Financial Morning Post: SASAC "asked questions" about the market value management assessment, and cancelled the lower limit of the first house loan interest rate in many places

Financial Morning Post: SASAC "asked questions" about the market value management assessment, and cancelled the lower limit of the first house loan interest rate in many places
07:52, January 25, 2024 Sina Securities

Special topic: Can the rebound in excess of expected RRR reduction and excess drop after the rebound of Shenzhen V be smoothly carried out?

   [Important news inventory]

   It's time to cut reserve ratio and interest rate! The central bank issued a "beyond expectation" gift package, China's assets soared again, and how the stock market and property market will go in the future (interpretation)

The long expected policy has finally been implemented. On the afternoon of the 24th, Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People's Bank of China, said at the press conference of the State Council Information Office in Beijing that the central bank would cut the deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage point on February 5 to provide about 1 trillion yuan of long-term liquidity to the market. In addition, on January 25, the interest rate of small refinancing and rediscount for agriculture support will be lowered by 0.25 percentage points, and the cost of comprehensive social financing will continue to be pushed down steadily.

   comment: The central bank chose to lower the reserve requirement at this time point, mainly considering three aspects: first, release the signal of positive and stable growth. This 50 basis points cut by the central bank exceeded expectations, indicating that monetary policy has significantly increased its support for the real economy and released the central bank's determination to promote economic stability. At the beginning of the year, the central bank increased the implementation of monetary policy, boosted market confidence and helped accelerate economic recovery. Second, help financial institutions to broaden credit. At the beginning of the new year, the central bank released long-term, low-cost and stable liquidity through the reduction of reserve ratio, which helps to strengthen the credit supply capacity of financial institutions, stabilize the overall debt cost of banks and financial institutions, and expand space for financial institutions to further rationally benefit the real economy. Third, stabilize the capital. The central bank, through open market operation, reserve ratio reduction and other tools, calms short-term capital fluctuations and unblocks policy transmission; At the same time, we will better cooperate with the implementation of proactive fiscal policies.

   State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) "Point to Point" Market Value Management Assessment Several Central Enterprise Executives Say They Will Better Reward Investors   

   CSC negotiable securities Huang Wentao, the chief economist, said that bringing market value management into the performance appraisal of central enterprise heads is an improvement of the appraisal system of central enterprises and an important milestone after the "one benefit five ratio". Strengthening the market value management of central enterprises is conducive to promoting enterprises to repay investors through repurchase, dividend and other ways; On the other hand, it is conducive to promoting enterprises to continuously strengthen their own competitiveness, become bigger and stronger, rank among the world-class enterprises, further play the role of central enterprises as the pillar in the national economy, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system.

   comment: State holding listed companies should attach importance to the concept and measures of compliance market value management, improve investor communication, do a good job in information disclosure, increase the proportion of assessment market value of state-owned assets to maintain and increase their value Equity incentive With the coverage and strength of employee stock ownership, we will comprehensively improve the attention and importance of the market value of state-owned listed companies.

   Enter the "Three Times"! Cancellation of the lower limit of the first house loan interest rate in many places

Since this year, the first house loan interest rate has been continuously lowered in many places. As of mid January, the first house loan interest rate in 60 cities has entered the "three times". In addition, the lower limit of the first housing loan interest rate has been lowered or even cancelled in many places. The purpose of adjusting the loan interest rate of the first house more underground is to continue to create a loose policy environment, which means that the cost of house purchase will be reduced, which will promote the release of house purchase demand and accelerate the recovery of the property market.

   comment: Industry experts said to reporters that it is expected that more cities will follow up to reduce or cancel the lower limit of the interest rate of the first house loan. In combination with a series of policies such as "recognizing houses and not recognizing loans" and "reducing the down payment ratio" that have been implemented in the early stage, the threshold for home buyers to enter the market and the cost of loans are expected to be further reduced, which will help release housing demand and promote the repair of the real estate market this year.

   Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: The individual pension system will be fully implemented   

From the perspective of the overall social security situation, by the end of 2023, the number of people participating in the basic old-age insurance, unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance nationwide had reached 1.066 billion, 244 million and 302 million respectively, with year-on-year increases of 13.36 million, 5.66 million and 10.54 million. The income of the three social insurance funds in the whole year was 7.92 trillion yuan, the expenditure was 7.09 trillion yuan, and the accumulated balance at the end of the year was 8.24 trillion yuan. The overall operation of the funds was stable. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that in the next step, it will actively promote the national planning of pension insurance to ensure that pensions are paid in full and on time; Continuously expand the coverage of enterprise annuity; Promote qualified village collective economic organizations to subsidize urban and rural residents' pension insurance premiums, and increase personal account accumulation; Promote flexible employment personnel and new forms of employment workers to participate in old-age insurance; Carry out the pilot project of direct settlement for cross province and cross region medical treatment of industrial injury insurance.

   comment: The individual pension system is a supplementary pension insurance system supported by government policies, voluntarily participated by individuals, and operated by the market. The annual payment ceiling is 12000 yuan, which is part of the third pillar insurance with national institutional arrangements. According to the data from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, there are more than 50 million people who have opened accounts.

   What signal will be released when the Shanghai Shenzhen 300ETF is sold out?   

Since this year, the A-share market has continued to focus on the large market blue chip stocks, and the turnover of the large market broad based ETFs dominated by Shanghai and Shenzhen 300ETFs has dominated the screen for several consecutive trading days. According to data estimates, as of January 23, since this year, the top four stock ETF interval net subscriptions have all belonged to Shanghai and Shenzhen 300ETFs, and the net subscriptions of the four ETFs have all exceeded 20 billion yuan, totaling more than 92 billion yuan.

   comment: The Shanghai and Shenzhen 300ETF, which has been continuously bought by mysterious large funds, shows the anti decline property. As of January 23, CSI 300 Index During the year, it fell 5.81%, while the CSI 1000 and CSI 2000, representing small cap stocks, fell 13.72% and 14.83% respectively.

   US $25.17 billion, Tesla's latest "report card" was released, which fell by more than 4% after the day! Want to launch cheaper electric cars? Tesla Response

Tesla Announces Fourth Quarter Revenue US $25.17 billion, analysts expect US $25.87 billion Adjusted earnings per share in the fourth fiscal quarter was 0.71 dollars, and analysts expected 0.73 dollars; The gross profit rate in the fourth fiscal quarter was 17.6%, and analysts expected 18.1%; Free cash flow in the fourth quarter was 2.06 billion dollars, and analysts expected 1.45 billion dollars.

   comment: On January 24, a news that Tesla will produce new models attracted market attention. It is reported that Tesla has informed its suppliers that it hopes to start producing a new mass market electric vehicle code named "Redwood" in the middle of 2025, which is positioned as a "compact crossover vehicle". In this regard, Tesla China's relevant personage replied to the e company reporter: "Never heard of it".

