Last week, nearly 40% of 20 potential stocks of 123 companies surveyed by institutions were favored by foreign investors

Last week, nearly 40% of 20 potential stocks of 123 companies surveyed by institutions were favored by foreign investors
00:39, November 5, 2018 Securities Daily

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Last week, the number of 123 companies surveyed by institutions soared nearly 40%, and 20 potential stocks were favored by foreign investors

■ Our reporter Ren Xiaoyu

Last week, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock indexes rose continuously, and the activity of individual stocks increased significantly. The volume of the two markets continued to release, laying a solid foundation for the continued rebound in the future. In this context, the enthusiasm of institutions to investigate listed companies has also begun to heat up recently. More listed companies have been intensively investigated by hundreds of institutions for many times, causing widespread concern in the market. Market Research Center of Securities Daily Flush Statistics show that last week, 123 listed companies received research from various institutions, including fund companies, securities companies, overseas institutions, Sunshine Private Equity, insurance companies, etc. Compared with the data of the previous week, the number of listed companies surveyed by institutions rose by 36.67% last week, indicating that the enthusiasm of institutions for research has rebounded.

From the number of institutions participating in the survey, 49 of the 123 listed companies mentioned above were surveyed by 10 or more institutions during the period. Specifically, East China Medicine Weining Health Visual China During the period of the three companies, the number of institutions participating in the survey was more than 100, respectively 237, 158 and 111, Huanxu Electronics (86) Meinian Health (83) Holike (77) Huagong Technology (61 companies) Jinjia Shares (55) Cross border communication (55) and Leyard During the period of 7 companies including (50), the number of participating research institutions was also 50 or more. In addition, including Shanghai Electric Power Co., Ltd (49) TCL Group (45) Precision measurement electron (44) Jamei Technology (44) Enlighten the stars (43) Open medical treatment (41 companies) Jingfeng Medicine (40) and Huayu Software 39 companies including (40) all participated in the survey of 10 or more institutions last week, and the aftermarket investment opportunities have attracted attention from institutions.

It is worth mentioning that last week, overseas institutions surveyed a total of 20 listed companies, and the number of overseas institutions received during the survey of two companies, Huagong Technology and East China Pharmaceutical, reached 8 and 5, respectively, Huanxu Electronics (3), Liade (3) Dangsheng Technology (3), TCL Group (2) and Liu Gong (2) and other companies received more than 2 overseas institutions for research during the period. In addition, Weining Health, Hollaker, Cross Border Communication, Huayu Software Sangang Minguang Zhongying Electronics New Shida Jinyun laser Bairun Shares Hengdian Dongci Xinwangda Wanfeng Aowei Suning E-shop And other companies are concerned by overseas institutions.

In terms of market performance, 17 of the above 20 stocks rose last week, accounting for 85%. Among them, Huayu Software (11.81%), East China Pharmaceutical (11.29%), Hengdian Dongci (10.04%), Cross Border Communication (9.28%), Huanxu Electronics (9.23%), Liade (7.07%), Xinwangda (6.99%), Zhongying Electronics (5.85%), Jinyun Laser (5.49%) and Xinshida (5.37%) and other stocks have all increased by more than 5% accumulatively during the period, showing their strength.

In fact, the profitability of 20 companies surveyed by overseas institutions is also bright. Up to now, 8 companies have disclosed the performance forecast of 2018 annual report, and the number of performance forecast companies has reached 7, accounting for more than 90%. Specifically, the annual net profits of three companies in 2018, namely Cross Border Communication (80.00%), Suning Yigou (90.00%) and Sangang Minguang (55.02%), are expected to increase by 50% or more year on year. The annual reports of three companies, namely Hengdian Dongci, Bairun Shares and Wanfeng Aowei, are expected to increase slightly in 2018. Jinyun Laser is expected to turn losses into profits in 2018.

The influx of funds or the frequent investigation of overseas institutions last week is an important support. According to the statistics, 10 of the 20 stocks mentioned above realized the net inflow of large single funds last week, amounting to 37.1464 million yuan. Among them, the accumulated net inflow of large order funds during individual shares such as Liade (141.8282 million yuan), Huayu Software (72.7846 million yuan), Xinwangda (36.061 million yuan), Hengdian Dongci (32.7873 million yuan), East China Pharmaceutical (31.5508 million yuan), Cross Border Communication (28.7656 million yuan), Dangsheng Technology (13.487 million yuan) and Zhongying Electronics (12.103 million yuan) exceeded 10 million yuan.

In this regard, market participants generally believe that the policy bottom has been constantly consolidated, which triggered the overall rebound of A-shares last week. The quietly identified market bottom resonates with it, strengthening the upward trend. At the same time, overseas institutions' enthusiasm for A-share research has begun to rise, and the net inflow of capital from the north is also constantly reaching new highs, which shows their recognition of the recent high-level intensive policy warm wind and the bottom of valuation. Recently, the excellent varieties of overseas institutions' research are expected to become a rebound hotspot in the future market, which deserves attention.

Editor in charge: Still

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