Summary of the highlights of the front page headlines of the four major securities newspapers on June 13

Summary of the highlights of the front page headlines of the four major securities newspapers on June 13
07:45, June 13, 2024 Market information

Special topic: essence of four securities newspapers

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On Thursday, June 13, the highlights of today's headlines are as follows:

   China negotiable securities newspaper

   In May, CPI rose by 0.3% year on year, and the consumer market was running smoothly on the whole

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on June 12, in May, the national consumer price index (CPI) rose 0.3% year on year, the same increase as last month; 0.1% month on month decrease.

   The specific implementation regulations for accelerating the implementation of affordable housing refinancing will be released in the near future

On June 12, the People's Bank of China held a meeting in Jinan, Shandong Province to promote the work of affordable housing refinancing, investigate and promote the pilot experience of the early rental housing loan support plan, and deploy the work of affordable housing refinancing. Pan Gongsheng, President of the People's Bank of China, revealed at the meeting that recently, the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Financial Supervision will print and distribute the specific implementation regulations of affordable housing refinancing as soon as possible, clarifying the regulatory policies and operating procedures.

   Promote stable investment growth and orderly issuance of ultra long term special treasury bonds

On June 12, it was reported on the website of the Ministry of Finance that the Ministry of Finance planned to issue the 20-year super long-term special treasury bonds for the first time on June 19, with a total face value of 45 billion yuan in competitive bidding. Since the "gate opening" in May, ultra long term special treasury bonds have been issued in an orderly manner, and local governments are stepping up the planning of "dual" projects. Experts said that the issuance of ultra long term special treasury bonds is one of the important driving forces of this year's proactive fiscal policy, which is conducive to promoting stable investment growth and optimizing the debt structure of central and local governments.

   The mid and large cap stocks are expected to lead the market in the second half of the year

The medium-term strategy of securities companies in 2024 will be in full swing. From the perspective of several brokers on the prospects of the A-share market in the second half of the year, the current market may have entered a stage of recovery. Although the repair market since February has twists and turns, it is still expected to continue. Market attention may have returned to fundamentals, and medium and large cap stocks are expected to continue to dominate in style.

   Shanghai Securities News

   The People's Bank of China will print and distribute the specific implementation rules as soon as possible to clarify the regulatory policies and operating procedures for the implementation of the 300 billion yuan affordable housing refinancing

On June 12, the People's Bank of China held a meeting in Jinan to promote the work of affordable housing refinancing, investigate and promote the pilot experience of the early rental housing loan support plan, and deploy the work of promoting affordable housing refinancing.

   Leading the industry to achieve high-quality development, the State Administration of Financial Supervision promotes the five major insurance enterprises to play the role of "head goose"

In recent years, the State Administration of Financial Supervision has continued to promote large state-owned insurance groups to actively play the role of "head goose", strengthen the sense of overall situation and mission responsibility, and lead the industry to achieve high-quality development. The reporter of Shanghai Securities News learned on June 12 that the relevant work has achieved preliminary results.

   In May, prices were generally stable, and PPI increased month on month

On June 12, the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics showed that the CPI in May rose 0.3% year on year, which was the same as that in April; The month on month PPI ended its six-month downward trend, turning to an increase of 0.2%, and the year-on-year decline also narrowed to 1.4%. According to expert analysis, the weather and cyclical supply factors have supported the CPI, and the stronger than expected PPI performance reflects the improved demand of the industrial sector.

   Stock ETF "Big Mac" Continuously Emerges Public Offering and Actively Arranges Index Fund Raceways

With the continuous influx of funds into broad-based ETFs, it is not new that the product scale has exceeded 100 billion yuan. At the same time, the Shanghai Shenzhen 300, Shanghai Stock Exchange 50, China Securities Exchange 500 and other index fund racetracks also welcomed new participants from Fuguo, China Europe, Guangfa, Dongzheng Asset Management, Tibet Dongcai Fund and so on. From the perspective of institutions, the continuous growth of passive fund shares since this year indicates that funds may still be in the trend of transferring to the stock market. In the future, with the gradual stabilization and recovery of fundamentals, the broad base index is expected to continue to attract incremental capital inflows.

   Securities Times

   The Central Bank held a meeting to promote the work of affordable housing refinancing

On June 12, the People's Bank of China held a meeting in Jinan, Shandong Province to promote the work of affordable housing refinancing, investigate and promote the pilot experience of the early rental housing loan support plan, and deploy the work of affordable housing refinancing. Pan Gongsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the People's Bank of China, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Pan Gongsheng pointed out that the implementation of affordable housing refinancing should adhere to market-oriented operation and ensure reasonable pricing.

   The EU announced that it plans to impose tariffs on electric vehicles imported from China. Ministry of Commerce: immediately correct wrong practices and firmly defend the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises

On June 12, the European Commission (hereinafter referred to as "the European Commission") released the preliminary determination disclosure on the anti subsidy investigation of electric vehicles in China, and proposed to impose a temporary anti subsidy tax of up to 38.1% on electric vehicles imported from China. The spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce responded that the determination in the disclosure of the European ruling lacked factual and legal basis. China urges the EU to immediately correct its wrong practices, earnestly implement the important consensus reached at the recent trilateral meeting of the leaders of China, France and Europe, and properly handle economic and trade frictions through dialogue and consultation. The Chinese side will pay close attention to the follow-up progress of the European side, and will resolutely take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises.

   How to strengthen the internal stability of the capital market

Recently, there has been more discussion on enhancing the internal stability of the capital market in the market. The author believes that it is necessary to simultaneously promote the reform measures to improve the stable and healthy development of the capital market from the two aspects of short-term policy response and medium - and long-term structural reform.

   Market value delisting Jianche B Book the "first train"

At present, Jianche B has locked its delisting in advance because its total closing market value has been less than 300 million yuan in a row. It is worth noting that this stock will also become the first stock in the market to be delisted due to market value. In addition, *ST Meixun (Rights protection) *ST Shentian (Rights protection) Huili B Ning Communication B Such companies have also issued similar risk warnings, and the market value delisting alarm has been sounded.

   Securities Daily

   State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration: there are 180.45 million private economic entities in China

On June 12, according to the CCTV news client, according to the data of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration, by the end of May 2024, there were 180.45 million private economic entities in China, accounting for 96.4% of the total number of business entities, up from 95.5% in 2019, including 55.177 million private enterprises and 125.273 million self-employed businesses. The proportion of private economy in China's economy has steadily increased, which has become a new force to promote Chinese style modernization and an indispensable foundation for high-quality development.

   CPI rose 0.3% year on year in May, and prices are expected to continue to rise moderately

On June 12, the National Bureau of Statistics released data showing that in May, the national consumer price index (CPI) rose 0.3% year on year, a positive year-on-year increase for four consecutive months; The national producer price index (PPI) fell 1.4% year on year, 1.1 percentage points lower than that in April.

   "10 billion yuan+" insurance capital is flowing into the silver industry through PE

Population aging is the common trend of human social development. With the deepening of population aging in China, the silver hair industry has a strong demand for capital; Insurance funds are also exploring new investment opportunities on the one trillion yuan track of silver hair industry.

   The issuance scale of new special bonds in the year accounted for more than 30% of the annual limit, and the infrastructure sector was still the main driving force

The reporter of Securities Daily found that as of June 12, the scale of newly issued special bonds in various regions reached 1187.13245 billion yuan, accounting for more than 30% of the annual limit (3900 billion yuan).

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