   [Industry hotspot]

   Large increase in number of tourists, listed tourism enterprises expected to make outstanding achievements last year     

   Transformation and diversification become the main line of annual report of household appliance parts enterprises     

   Power battery installed capacity continues to increase, leading enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency to seize the market   

   More than 600 stocks were investigated by public offering, and 97 funds paid attention to hot stocks and new industries   

   [Market review]

   Class A: On January 24, the three major stock indexes reversed in a V-shape, and the Shanghai Index led the rally to the 5-day moving average. The transaction between the two markets reached 767 billion yuan. By the end of the day, the Shanghai Composite Index had closed at 2820.77, up 1.8%; The Shenzhen Composite Index closed at 8682.19, up 1%; The GEM Index closed at 1696.19, up 0.51%. Huatai Securities Analysts said that the recent meeting of the CSRC stressed that we should spare no effort to maintain the stable operation of the capital market, put the stable operation of the capital market in a more prominent position, vigorously improve the quality and investment value of listed companies, and build a valuation system for listed companies with Chinese characteristics.

   Hong Kong shares: Hong Kong shares, represented by Hang Seng Index, rose rapidly in late trading, once up more than 4%, and finally ended up 3.56%, the biggest one-day increase since the beginning of the year. At the same time, the exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar strengthened rapidly, closing at 7.1641, up 54 points from the previous trading day.

   US stocks: On Wednesday, the three major US stock indexes ended up and down at different levels. As of the close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.26% to 37808.67; The S&P 500 index rose 0.08% to 4868.55; The Nasdaq rose 0.36% to 15481.92.

   European shares: European shares closed higher, with Germany's DAX30 index rising 1.6%, Britain's FTSE 100 index rising 0.57%, France's CAC40 index rising 0.91%, and Europe's Stoxx 50 index rising 2.17%.

   Institutional Strategy

Some analysts said that securities companies are one of the beneficiary sectors of RRR reduction, and the future trend depends on whether the market has fully priced the benefits of RRR reduction.

The chief economist of a securities firm said that the securities firm index rose by 4.57%. Although the overall valuation is far higher than the bank index, the advantage is not significant from the perspective of valuation level, and it is not the first choice for value investors. However, securities companies have always been market amplifiers, often better than the performance of other sectors, which represents the main force's judgment on the nature of the market. From this perspective, there may be some room for short-term.

Zhang Cuixia believes that from the perspective of the overall driving effect of securities companies on A-shares, further observation of the quality is needed. At present, the trend of securities companies' stocks is still rebounding, and from the basic point of view, there is no ideal improvement. Secondly, there are only three trading limits in the current stock market of securities companies, and there are some hot money tactics with the characteristics of fast in and fast out. Once again, after the big rebound, it is better not to pursue the rise excessively, especially after the sharp rise, it is better to wait for the active callback before there is a margin of safety.

Judging from the recent analysis and judgment of the industry development by the institution, Xu Kang, a non bank analyst of Huachuang Securities (Analyst Jin Qilin) The team found through the re examination that since 2018, there have been 13 relatively obvious rises in the brokerage sector, which usually end in 38 days, outperforming the market by 13% on average. Generally speaking, when there is no significant policy positive impetus, the margin of excess returns created by the securities trader plate depends on the rise and fall of the market. If there is an obvious positive promotion of policies related to the capital market, the brokerage sector can usually outperform the market by 20% - 30%.

   [Topic company]

   Accumulated increase of more than 175% in 12 trading days Shenzhen Zhonghua A received the attention letter of Shenzhen Stock Exchange again      

On the evening of January 23, Shenzhen Stock Exchange again Deep China A A letter of concern was issued, asking the company to explain whether there have been major changes in the fundamentals and whether the recent stock price increase matches the company's fundamentals. In response to the above situation, the reporter called Shenzhen Zhonghua A on January 24, and the relevant person from the company's board secretary office said: "We have been concerned about the changes in the company's share price, and have issued announcements of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading according to regulatory requirements. At present, we are working hard to implement the second letter of concern issued by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Please pay attention to the relevant announcements issued by the company for specific conditions."

   A number of securities firms highlight their achievements in 2023: CITIC Securities' net profit decreases slightly

As of the evening of January 23, 20 securities companies have disclosed their performance in 2023 through performance express, performance forecast, release of unaudited financial data, etc. The performance express of CITIC Securities, the industry leader, disclosed that in 2023, CITIC Securities will achieve an operating income of RMB 60.047 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 7.77%; The net profit attributable to the shareholders of the parent company was 19.686 billion yuan, down 7.65% year on year.

   [Notice Tips]




300765 Xinnuowei

   [Hot spots]

Dongfeng Motor: The strategic cooperation between Dongfeng Landu and Huawei does not involve our company

Dongfeng Motor Corporation (600006) announced changes in stock trading on the evening of January 24 that the company learned that "Dongfeng Landu has reached strategic cooperation with Huawei", which attracted market attention. The company explained and clarified that Dongfeng Landu is a controlling subsidiary of the company's controlling shareholder Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd, The strategic cooperation between Dongfeng Landu and Huawei does not involve our company. Up to now, the Company has no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed.

Weston: The company's fundamentals and operating performance have not changed significantly

On the evening of January 24, Weston (301315) announced the changes in stock prices, saying that the company mainly provides industrial software represented by MOM and ERP for customers in the industrial and financial industries, and the development, operation and maintenance, technical services, software and hardware system integration and services of general emerging technology software products represented by big data and artificial intelligence technology. The company's main business, fundamentals and operating performance have not changed significantly. At present, the company's stock price earnings ratio is significantly higher than the industry average. The recent stock price of the company has risen significantly, and there is a short-term speculation risk. Investors should not blindly pursue higher prices and invest rationally.

Donggang Shares: The total shareholding ratio of the increased shares of Xintian Technology and others hit the listing line

Donggang Shares (002117) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company's shareholders Fei Zhanjun and Xintian Technology (300259) increased their total holdings of 0.9906% of the company's shares through centralized bidding transactions on January 22, resulting in the total holdings of the company's shares by Fei Zhanjun, Xintian Technology and their concerted actors rising from 4.7717% to 5.7623%, touching the 5% listing line.

   [Merger and reorganization]

Xinnuowei: planned to purchase 100% equity of BYK to deepen the layout of biomedical field

Newnova (300765) disclosed the plan for major asset restructuring in the evening of January 24. The company plans to purchase 100% of the equity of Biopharmaceutical Group (Shandong) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Biopharmaceutical Group") held by Weisheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Biopharmaceutical Shanghai and Enbipp Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., the company's related parties, by issuing shares and paying cash, The estimated value and pricing of the transaction assets have not been determined; At the same time, it is planned to issue shares to no more than 35 specific investors to raise matching funds. Shiyao Baike is an innovative biopharmaceutical enterprise with independent research and development capability as the core driving force, mainly focusing on innovative biopharmaceutical fields such as long-acting protein drugs. This transaction helps the company deepen the layout of the biopharmaceutical field, and accelerate the creation of a leading innovative biopharmaceutical platform. The company's shares resumed trading on January 25.

