Le Pen said that if she won the French parliamentary election, she would not force Makron to step down

Le Pen said that if she won the French parliamentary election, she would not force Makron to step down
08:55, June 17, 2024 Global Market Broadcast

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Le Pen, the extreme right-wing leader of France, said that if she wins the parliamentary election held in advance in France, she will not try to oust President Makron to attract moderates and investors.

"I respect the system and will not allow it to be confused," Le Pen told the Figaro newspaper. "It's very simple. Everyone will coexist with each other."

Le Pen extended an olive branch to the mainstream voters in order to consolidate the majority of seats in the next parliament, which will cause an earthquake in European politics. Her National Union is expected to become the largest party in the House of Commons, which has aroused the vigilance of investors, France's international partners and some French public.

On Saturday, tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets of France to oppose Le Pen's stance on human rights, the environment and the economy. Since Makron dissolved the National Assembly a week ago, the French financial market has also fallen sharply, and the market value of the stock market has lost about 210 billion dollars.

The market was worried about the political turmoil in France. The French 10-year treasury bond futures opened low in the Asian trading session, falling 36 points to 123.91, and rose 60 points on Friday. Last week, the difference between the 10-year bond yields of France and Germany widened by 29 basis points, the highest since 2017.

"He is the one who is confused," she told the Figaro newspaper. "Social chaos, security problems and immigration problems are also in chaos, and now there is institutional chaos."

According to the Ifop poll results released by the Sunday Weekly on Sunday, the National League is expected to win 35% of the votes in the first round of voting on June 30, with the left-wing People's Front ranking second with 26% of the votes, and Ma Kelon's Ba'ath Party ranking third with 19% of the votes. These forecasts are basically consistent with the previous survey results on Monday and Tuesday.

Le Pen said that if she can form a majority party, she will lead the parliamentary core group of the party, whether it is the National League members themselves or with allies, and Jordan Bardella, the 28 year old party leader, will become the prime minister. The two rounds of elections will end on July 7.

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