need to change their jobs, Carry out the "special service season for talents in education and training industry" that lasts for 3 months or even half a year.

Lu Xiaobo, spokesman of the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, said that with the continuous progress of the "double reduction" of education in Beijing, Beijing will also dynamically monitor the employment risks of the head institutions of discipline extracurricular training, and provide employment services to institutions in advance. Relevant departments will take the initiative to connect with off campus training institutions in key disciplines, carry out employment survey, organize targeted employment service guarantee, and accurately push policies and service information.

Hainan Province has solved the problem of re employment of employees of education and training institutions from three aspects. First, implement classified policies and provide precise assistance. In view of the specific subject knowledge background of the education and training industry, especially the discipline teaching and research personnel, taking the opportunity of special activities such as talent recruitment and talent introduction in Hainan Free Trade Port, we have successively carried out special activities such as private enterprise recruitment month, golden autumn recruitment month, employment assistance week, and provided grassroots teachers' posts, special post teachers' posts, teaching Chinese as a foreign language posts Enterprise internal training lecturer and other position information are encouraged to participate in the selection examination. The second is to support the smooth transformation of personnel in the education and training industry, and strengthen the skills training for other employees who are willing to work, so as to improve their skills and enhance their employability; Guide other laid-off personnel to do a good job of unemployment registration, and pay unemployment insurance benefits to those who meet the insurance conditions and are temporarily unable to work as required. Third, timely mediation and arbitration of labor disputes to prevent and resolve employment risks. We will improve the plan for handling major collective labor and personnel disputes, take the initiative to carry out prevention and mediation, and resolve labor relations disputes in a timely manner.

Guangdong Province has strengthened job reserve, actively organized recruitment matchmaking activities, job recommendation and other work, and Guangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Department has held a series of special job fairs for off campus training teachers. At present, public human resources service institutions at all levels in Guangzhou have reserved 32100 jobs.

Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, adopts the method of "wall breaking recruitment" to start the "special recruitment" of primary and secondary school teachers for the practitioners of off campus discipline training institutions in 2021, and sets up 20 teacher recruitment posts (5 junior high school teachers, 15 primary school teachers) to provide a "direct bus" for intended institutional teachers to cross job employment.

It can be said that the policy strength is increasing. At the same time, the staff of the aforementioned private education association told the reporter that the industry association also has comprehensive services and precise docking for the staff transfer of training institutions. "In addition to the direct job delivery by the government, we provide pre job training, legal aid and policy docking for the staff of training institutions, and also contact online recruitment institutions to open a green channel for these personnel to register for free and provide services for free. At the same time, some teachers from private universities, private primary and secondary schools and training institutions were well connected with each other, so some teachers from training institutions were successfully transferred to private schools, and some teachers chose to teach at the grass-roots level. In some large-scale training institutions, the successful transfer rate reached 87%. It can be said that as long as they are willing to look for jobs, there is nothing they cannot find. "

As for whether they will face "insurance termination" and labor disputes, the staff member said that according to the relevant policies and regulations of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, enterprises should not "insurance termination" in advance. Once "insurance termination" occurs, the system will give an early warning and staff will intervene in advance. At the same time, on issues that may cause labor disputes, the industry association needs to issue relevant suggestions in advance for judicial reference. The association will issue suggestions in a fair position to protect the staff of training institutions. "In a word, I hope that the staff of training institutions can adjust their mentality, first find employment and then choose jobs, first solve practical problems, and then consider career development. There is a broad world and great prospects," the staff member said finally.

(Reporter Yao Xiaodan)

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