China Eastern Airlines: China Eastern Airlines E-commerce plans to acquire 55% equity of China Eastern Airlines Media for 126 million yuan

China Eastern Airlines (600115) announced in the evening of January 24 that the wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, China Eastern Airlines E-Commerce Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Eastern Airlines E-Commerce"), planned to acquire 55% of the equity of China Eastern Airlines Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Eastern Airlines Media") held by the company's controlling shareholder, China Eastern Airlines Group, at a price of about 126 million yuan.

Liancheng Precision: won 64.41% shares of Delong with 77295800 yuan

Liancheng Precision (002921) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company won 64.41% of the shares of Jiangsu Sumeida Delong Auto Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Delong Shares") held by Jiangsu Sumeida with 77295800 yuan.


Guangxin Materials: It is proposed to raise no more than 300 million yuan in summary procedures

Guangxin Materials (300537) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company planned to issue shares to specific objects in a simple procedure, and the total amount of funds to be raised would not exceed 300 million yuan, which would be used for projects with an annual output of 50000 tons of electronic photosensitive materials and supporting materials.

Zhongxin Fluorine Materials: the proposed increase in capital will not exceed 636 million yuan, and the controlling shareholders will participate in the subscription

Zhongxin Fluorochemical (002915) announced in the evening of January 24 that it planned to issue shares to no more than 35 specific investors, such as Baiyun Group, the company's controlling shareholder, to raise no more than 636 million yuan for the construction project of Zhongxin Gaobao new electrolyte materials, the construction project with an annual output of 2000 tons of BPEF, 500 tons of BPF and 1000 tons of 9-fluorone products Construction project of 1500t/d sewage treatment center in Xichang District of Zhejiang Zhongxin Fluorocarbon Co., Ltd. and supplementary working capital. Among them, the number of shares issued by Baiyun Group in cash is not less than 30% of the actual number of shares issued this time, and not more than 50% of the actual number of shares issued this time.

Financial Street: it is planned to apply for issuance of shelf storage CMBS of no more than 17 billion yuan

Financial Street (000402) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company planned to apply for the shelf issuance of CMBS with a total size of no more than 17 billion yuan. The proposed shelf issuance of CMBS includes newly issued CMBS and the renewal of existing CMBS. The property of each phase and its issuance size were determined in combination with the company and market conditions. In addition, the company plans to apply for public issuance of medium-term notes with a total face value of no more than 9.5 billion yuan (inclusive), which is basically used for borrowing new medium-term notes to repay old ones. The final size is subject to the approval of the regulatory authority.

   [Business performance]

Jinmo Shares: net profit of 3.126 billion yuan in 2023 increased by 134.18% year on year

Jinmo (601958) released its performance report on the evening of January 24, 2023, with an operating revenue of 11.631 billion yuan, up 22.03% year on year; Net profit attributable to the parent company was 3.126 billion yuan, up 134.18% year on year; Basic earnings per share is 0.97 yuan. During the reporting period, the molybdenum market prices at home and abroad continued to improve, the prices of major molybdenum products rose year-on-year, and the profitability of the company's products effectively improved.

GE shares: the net profit in 2023 will increase by 1079% to 1492% year on year

General Motors (601500) announced in the evening of January 24 that it is expected that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2023 will be 200 million to 270 million yuan, an increase of 1079% to 1492% year on year. During the reporting period, the domestic economic activities resumed and the consumption demand of overseas tire market was boosted, the prices of raw materials and ocean freight dropped, and the gross profit margin of the company's products increased significantly. The company's overseas dual bases continued to make efforts, among which the Thai factory maintained a booming production and sales, the Cambodian factory accelerated its production capacity, the tire production and sales volume achieved a significant growth, the market competitiveness continued to strengthen, and the profitability significantly improved.

Xiamen Airport: the net profit in 2023 will increase by 1042% - 1270% YoY

Xiamen Airport (600897) announced on the evening of January 24 that the company expects to realize a net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company of 321 million yuan to 385 million yuan in 2023, an increase of 1042% - 1270% year on year. During the reporting period, benefiting from the overall recovery of the civil aviation industry, the company's three major production indicators increased significantly year on year. In 2023, the company completed 177500 flights of air transport, 24.1041 million passengers, and 314400 tons of cargo and mail throughput, with year-on-year growth of 81.93%, 138.05%, and 19.95% respectively. The company's revenue grew significantly and its operating performance improved significantly.

Huafeng Shares: the net profit in 2023 will increase 323.85% to 408.62% YoY

Huafeng Shares (605100) announced on the evening of January 24 that it is expected to realize a net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company of 100 million to 120 million yuan in 2023, an increase of 323.85% to 408.62% year on year. In 2023, the company will seize the opportunity of structural growth in the downstream market, accelerate the optimization of product upgrading and structural adjustment, and achieve good growth in production and sales. In 2022, affected by the sluggish demand of the heavy truck market, the performance comparison base is small.

Changhong Meiling: the net profit in 2023 will increase 186.25-214.88% YoY

Changhong Meiling (000521) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 700 million yuan - 770 million yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 186.25% - 214.88%. During the reporting period, the company's main businesses, such as refrigerators (cabinets), air conditioners, washing machines, small household appliances, kitchen and bathroom, achieved good business performance. At the same time, the price of bulk raw materials declined year on year, and the company enjoyed the preferential policy of value-added tax deduction for advanced manufacturing enterprises.

Helenze: the net profit in 2023 will increase 181.86% - 195.61% year on year

Helenze (300201) released the performance forecast on the evening of January 24, and predicted that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 would be 205 million yuan - 215 million yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 181.86% - 195.61%. Since 2023, the company's market position has recovered and improved, and its operating income has increased significantly. The key components such as insulating arm of the company have been completely replaced by domestic ones. The company's aerial work vehicles and other products have strong market competitiveness, and the gross profit margin of products has remained at a high level.

Guoguang Shares: Net profit in 2023 will increase by 164.1% - 181.7% YoY

Guoguang (002749) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 300 million yuan - 320 million yuan, an increase of 164.1% - 181.7% year on year. During the reporting period, the company's business performance increased significantly. First, the company deepened its multi brand strategy, accelerated the expansion of multi-channel markets, and expanded product sales; Second, the price of upstream raw materials declined, and the company's gross profit margin and net profit margin rose to varying degrees compared with 2022; Third, the period expense rate of the company decreased significantly year on year.

Taiji Group: the net profit in 2023 will increase by 137.34% year on year

Taiji Group (600129) announced on the evening of January 24 that the company expected that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company in 2023 would be about 830 million yuan, with a year-on-year increase of about 137.34%. In 2023, the company will increase the sales of key products such as Taiji Huoxiang Zhengqi Oral Liquid, drive the sales growth of other products, and strictly control costs. The company's sales revenue and gross profit will achieve steady growth.

Nenghui Technology: Net profit in 2023 will increase by 121.86% - 186.89% YoY

Nenghui Technology (301046) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 58 million yuan - 75 million yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 121.86% - 186.89%. During the reporting period, the boundary conditions of existing orders (such as land and component prices) have undergone some positive changes compared with the previous year, and new orders have also released some profits. The total amount of orders and contracts obtained by the company increased, and the consumer photovoltaic business showed a steady growth trend.

