The two major insurance groups are moving personnel again, and the post-70s has the latest post

The two major insurance groups are moving personnel again, and the post-70s has the latest post
10:45, May 23, 2024 Securities trader China

   Important personnel transfer reappears within the system of PICC Group and Guoshou Group.

   On May 22, China Life The official website of Insurance (Group) Company (hereinafter referred to as Guoshou Group) updates the information in the column of "Group Leader", and Huang Benyao serves as a member of the Party Committee of the Group. Huang Benyao was previously the party secretary and president of PICC Assets, a subsidiary of PICC Group. After being transferred to Guoshou Group, he became the third post-70s in the current party committee of Guoshou Group.

Investment veteran in PICC system

Huang Benyao, born in 1972, has a doctor's degree in management. He used to work in the investment field within the PICC Group system for a long time and was also responsible for financial work.

   Before he was transferred to Guoshou Group, Huang Benyao's most recent position was secretary of the party committee, president and executive director of PICC Asset Management Co., Ltd. PICC Assets is the most important asset management company of PICC Group and the first insurance asset management company in China. PICC Assets is currently one of the eight main bodies in the insurance asset management industry with a management scale of one trillion.

According to the information on the official website of PICC Asset Management, Huang Benyao was once the assistant to the general manager of PICC Asset Development Planning Department/Market Development Department, and the general manager of Financial Accounting Department, Portfolio Management Department, and Stock Investment Department; Member of the Party Committee of Human Health and Health Insurance, Vice President, Chief Investment Executive Officer, and Financial Principal; Vice president and temporary head of PICC Asset Management Co., Ltd.

   It is understood that Huang Benyao is an expert leader with profound investment research skills. He has long been a leader in asset protection investment research. In recent years, PICC Group has always been at the forefront of the industry in terms of the level of return on investment of insurance funds.

In December last year, at the "Analysis Meeting on the Application of Insurance Funds in the Fourth Quarter of 2023" organized by the China Insurance Asset Management Association, Huang Benyao, then the deputy secretary of the Party Committee and the temporary head of PICC Asset Management, made a speech on the stage when he made a communication speech around the "2024 industry situation research and judgment and asset allocation ideas".

He analyzed at that time that in recent years, there have been several extreme changes in the world due to the "Black Swan" events such as the epidemic situation and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Both at home and abroad are trying to take measures to push extreme conditions back to normal. Looking forward to 2024, the external pressure will ease, the domestic economy will continue to repair, and the fixed income market as a whole will show a downward trend of interest rate shocks, steeper term spreads, and convergence of credit risks. Opportunities in the equity market will outweigh risks, and structural investment opportunities will emerge at the level of five major articles. Insurance funds can take the initiative to seize the opportunity of next year's "sudden rain will stop, Yang Liuxin will clear", actively adjust the asset allocation structure, and improve the asset liability matching level.

In January this year, Huang Benyao PICC The internal journal published a signed article titled "Building a first-class investment institution and striving to build a financial power". It writes that investment institutions are the link connecting the financing needs of enterprises and the investment needs of customers, serving the wealth management of residents, optimizing resource allocation and activating the main force of the capital market. With the development of the economy, the people's demand for wealth management has become higher and higher, enterprises' demand for quality financial services has become more diverse, and the country's demand for financial services to the real economy and improve people's well-being has become more and more in-depth. The contradiction between the demand for quality financial services and the lack of effective financial supply, as well as the imbalance in the supply structure, has become increasingly prominent. To optimize the financial supply structure and improve the quality and efficiency of financial services, investment institutions need to play a more active role.

After the 70s, the number of members increased to three

After Huang Benyao was transferred, the number of the post 70 members of the current party committee of Guoshou Group increased to three.

   Up to now, the leading group members of Guoshou Group include: Bai Tao, secretary and chairman of the party committee; Cai Xiliang, deputy secretary, vice chairman and president of the party committee; Dong Yunpeng, leader of the discipline inspection and supervision team and member of the party committee; Wang Kai, member of the party committee and vice president; Yang Liping (also the chief risk officer); Li Mingguang, Lin Zhaohui; Huang Benyao, member of the party committee. In addition to Huang Benyao, the other two post-70s are Wang Kai and Lin Chaohui.

According to market news, Huang Benyao will also serve as the president of Guoshou Assets, a subsidiary of Guoshou Group. According to the Chinese reporter of the securities firm, from many people close to Guoshou, at present, there is no official news about this in the system of Guoshou.

Guoshou Group is one of the large state-owned financial institutions and an important institutional investor in China's capital market. The Group has 8 first level subsidiaries, 1 national joint-stock commercial bank and 1 directly affiliated college, and its business involves insurance, investment and banking.

   In 2023, the combined operating income of Guoshou Group will be nearly 990 billion yuan, the combined premium income will be nearly 790 billion yuan, the total assets of the insurance and investment sectors will be nearly 6.8 trillion yuan, the total assets of the banking sector will exceed 3.5 trillion yuan, the scale of third-party assets under management will be 2.5 trillion yuan, and the total scale of assets under management will be nearly 13 trillion yuan.

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