Long cable technology: net profit in 2023 will increase 118.45% - 152.06% year-on-year

Long Cable Technology (002879) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 65 million yuan - 75 million yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 118.45% - 152.06%. During the reporting period, the Company accrued expenses related to employee stock ownership plans of 45.364 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.8482 million yuan. Excluding the impact of accrued expenses related to employee stock ownership plans, it is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be between 104 million yuan and 114 million yuan, an increase of 27.95% - 40.31% over the same period of the previous year. In addition, influenced by factors such as rising revenue and falling raw material costs, the company's net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 increased year on year.

Western Securities: Net profit in 2023 increased by 112.12% - 158.23% YoY

Western Securities (002673) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 908 million yuan - 1105 million yuan, an increase of 112.12% - 158.23% year on year. In 2023, the company's income from self operated investment business will increase significantly, the income from changes in fair value will turn from loss to profit on a year-on-year basis, and the net profit will rise significantly on a year-on-year basis.

Tonghe Technology: Net profit in 2023 will increase by 102.91% - 170.55% YoY

Tonghe Technology (300491) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 90 million yuan - 120 million yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 102.91% - 170.55%. During the reporting period, the company achieved rapid growth in operating revenue in the field of new energy vehicles and smart grids. Among them, the company continued to focus on the field of new energy vehicle charging. The operating revenue of charging modules increased significantly compared with the same period last year, while the gross profit margin increased, driving the overall revenue and net profit of the company to increase significantly in 2023.

Guizhou Tire: Net profit will increase 84.24% - 98.23% year-on-year in 2023

Guizhou Tire (000589) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 790 million yuan - 850 million yuan, an increase of 84.24% - 98.23% year on year. In 2023, the company's production and sales volume will increase compared with the previous year; The average price of raw materials is at a relatively low level. In addition, the capacity utilization rate of Vietnam projects has improved, the gross profit margin of products has increased, and the overall profitability of the company has improved.

Jiangnan Chemical: the net profit will increase by 55% - 85% year-on-year in 2023

Jiangnan Chemical (002226) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 740 million yuan - 883 million yuan, up 55% - 85% year on year. In 2023, the operation of the company's civil explosion industry will be stable and good, the adjustment of production capacity structure will continue to optimize, the promotion of "integration" of civil explosion will continue to deepen, and the main economic indicators will maintain a steady growth trend.

Huaxiang Shares: the net profit will increase by 45% to 55% year-on-year in 2023

Huaxiang Shares (603112) announced on the evening of January 24 that it is expected that the net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company will be 382 million to 408 million yuan in 2023, an increase of 45% to 55% year on year. During the reporting period, the company's operating profit achieved steady growth.

Zoomlion: the net profit in 2023 will increase by 46.57% - 56.98% YoY

Zoomlion (000157) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 3.38 billion yuan - 3.62 billion yuan, up 46.57% - 56.98% year on year. During the reporting period, the company's excavator, aerial working machinery, mining machinery and other emerging business segments developed rapidly, and its market position continued to improve.

Liu Gong: Net profit will increase by 35% - 60% year-on-year in 2023

Liu Gong (000528) released a performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 809 million yuan - 959 million yuan, up 35% - 60% year on year. During the reporting period, the company's international business maintained stable development, and the international business of more than 30 product lines achieved rapid growth, with the growth rate surpassing the industry by nearly 20 percentage points. The international business revenue exceeded 10 billion yuan for the first time, with a year-on-year growth of more than 30%; The company's aerial vehicles, industrial vehicles, prestressed, post market and other weak cycle, new strategic businesses have accelerated development, and the performance contribution is rapidly improving; The impact of the amount of non recurring profit and loss expected by the Company on net profit increased significantly year on year, mainly due to the sale of its main productive assets by the wholly-owned subsidiary Liugong Ruista Machinery Co., Ltd.

Huitai Medical: the net profit in 2023 will increase by 42.45% to 57.81% YoY

Huitai Medical (688617) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company expects to realize a net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company of 510 million yuan to 565 million yuan in 2023, an increase of 42.45% to 57.81% year on year. In 2023, the company will continue to carry out various marketing activities, rapidly expand hospital coverage and penetration, continuously expand brand awareness and influence, and actively expand overseas markets. Each product line will grow to varying degrees compared with the same period last year.

Good wife: the net profit will increase by 40% to 60% year-on-year in 2023

Goodwife (603848) announced on the evening of January 24 that the company expects to realize a net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company of 318 million yuan to 363 million yuan in 2023, an increase of 40% to 60% year on year. During the reporting period, under the influence of smart home, scientific and technological innovation, industrial upgrading, consumption recovery and other aspects, the company focused on brand building, channel development, intelligent production, product innovation, continuous cost reduction and efficiency increase, comprehensively improving the overall competitiveness of the company, and laying a good foundation for performance growth.

Zhaochi Shares: Net profit in 2023 will increase by 30.9% - 57.08% YoY

Zhaochi Shares (002429) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 1.5 billion yuan - 1.8 billion yuan, up 30.9% - 57.08% year on year. In 2023, the annual shipment of the company's TV ODM is expected to be about 10.5 million sets, ranking third in the annual shipment of the world's top TV ODM factories, with a year-on-year increase of 24.7%, the largest increase among TV ODM factories. Wisdom shows stable growth on a month on month basis. The company's LED industry chain performance grew strongly, and the chain performance of each segment improved significantly.

Guangdong Expressway A: the net profit in 2023 was 1.634 billion yuan, up 28.01% year on year

Guangdong Expressway A (000429) released its performance report on the evening of January 24, 2023, with an operating revenue of 4.879 billion yuan, up 17.04% year on year; Net profit attributable to the parent company was 1.634 billion yuan, up 28.01% year on year; Basic earnings per share is 0.78 yuan.

Jiufeng Energy: 2023 net profit pre increased on a year-on-year basis Cash dividends proposed by the controller

Jiufeng Energy (605090) announced on the evening of January 24 that the company expects to realize a net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company of 1.3 billion yuan to 1.33 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 19.27% to 22.03%. Zhang Jianguo and Cai Lihong, the Company's actual controllers, proposed the following annual cash dividend of the Company in 2023: based on the total share capital registered on the registration date of equity distribution (deducting the accumulated repurchased shares in the special account for repurchases), they would distribute a cash dividend of 4 yuan (tax included) per 10 shares to all shareholders. The company expects to realize a net profit attributable to the parent company of no less than 1.5 billion yuan in 2024.

China Resources Sanjiu: Net profit in 2023 increased by 15.08% - 25.16% YoY

China Resources Sanjiu (000999) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2023 will be 2.818 billion yuan - 3.065 billion yuan, up 15.08% - 25.16% year on year.

Huaqin Technology: the net profit will increase by 4.69% in 2023

Huaqin Technology (603296) announced on the evening of January 24 that, through preliminary accounting, the company is expected to achieve operating revenue of about 85.1 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year decrease of about 8.1%; It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company will be about 2.68 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of about 4.69%. With the development of AI technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, it will boost the development of intelligent terminals, high-performance computing products, automotive and industrial products, AIOT and other fields in the industry. The electronic information industry where the company is located is expected to enter a moderate recovery cycle, and the industry prosperity will show a rising trend, which will have a positive impact on the company's operation.

Gui Faxiang: RMB56 million to RMB66 million in 2023

Gui Faxiang (002820) released the performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 56 million yuan - 66 million yuan, and the adjusted net profit loss in the same period last year will be 69.7201 million yuan. Since 2023, the company has made full use of the recovery opportunities of the consumer market, adjusted its thinking in product structure adjustment, channel construction, brand marketing and promotion, increased its development and optimization efforts, and taken advantage of the increasingly active regional tourism market to comprehensively drive the stability and recovery of performance and significantly increase its business income.

Tianfu Energy: expected profit of about 452 million yuan in 2023 will turn around losses on a year-on-year basis

Tianfu Energy (600509) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company expects to achieve a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of about 452 million yuan in 2023, which will turn losses into profits on a year-on-year basis. During the reporting period, the two-part electricity price system was implemented for industrial users of 10kV and above, the power grid transmission and distribution electricity price standard was clarified, the electricity price formation mechanism was improved, and the industrial electricity price returned to a reasonable range, thus increasing the power supply revenue and leading to increased profits of the company; The purchase price of coal of the company has dropped, and the purchased electricity has significantly decreased year on year, comprehensively reducing the company's power supply cost and improving the company's profitability.

Jixiang Airlines: The expected profit will reach 680 million yuan to 880 million yuan in 2023, and the loss will turn around year on year

Jixiang Airlines (603885) announced on the evening of January 24 that the company expects that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company in 2023 will be 680 million to 880 million yuan, which will turn losses into profits compared with the same period last year. During the reporting period, benefiting from the recovery of the industry and the increase of passenger travel demand, the company's production and operation data increased significantly compared with the same period last year.

Changchun Gas: an advance loss of 76.7834 million yuan in 2023, a year-on-year decrease

Changchun Gas (600333) announced on the evening of January 24 that the company expected to realize a net profit loss attributable to the owners of the parent company of about 76.7834 million yuan in 2023, a decrease of about 21.7862 million yuan compared with the same period last year. In 2023, the company's gas business increased revenue but did not increase profits. Due to the rise in upstream prices, the amount of forward price adjustment failed to fully cover the rise in gas purchase prices.

Qingshan Paper: the net profit will decrease by 32% to 45% year on year in 2023

Qingshan Paper (600103) announced on the evening of January 24 that it is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company in 2023 will be 115 million to 141 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 32% to 45%. Affected by the weak market demand and the impact of imported paper, the price of pulp and paper, the company's leading product, fell significantly compared with the previous year in the reporting period, and the business performance declined. The optoelectronic business of the company was affected by the decline in overseas market demand, and the sales volume of products dropped significantly compared with that of the previous year, and the operating performance declined.

Jinhe Industry: the net profit in 2023 will decrease 57.23% - 59.59% YoY

Jinhe Industry (002597) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 685 million yuan - 725 million yuan, down 57.23% - 59.59% year on year. During the reporting period, affected by the industry cycle and market competition, the sales prices of the company's main products have declined to varying degrees compared with 2022, resulting in a year-on-year decline in performance.

Han's CNC: Net profit will decrease by 62.04% - 70.09% year-on-year in 2023

Han's Numerical Control (301200) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 130 million yuan - 165 million yuan, down 62.04% - 70.09% year on year. In 2023, the overall demand of PCB industry will be sluggish, the capital expenditure of downstream customers will be significantly reduced, and some expansion projects will be delayed or cancelled, which will have a great impact on the company's equipment orders, leading to a decline in the company's operating income and profit compared with the same period last year.

Hongyuan Electronics: the net profit in 2023 will decrease by 64.95% to 68.68% on a year-on-year basis

Hongyuan Electronics (603267) announced on the evening of January 24 that the company expects to realize net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company of 252 million yuan to 282 million yuan in 2023, which will decrease by 64.95% to 68.68% compared with the same period last year after retroactive adjustment. During the reporting period, the appearance of the downstream market of the electronic component industry where the company is located continued to be depressed, and customer demand continued to decline. The sales orders of the core products of the company's self-produced business, high reliable ceramic dielectric capacitors, and agency business, all significantly shrank, and the sales delivery declined accordingly, leading to a decrease in the company's overall operating revenue.

Huadian Heavy Industry: the net profit in 2023 will decrease by 65% to 73% year on year

Huadian Heavy Industry (601226) announced on the evening of January 24 that it is expected that the company will achieve a net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company of 83 million yuan to 107 million yuan in 2023, a year-on-year decrease of 65% to 73%. Affected by the reduction of the initial inventory projects and the implementation cycle of newly signed projects, the main business income in the reporting period declined year-on-year, and the corresponding profits also declined; In addition, due to the slow recovery of the domestic offshore wind power business market and the late start of some signed projects, there were fewer offshore wind power projects implemented during the reporting period, the utilization efficiency of ship engines was not high, and the high fixed costs of ship engines affected the company's profitability.

Zhende Medical: the net profit in 2023 will decrease by 69.17% to 71.37% year on year

Zhende Medical (603301) announced on the evening of January 24 that the company expects to achieve a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of 195 million yuan to 210 million yuan in 2023, a year-on-year decrease of 69.17% to 71.37%. It is estimated that in 2023, the operating revenue will reach 4.1 billion yuan to 4.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 31.57% to 33.2%, mainly due to the control of public health events in 2023, the market demand for isolation and protection products will decline significantly, and the sales of isolation and protection products will decline significantly, which will have a significant negative impact on the company's operating revenue and profits. In 2023, the company's income and gross profit margin after excluding isolation and protection articles realized a steady growth.

Yutong Optics: the net profit in 2023 will decrease by 71.56% - 77.11% year-on-year

Yutong Optics (300790) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 33 million yuan - 41 million yuan, down 71.56% - 77.11% year on year. During the reporting period, the market competition intensified, and the product price and gross profit margin decreased compared with the previous year; Some subsidiaries are in the climbing stage of production capacity and have not yet made profits; The company's financial expenses increased.

Valin Seiko: an advance loss of 80 million yuan to 120 million yuan in 2023

Valin Seiko (603356) announced on the evening of January 24 that the company expects to realize a net profit loss attributable to the owners of the parent company of 80 million yuan to 120 million yuan in 2023. Compared with the same period last year, the loss will increase by 70.5238 million yuan to 111 million yuan. In recent years, the growth rate of China's real estate market has slowed down, leading to increasingly fierce competition in the elevator and related accessories industry. At the same time, affected by the market environment and fluctuations in raw materials, the company's bargaining space in the upstream and downstream has decreased, the demand for orders has shrunk, and the profit space has been compressed. Therefore, the overall sales revenue and profit of the company in the forecast period are declining.

Weike Technology: expected loss of about 123 million yuan in 2023

Weike Technology (600152) announced on the evening of January 24 that the company expected to realize a net profit loss attributable to the owners of the parent company of about 123 million yuan in 2023, which increased compared with the same period last year. In 2023, the main raw materials of the company, such as lithium cobalt oxide, will be greatly reduced in price, which will lead to downstream customers' demand to reduce the product price. However, the company bought the main materials at a high level in the early stage and has some inventories, which will further reduce the original profit space.

Cuiwei Shares: advance loss of 510 million yuan to 590 million yuan in 2023

Cuiwei Shares (603123) announced on the evening of January 24 that the company expects to realize a net profit loss attributable to shareholders of the listed company of 510 million yuan to 590 million yuan in 2023, and a net profit loss attributable to the parent company of 439 million yuan in the same period last year. During the reporting period, the retail business of the company gradually returned to normal operation, and the sales revenue increased to some extent. However, affected by the market environment and other factors, the company has not yet reached an ideal state. At the same time, due to the increase in the cost of store clothing adjustment in the early stage, the operating performance of the retail business of the company has not reached the profit expectation.

Xiangjia Shares: an advance loss of 115 million to 145 million yuan in 2023

Xiangjia Shares (002982) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 24. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 115 million to 145 million yuan, and the profit in the same period last year will be 106 million yuan. In 2023, the market for live poultry is relatively low, the unit sales price is relatively low, and the loss of live poultry business is large; Gross profit margin of fresh products has declined; Although the cost of raw materials decreased slightly, it was still at a high level.

New Wufeng: expected loss of 1.1 billion to 1.4 billion yuan in 2023

New Wufeng (600975) announced in the evening of January 24 that it is expected that the company will achieve a net profit loss attributable to the owners of the parent company of 1.1 billion yuan to 1.4 billion yuan in 2023, and a net profit loss attributable to the parent company of 75.9987 million yuan in the same period last year. In 2023, the company's pig business will develop steadily. The number of pigs sold will be about 3.2 million, with a year-on-year increase of 75%. However, the price of pigs will continue to fall, and the company's breeding business profit will decline significantly year-on-year. Due to the decline of pig price, the Company has withdrawn inventory falling price reserves for the consumable biological assets on hand.

Longyuan Construction: an advance loss of 900 million yuan to 1.3 billion yuan in 2023 will turn into a loss year on year

Long Yuan Construction (600491) announced on the evening of January 24 that the company expects to achieve a net profit loss of 900 million to 1.3 billion yuan (380 million yuan in the same period of last year) attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2023. Affected by the macroeconomic environment, industry environment and other factors, the company's new orders decreased, and its operating revenue declined year on year. At the same time, due to less than expected receivables, the corresponding asset impairment provision increased significantly.

Everbright Jiabao: about 2 billion yuan of advance loss in 2023 will turn into loss on a year-on-year basis

Everbright Garbo (600622) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company expects to realize a net profit loss of about 2 billion yuan attributable to the owners of the parent company in 2023, which will be a loss compared with 58002900 yuan in the same period of the previous year. Due to the needs of the company's transformation and development, the business of the residential development sector has not had any new projects for many years, and the resources that can be carried forward are decreasing day by day. The profit carried forward from the stock projects has decreased significantly compared with the same period last year; The office building projects invested by the company are greatly affected by the two-way squeeze of supply and demand, and the asset value of some projects has declined compared with the same period of last year, resulting in the company's investment losses.

Celis: the expected loss in 2023 will be 2.1 billion yuan to 2.7 billion yuan

Celis (601127) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company expects to realize a net profit loss of 2.1 billion yuan to 2.7 billion yuan attributable to the owners of the parent company in 2023. High R&D investment in core technologies and products of high-end smart electric vehicles has increased R&D expenses and labor costs, affecting current performance; The sales in the first three quarters were low, and the fixed expenses and related expenses were high, which affected the current performance; In order to increase the sales volume in the fourth quarter, the market promotion was strengthened in the first half of the year, and the cost of raw materials was high in the first half of the year, which affected the current performance. In the fourth quarter, M7 and M9 were launched, and the company's profitability is expected to be further enhanced.

   [Increase/decrease of holdings&repurchase]

Huace Navigation: the actual controller plans to increase the company's shares by 30 million to 50 million yuan

On the evening of January 24, Huace Navigation (300627) announced that Zhao Yanping, the controlling shareholder, actual controller and chairman of the board of directors of the company, planned to increase his shareholding in the company, with the total amount of shareholding not less than 30 million yuan and not more than 50 million yuan.

Chenzhan Optoelectronics: the person acting in concert of the actual controller plans to increase shares by 10 million to 20 million yuan

Chenzhan Optoelectronics (003019) announced in the evening of January 24 that Baodeyang Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd., controlled by Jiang Chaorui, the company's actual controller, planned to increase its holdings of the company's shares through centralized bidding transactions, with the proposed amount of increase of no less than 10 million yuan and no more than 20 million yuan, and the proposed price of increase of no more than 22 yuan/share.

Mingguan New Material: the controlling shareholders plan to increase their shares by 10 million to 20 million yuan in concert

Mingguan Xincai (688560) announced in the evening of January 24 that Shanghai Boqiang, the person acting in concert with Yan Hongjia, the controlling shareholder of the company, planned to implement the shareholding increase plan within three months from January 25, and increase the shares of the company through the centralized bidding trading system. The total amount of increased shares was not less than 10 million yuan and not more than 20 million yuan.

Hangjin Technology: the general manager of the subsidiary plans to increase shares by no less than 10 million yuan

Hangjin Technology (000818) announced in the evening of January 24 that Tang Chunfeng, the general manager of the holding subsidiary Chaoqing Digital Intelligence, planned to increase his holding of the company's shares through centralized bidding transactions in the secondary market, with the amount of increase not less than 10 million yuan, and the period of increase was from January 25 to July 24, 2024.

Yuancheng Shares: the controlling shareholder acting in concert terminates the transfer of 5.57% of the company's shares

Yuancheng Shares (603388) announced in the evening of January 24 that Hangzhou Beijia Investment Co., Ltd., the person acting in concert with the company's controlling shareholders, originally planned to transfer its 18.13 million shares (5.57% of the company's total share capital) to Zhang Jianfei at a price of 8.83 yuan per share, with a total transfer price of 160 million yuan. Due to the arrangement of Hangzhou Beijia Investment Co., Ltd. and other reasons, Hangzhou Beijia Investment Co., Ltd. and Zhang Jianfei negotiated and reached an agreement on the termination of the agreement to transfer part of the company's shares on January 24.

Neusoft Group: planned to buy back shares of 100 million to 200 million yuan for cancellation

Neusoft Group (600718) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company planned to buy back shares by means of centralized bidding transaction for cancellation. The total amount of buyback funds should not be less than 100 million yuan, not more than 200 million yuan, and the buyback price should not exceed 12 yuan/share.

Science, engineering and energy technology: planned to buy back shares of 90 million to 180 million yuan

Science, Engineering and Energy Technology (002322) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company planned to buy back its shares in the form of centralized bidding transactions for equity incentive or employee stock ownership plans. The amount of the buyback should not exceed 180 million yuan, not less than 90 million yuan, and the buyback price should not exceed 18 yuan/share.

Zhang Xiaoquan: The Chairman proposes to buy back shares of 30 million yuan to 40 million yuan

Zhang Xiaoquan (301055) announced in the evening of January 24 that Zhang Zhangsheng, one of the company's actual controllers and chairman, proposed that the company buy back the company's shares through centralized bidding transactions for equity incentive or employee stock ownership plans, with the total amount of repurchase funds not less than 30 million yuan and not more than 40 million yuan.

Meiliansheng: the actual controller proposes to buy back shares of 30 million to 60 million yuan

In the evening of January 24, Maxon (688458) announced that CHENG BAOHONG, the company's actual controller, chairman and general manager, proposed that the company buy back the company's shares by way of centralized bidding with over raised funds, and use them to implement employee stock ownership plans and/or equity incentives at an appropriate time in the future. The total amount of repurchase funds shall not be less than 30 million yuan and not more than 60 million yuan, and the price of repurchased shares shall not exceed 75 yuan/share.

Alto Electronics: proposed to buy back shares of 10 million to 20 million yuan

Aotuo Electronics (002587) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company plans to buy back its shares in the form of centralized bidding transactions for the implementation of employee stock ownership plans or equity incentives. The total amount of funds for share buyback is not less than 10 million yuan and not more than 20 million yuan.

Wolong Electric Drive: planned to buy back shares of 50 million to 100 million yuan

Wolong Electric Drive (600580) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company plans to buy back some shares for equity incentive plan by means of centralized bidding transaction. The total capital of the shares to be repurchased is not less than 50 million yuan, not more than 100 million yuan, and the repurchase price is not more than 16.92 yuan/share.

Huaguang New Material: planned to buy back shares of 15 million to 30 million yuan

Huaguang New Material (688379) announced in the evening of January 24 that it planned to buy back the company's shares in the form of centralized bidding transactions for the implementation of employee stock ownership plans or equity incentives. The total amount of repurchase funds should not exceed 30 million yuan, not less than 15 million yuan, and the repurchase price should not exceed 25 yuan/share.

Rhine Biological: planned to buy back shares of 100 million to 200 million yuan

Rhine Biological (002166) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company planned to buy back shares in the form of centralized bidding for the implementation of equity incentive plans or employee stock ownership plans. The amount of buyback was not less than 100 million yuan and not more than 200 million yuan, and the buyback price was not more than 8.5 yuan per share.

Xianglou New Material: proposed to buy back shares of 50 million to 100 million yuan

Xianglou Xincai (301160) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company planned to buy back the company's shares in the form of centralized bidding transaction for employee stock ownership plan, equity incentive or conversion of convertible corporate bonds issued by listed companies. The total amount of funds to be repurchased is not less than 50 million yuan and not more than 100 million yuan, and the price of shares to be repurchased is not more than 58 yuan/share.

Tianyu Shares: proposed to buy back shares of RMB25 million to RMB50 million

Tianyu Shares (300702) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company planned to buy back its shares in the form of centralized bidding transactions for the implementation of equity incentive plans or employee stock ownership plans. The total amount of repurchase funds is between 25 million yuan and 50 million yuan, and the repurchase price does not exceed 31.3 yuan/share.

Gold kitchen cabinet: planned to buy back shares of 30 million to 60 million yuan

Gold Kitchen Cabinet (603180) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company planned to buy back shares for equity incentive, employee stock ownership plan and convertible bond conversion by means of centralized bidding transaction. The total amount of buyback funds should not be less than 30 million yuan, not more than 60 million yuan, and the buyback price should not exceed 36.58 yuan/share.

Vast depth: proposed to buy back shares of RMB20 million to RMB40 million

On the evening of January 24, Haohan Depth (688292) announced that the company planned to buy back its shares by means of centralized bidding transaction. The total amount of funds for the buyback of shares should not be less than 20 million yuan, not more than 40 million yuan, and the buyback price should not exceed 40 yuan/share. The repurchased shares will be fully used for the company's employee stock ownership plan or equity incentive at a suitable time in the future.

Tiantong Shares: proposed to buy back shares of 100 million to 200 million yuan

Tiantong Shares (600330) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company plans to repurchase some of the company's issued A-shares for employee stock ownership plans, with the total amount of repurchase funds no less than 100 million yuan and no more than 200 million yuan, and the repurchase price no more than 11 yuan/share.

   [Successful Contract]

CRCC: The newly signed contract amount will exceed 3.29 trillion yuan in 2023, with a year-on-year increase of 1.51%

China Railway Construction (601186) announced on the evening of January 24 that the newly signed contract amount of the company from October to December 2023 was 1507.667 billion yuan; From January to December 2023, the cumulative amount of new contracts signed is 3293.87 billion yuan, up 1.51% year on year.

High energy environment: holding subsidiaries jointly won the bid for Beijing Shunyi District Leachate Treatment Project

High Energy Environment (603588) announced in the evening of January 24 that Tianjin High Energy Times Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of the company, won the bid for the operation and maintenance project of Beijing Shunyi District Waste Leachate Treatment Project, with a winning amount of 112 million yuan.

Qiaoyin Shares: about 121 million yuan Mawei Town sanitation operation integration service project

Qiaoyin (002973) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company would win the bid for the environmental sanitation operation integration service project in Mawei Town, Mawei District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, with a winning amount of about 121 million yuan and a service period of three years.

Hengshang Energy Conservation: recently won a total of 293 million yuan in major engineering projects

Hengshang Energy Conservation (603137) announced on the evening of January 24 that recently, the company won the bid for the curtain wall project of the 12th Bid Section of the 105 Community Finance West 9th Project in Lingang New Area (except the pile foundation part of Plot 12-01), with the winning amount of 110 million yuan, accounting for about 5.65% of the company's operating income in 2022. The company won the bid for the curtain wall project of the 11th bid section of the 105 Community Finance West 9th Project in Lingang New Area (excluding the pile foundation part of Plot 15-01), with the winning amount of 183 million yuan, accounting for 9.43% of the company's operating income in 2022. The total bid winning amount is 293 million yuan.

New Beiyang: Holding subsidiary wins the bid for the procurement project of China Post Group

New Beiyang (002376) announced in the evening of January 24 that Weihai New Beiyang Rongxin Technology Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary, won the bid for China Post Group's 2023 Automatic Deposit Service (CRS) procurement project.

Guangdong Hydropower: the amount of newly signed construction projects in the fourth quarter of 2023 is 27.747 billion yuan

Guangdong Hydropower (002060) announced on the evening of January 24 that 532 new construction projects were signed in the fourth quarter of 2023, with a total amount of 27.747 billion yuan. As of December 31, 2023, the total amount of contracted and uncompleted construction projects is 182.333 billion yuan, and the total amount of contracted and awarded construction projects is 11.328 billion yuan as of December 31, 2023.

Chengbang Shares: won the bid for the landscape greening project of 91.3513 million yuan

Chengbang Shares (603316) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company had won the bid for the landscape greening project of Minnan Buddhist College relocation (lower courtyard construction) project, with the bid winning price of 91.3513 million yuan.


SRI New Material: industrial projects such as materials for thrust chamber of liquid rocket engine to be built

Sirui New Material (688102) announced on the evening of January 24 that the company plans to invest in the construction of "Liquid Rocket Engine Thrust Chamber Materials, Parts and Components Industrialization Project", with a total investment of 510 million yuan, including 230 million yuan in the first phase and 280 million yuan in the second phase. The overall project is expected to achieve an annual output of about 300 tons of forgings, 400 sets of rocket engine injector panels, 1100 sets of rocket engine thrust inner wall, outer wall and other components. In addition, Xi'an Sirui Advanced Copper Alloy Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, is now planning to invest 820 million yuan in the construction of "Sirui New Material Technology Industrial Park Construction Project (I)", including the annual production of 30000 sets of medical imaging equipment and other electric vacuum materials, parts and components research and development and industrialization projects, with a planned investment of 400 million yuan; The project with an annual output of 20 million sets of optical module chip base/shell materials and components is planned to invest 320 million yuan; The project of tungsten copper alloy materials and parts is planned to invest 100 million yuan.

Aerospace Appliances: the proposed Zengcheng civil connector and civil motor industry production plant project

Aerospace Appliances (002025) announced in the evening of January 2 that the company planned to invest about 489 million yuan in the construction of civil connector and civil motor industry production plant project (Phase I) within the newly purchased land in Zengcheng District, Guangzhou City, to optimize and integrate the industry of Aerospace Appliances in South China and provide a stable business site and development space for subsequent development, Support the development of civil industry of aerospace appliances.

GAC Group: proposed to adjust the equity of GAC Hino

GAC Group (601238) announced in the evening of January 24 that in order to respond to the rapid development trend of new energy vehicles and realize the strategic transformation of joint venture GAC Hino to new energy commercial vehicles, the shareholders agreed to adjust the equity of GAC Hino. The company, Guangzhou Hydrogen Cloud New Energy Technology Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as "Hydrogen Cloud New Energy") 39.72% and 5.45% shares of GAC Hino held by Hino Automatic Vehicle Co., Ltd. were transferred with RMB 29.6909 million and RMB 4.0739 million respectively; After the above equity adjustment, the company, Hino Automatic Vehicle Co., Ltd. and Hydrogen Cloud New Energy held 89.72%, 4.83% and 5.45% shares respectively; At the same time, the three shareholders jointly increased capital by 699 million yuan according to the above equity adjusted share ratio, including 627 million yuan of capital increase of the company, 33.7648 million yuan of capital increase of Hino Auto Co., Ltd., and 38.0991 million yuan of capital increase of Hydrogen Cloud New Energy.

Aonong Biology: newly increased overdue debt of 319 million yuan, accumulated overdue debt of 1.438 billion yuan

Aonong Biology (603363) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company's working capital was tight, resulting in the company and some subsidiaries' failure to repay some debts on schedule. As of January 23, the company's newly increased overdue debt principal and interest in financial institutions totaled about 319 million yuan, accounting for 12.76% of the company's latest audited net assets. As of January 23, the accumulated overdue debt principal and interest of the Company in banks, financial leasing companies and other financial institutions was about 1.438 billion yuan (excluding the repaid part), accounting for 57.45% of the Company's latest audited net assets.

Guangdong Electric Power A: Zhaoqing Dinghu Natural Gas Cogeneration Project Put into Commercial Operation

On the evening of January 24, Guangdong Electric Power A (000539) announced that Unit 1 of Zhaoqing Dinghu Natural Gas Cogeneration Project, invested and constructed by the holding subsidiary Guangdong Yuedian Yong'an Natural Gas Cogeneration Co., Ltd., had passed 168 hour full load test run, successfully realized grid connection and was officially put into commercial operation. The project is planned to build two 460MW natural gas cogeneration units and supporting heat supply network project, with a total investment of 2.998 billion yuan. It is a key construction project in Guangdong Province in 2023. The project is expected to generate 2.9 billion kilowatt hours of electricity annually and provide 560 tons of heat per hour.

Goldstone Resources: Amethyst Mining, a holding subsidiary, plans to resume production after the Spring Festival

Jinshi Resources (603505) announced in the evening of January 24 that the project department of Zhejiang Tianzeng Construction Group Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of the company, Amethyst Mining, located in Yanqian Village, Xinchang Township, Changshan County, had a safety production accident on October 1, 2023, which led to the temporary suspension of production and business of fluorite mine in Yanqian, Amethyst Mining. Now the company has received the report of Amethyst Mining, and has received the Rectification Review Opinion on January 24, 2024. It confirms that the relevant rectification has been completed and agrees to resume production. Because some workers have returned home during the shutdown period of Amethyst Mining and the Spring Festival is approaching, Amethyst Mining plans to fully resume production after the Spring Festival in 2024.

Zhenyang Development: normal production is resumed after maintenance of production equipment

Zhenyang Development (603213) announced in the evening of January 24 that the company would start the whole system shutdown maintenance of its production devices on January 5, 2024, and the planned shutdown maintenance time would be 19 days. Up to now, the whole system shutdown maintenance of the above production devices has been completed and normal production has resumed.

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  • 03 / Tesla's revenue in the fourth quarter was slightly lower than expected. Because this year's sales growth may be lower than last year's, the stock price once fell by more than 5% after hours
  • 04 / Last year's profits fell for the first time in seven years. In the fourth quarter, profits fell by 40%. Tesla's performance was less than expected and fell by 5% after hours
  • 05 / The auction of 5-year US debt in the United States was a shock. Media: Few people want to subscribe
  • 06 / Hedge funds that made a lot of money in the first two years of the epidemic bet on gold and uranium, believing that uranium supply shortage is approaching
  • 07 / Headline in the external market: The AI craze pushed Microsoft's market value to $3 trillion, and the Euroblue chip index hit a 23 year high. Plus, the central bank kept the interest rate unchanged, indicating that the interest rate increase has been completed
  • 08 / Overnight news: US stocks may rise for two days in a row due to ups and downs. Tesla's performance fails to meet market expectations. It is expected that sales growth will decline significantly. What signals will the US GDP data reveal
  • 09 / Microsoft milestone! The market value in the session reached $3 trillion, becoming the second member of the "3 trillion club"
  • ten / Artificial intelligence craze drives the market value to stand at $3 trillion. Microsoft strengthens its position in the "seven giants" of science and technology
  • 7X24 hours

  • 01-30 Shanghai Hejing six hundred and eighty-eight thousand five hundred and eighty-four --
  • 01-30 Nova Nebula three hundred and one thousand five hundred and eighty-nine --
  • 01-29 Chengdu Huawei six hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and nine --
  • 01-24 Haisheng Pharmaceutical eight hundred and seventy thousand six hundred and fifty-six nineteen point nine
  • 01-24 Huayang Intelligent three hundred and one thousand five hundred and two twenty-eight point zero one
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